
2023-07-28 00:44:43Miss英语笔记10:47 24.1万


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M: Hello everyone and welcome to EnglishPod! My name is Marco.

E: And I’m Erica.

M: How are you, Erica?

E: Marco, I’m doing really well! How about you?

M: I’m doing great! I’m really excited, because today we’re talking about travel.

E: That’s right, we’re gonna give you some real English to talk about travel.

M: Exactly, English that you would use in everyday life, that you hear in movies, it TV


E: English people actually use.

M: Exactly, so, why don’t you tell us a little bit about this lesson for today?

E: Okay, so, today we are going to listen as a husband and wife get ready to go on a trip.

M: Alright, that sounds a little bit complicated.

E: Aha.

M: Hehe.

E: Well, let’s look at our two preview words.

Voice: Vocabulary preview.

M: Okay, so, the first word that we have is road trip.

E: Road trip.

M: Road trip.

E: Road trip.

M: Okay, so, road trips are really fun and interesting, right?

E: Road trips are great. You get to get in a car with your family and drive on a vacation.

M: Yeah, that was a really fun and they’re really popular in North America.

E: Really popular. I’ve been on a million road trips.

M: Hehe, Alright, we’ll talk about that a little bit later on, but now let’s take a look at our

second word and it’s the car’s packed.

E: The car is packed.

M: The car’s packed.

E: The car is packed.

M: So, when your car is packed it means that…

E: Everything you need is inside the car.

M: Alright, so, your bags, your food, everything that you need for your trip.

E: Exactly.

M: Perfect! Okay, so, those were our two preview words and now we are ready to listen to

the dialogue for the first time.

E: Okay, this dialogue will be at normal speed, it will be fast, but don’t worry if you don’t

understand everything.

M: After ten minutes we promise you will understand everything in this lesson.


E: Well, she forgot to go to the bathroom.

M: Yeah, I hate it when this happens.

E: This happens to me on almost every road trip. 

M: Hehe. Okay, great, so, now it’s time for our “language takeaway”. We have three

words for our language takeaway today.

Voice: Language takeaway.

E: And the first word is munchies.

M: Munchies.

E: Munchies.

M: So, munchies are…

E: Snacks.

M: Snacks, food.

E: Food, chips.

M: Chips, cookies.

E: Chocolate bars.

M: All that good stuff.

E: I love munchies.

M: Hehe. And they’re really good when you’re taking a road trip.

E: Indeed.

M: Okay, so, let’s take a look at our second language takeaway word for today and it is fill

up the tank.

E: Fill up the tank.

M: Fill up the tank.

E: Fill up the tank. So, this is to…

M: Put gas in your car.

E: Put gas in the gas tank.

M: In the gas tank, exactly.

E: Alright, our last language takeaway today is…

M: Pit stop.

E: Pit stop.

M: Pit stop.

E: Make a pit stop.

M: It’s a quick stop for you to get some gas, food, go to the bathroom. 

E: Yeah, a pit stop, a quick stop.

M: Great, so, now it’s time for “Putting it together”.

Voice: Putting it together.

M: Okay, so, we have two great phrases for you today. Let’s take a look at the first one.

E: We’ve got all our bases covered.

M: We’ve got all our bases covered.

E: We’ve got all our bases covered.

M: This is a really great phrase and it’s really useful, right?

E: Yeah, let’s listen to a couple of examples.

Voice: Example one.

A: We’ve got all our bases covered in case the hurricane hits.

Voice: Example two.

B: Okay, I have my keys, wallet and passport. Looks like I have all my bases covered.

M: Okay, it’s clear now, but you can use this in a lot of different situations, right?

E: You can use this in many situations. If I’m at work I could say “Alright, we’ve got a really

good marketing plan, we’ve got all our bases covered”.

M: Exactly, you have everything ready.

E: You’re all prepared.

M: Perfect! Alright, now let’s take a look at our second phrase and it’s let’s get going.

E: Let’s get going.

M: Let’s get going.

E: Let’s get going.

M: Alright, so, when you say “Let’s get going” it just means…

E: Let’s start.

M: Let’s start, let’s go.

E: Yeah.

M: Okay, but the interesting thing about this phrase is you can change it a little bit and it

means something different.

E: Aha, let’s listen to a couple of examples.

Voice: Example one.

A: I have the chicken, so, let’s get cooking.

Voice: Example two.

B: This house is really scary. Let’s get out of here!

Voice: Example three.

C: I have another meeting in twenty minutes, so, let’s get down to business.

E: So, let’s get down to business, Marco.

M: Let’s get down to business, let’s listen to the dialogue one more time, but this time…

E: It’ll be a little bit slower and you’ll understand much better.


E: So, that was a little more clear this time, wasn’t it?

M: Yeah, you can definitely understand better about… what we’ve been talking about.

E: Yep.

M: Okay, so, now it’s time to look at “fluency builder”. Erica, why don’t you explain what

fluency builder is?

E: In fluency builder we give you some great useful phrases to help you express your ideas


M: Okay, great, so, let’s look at fluency builder.

Voice: Fluency builder.

E: Alright, so, we all know how to ask the question “Are we ready to go?”

M: That’s right, you can say “Can we go now?”

E: Or you can say “Are we ready to go?”

M: Exactly, but there’s another way that we can say this and we heard it in our dialogue,

so, let’s listen.

Phrase 1: So, are we all ready to go? So, are we all ready to go?

E: Wow! That sounds really good, it sounds a lot more fluent.

M: Fluent, exactly.

E: Yeah. Okay, so, another simple phrase that we all know how to say is “It is ready”.

M: It is prepared.

E: It is ready.

M: Right.

E: So, these examples are fine, they’re right. 

M: Uhu. Yeah, they’re correct English, no problem.

E: But there’s another way to say this that we heard in the dialogue and it sounds a lot

more fluent.

Phrase 1: Yep, it’s all set. Yep, it’s all set.

E: It’s all set, that sounds much better.

M: Yes, and we’re all set to listen to this dialogue for a third time and this time it’s gonna be

at its normal speed.


M: So, Erica, you said you’ve been on a million road trips, what was that all about? Where

have you been?

E: Okay, well, maybe not a million road trips.

M: Hehe.

E: But many road trips. Every summer I used to go on a road trip with my family and we

would drive many many hours, probably eight hours in one day up to Northern Canada.

M: Oh, wow! Nice.

E: Yeah, and then we would go camping and we would sleep outside and we would have a

campfire at night, it was great.

M: Oh, family road trip.

E: Yeah, but maybe eight hours in a car is a little too long.

M: Well, yeah. Well, I’ve been on a different kind of road trip with some, uh, buddies of

mine, some friends. We would drive to Las Vegas.

E: Really?

M: Yeah, so, that’s really fun – a bunch of crazy guys in a car going to Las Vegas and then

just having fun and talking about everything, so, that’s a much different experience than a

family road trip.

E: Maybe that sounds a little bit more fun.

M: Hehe. Yeah, eight hours in a car is not really that boring with all your friends. Alright,

folks, we’re out of time for today, but be sure to visit our website at englishpod.com and

leave all your questions and comments. 

E: Okay, well, thanks for listening and until next time… Good bye!

M: Bye!


印第安人(Indians),是对除因纽特人外的所有美洲土著的统称,并非一个民族或种族。 现在印第安人也渐渐和现在的世界接轨,不是那种野人一样的与世隔绝的部落。寿命也和世界评价寿命差不多为70岁左右。因为虽然印第安人仍然保留有生病是采摘草药等习俗,但是他们也能享受到现代医疗技术。如果说脏的话,他们有些习俗在我们看可能会比较脏。但是有些在我们看很平常的东西其他种族也会觉得脏。不认识很多西方人会觉得皮蛋非常恶心。 最后几张印第安人的图片吧O(∩_∩)O~




病毒不属于细胞 (一)病毒的基本结构   1.核酸(Nucleic acid)位于病毒体的中心,由一种类型的核酸构成,含DNA的称为DNA病毒。含RNA的称为RNA病毒。DNA病毒核酸多为双股(除微小病毒外),RNA病毒核酶酸多为单股(除呼肠孤病毒外)。   病毒核酸也称基因组(Genome),最大的痘病毒(Poxvirus)含有数百个基因,最小的微小病毒(Parvovirus)仅有3-4个基因。根据核酸构形及极性可分为环状、线状、分节段以及正链、负链等不同类型,对进一步阐明病毒的复制机理和病毒分类有重要意义。   核酸蕴藏着病毒遗传信息,若用酚或其他蛋白酶降解剂去除病毒的蛋白质衣壳,提取核酸并转染或导入宿主细胞,可产生与亲代病毒生物学性质一致的子代病毒,从而证实核酸的功能是遗传信息的储藏所,主导病毒的生命活动,形态发生,遗传变异和感染性。   2.衣壳(Capsid )在核酸的外面紧密包绕着一层蛋白质外衣,即病毒的“衣壳”。衣壳是由许多“壳微粒(Capsomere)”按一定几何构型集结而成,壳微米在电镜下可见,是病毒衣壳的形态学亚单位,它由一至数条结构多肽能成。根据壳微粒的排列方式将病毒构形区分为:①立体对称(Cubic symmetry),形成20个等边三角形的面,12个顶和30条棱,具有五、三、二重轴旋转对称性(图21-2),如腺病毒、脊髓灰质炎病毒等;②螺旋对称(Helical symmetry),壳微粒沿螺旋形盘红色的核酸呈规则地重复排列,通过中心轴旋转对称,图21-3,如正粘病毒,副粘病毒及弹状病毒等;③ 复合对称 (Complex symmetry),同时具有或不具有两种对称性的病毒,如痘病毒与噬菌体(图21-1)。 图21-2 腺病毒结构的模式图   蛋白质衣壳的功能是:(1)致密稳定的衣壳结构除赋予病毒固有的形状外,还可保护内部核酸免遭外环境(如血流)中核酸酶的破坏;(2)衣壳蛋白质是病毒基因产物,具有病毒特异的抗原性,可刺激机体产生抗原病毒免疫应答;(3)具有辅助感染作用,病毒表面特异性受体边连结蛋白与细胞表面相应受体有特殊的亲和力,是病毒选择性吸附宿主细胞并建立感染灶的首要步骤。   病毒的核酸与衣壳组成核衣壳(Nucleocapsid),最简单的病毒就是裸露的核衣壳,如脊髓灰质炎病毒等。有囊膜的病毒核衣壳又称为核心(core)。   (二)病毒的辅助结构   图21-3 螺旋对称病毒颗粒的核衣壳   1.囊膜(Envelope)某些病毒,如虫媒病毒、人类免疫缺陷病毒、疱疹病毒等,在核衣壳外包绕着一层含脂蛋白的外膜,称为“囊膜”。囊膜中含有双层脂质、多糖和蛋白质,其中蛋白质具有病毒特异性,常与多糖构成糖蛋白糖蛋白亚单位,嵌合在脂质层,表面呈棘状突起,称“剌突(Spike)或囊微粒(Peplomer)”。它们位于病毒体的表面,有高度的抗原性,并能选择性地与宿主细胞受体结合,促使病毒囊膜与宿主细胞膜融合,感染性核衣壳进入胞内而导致感染。囊膜中的脂质与宿主细胞膜或核膜成分相似,证明病毒是以“出芽”方式,从宿主细胞内释放过程中获得了细胞膜或核膜成分。有囊膜病毒对脂溶剂和其他有机溶剂敏感,失去囊膜后便丧失了感染性。   2.触须样纤维(Fiber)腺病毒是唯一具有触须样纤维的病毒,腺病毒的触须样纤维是由线状聚合多肽和一球形末端蛋白所组成,位于衣壳的各个顶角(图21-2)。该纤维吸附到敏感细胞上,抑制宿主细胞蛋白质代谢,与致病作用有关。此外,还可凝集某些动物红细胞。   3.病毒携带的酶某些病毒核心中带有催化病毒核酸合成的酶,如流感病毒带有RNA的RNA聚合酶,这些病毒在宿主细胞内要靠它们携带的酶合成感染性核酸。   了解病毒的形态结构、化学组成及功能,不仅对病毒的分类和鉴定有重要意义,同时也有助于理解病毒的宿主范围,致病作用及亚单位疫苗的研制。


你好,从你所说情况来看,首先你现在出现破伤风的可能性是存在的,但非常小,其次对于你现在的伤口情况,并没有做再次处理的必要性。 破伤风的感染有一定的条件,从你所说情况来看,局部伤口的恢复情况良好,只是存在疤痕结节的可能性。这种伤口不会形成无氧的条件,也就不会出现破伤风的感染;其次并不是所有生锈的东西都会导致破伤风感染;第三,你参加过计划免疫程序,应该有抵抗破伤风的能力。因而对于你现在的情况,建议你可以不用做处理,出现破伤风的可能性太小。远低于你中彩票的可能性。


你是指权方和不等式: a1^(m+1)/b1^m+a2^(m+1)/b2^m+...+an^(m+1)/bn^m>=(a1+a2+...+an)^(m+1)/(b1+b2+...+bn)^m 其中a1,b1,m>0,n∈N* 上式是一般的权方和不等式,它和柯西不等式的一个推广--Holder不等式是等价的。





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