
2019-04-08 15:29:45Miss英语笔记15:14 4.6万

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M: Hello everyone! Welcome back to EnglishPod! My name is Marco.

E: And I’m Erica.

M: And today we’re gonna be bringing you another great sports lesson.

E: Yes, this one is for all our hockey fans.

M: I know we have a lot of listeners from Russia, so this is a very popular sport in Russia,

Czech Republic…

E: Yes.

M: So…

E: And Canada.

M: And Canada, right.

E: Uhu.

M: Very very popular in Canada.

E: It’s our national game.

M: Hehe. Well, I guess cause you guys have so much ice.

E: I know, there’s nothing else to do.

M: Skiing and hockey. 

E: Uh.

M: Alright, so, it’s gonna be a really fun lesson, we’re gonna have a lot of great vocabulary,

so… before we start in the dialogue let’s take a look at “vocabulary preview”.

Voice: Vocabulary preview.

E: We have three words for you now, um, the first one really simple, puck.

M: Puck.

E: Puck.

M: Puck.

E: P-U-C-K. Puck.

M: So, it’s almost like duck.

E: Aha.

M: But with the P.

E: Yes.

M: And this is actually kind of like the ball that you use in hockey.

E: But it’s not as ball.

M: But it’s not as ball.

E: It’s flat.

M: It’s flat.

E: And round.

M: And round.

E: Uh.

M: So. It looks like a disk.

E: Uhu.

M: Kind of like mini frisbie.

E: Yes.

M: And this is what the players do, this is what they…

E: They chase this around.

M: They chase it, right.

E: Yeah.

M: So in basketball you have a ball, in soccer you have a ball, in hockey you have a puck.

E: Yep.

M: Okay, our next word…

E: Key game.

M: A key game.

E: A key game.

M: So, this word key…

E: Important.

M: Means important, right?

E: Really important.

M: Really important.

E: Yeah.

M: So I can say a key game is a really important game.

E: Exactly. You could also maybe say a key player.

M: Key player is a really important player.

E: Uhu, or even a key goal.

M: A key goal, okay. So, let’s take a look at our last word now, finals.

E: Finals.

M: Finals.

E: The finals.

M: So, the finals are the last games.

E: That’s right., um, and the winner of the finals wins the championship.

M: Okay. For example, in the World Cup in soccer…

E: Uhu.

M: There’s only one game played in the finals. So, after everyone gets eliminated there’s

the one game where the winner is the champion.

E: Yes.

M: Okay. So, now we’re ready to listen to our dialogue and it’s gonna be a little bit faster

than usual…

E: Uhu.

M: Because it’s a sport commentator, right?

E: And it’s exciting.

M: And it’s exciting.

E: Yeah.

M: And there’s a lot of action, so don’t worry about listen to it and then we’ll come back and

talk about some of the vocabulary.


M: Alright, so the Canadians versus the Russians, ha?

E: It reminds me of a classic classic game.

M: Exactly, the classic match.

E: Yeah.

M: So let’s take a look at some of the vocabulary that we heard in the dialogue in

“language takeaway”.

Voice: Language takeaway.

E: We have five phrases in language takeaway today, um, and the first one is face off.

M: Face off.

E: Face off.

M: Face off.

E: So, Marco, a face off here is a noun, right?

M: It’s a noun…

E: Uh.

M: Exactly. And it’s… so in the beginning of the match the two players will stand face to


E: Yes.

M: Right, that’s why it’s called kind of a face off.

E: Uhu.

M: And the referee will drop the puck.

E: Yes.

M: And they’ll try to get it.

E: Exactly, so that’s the face off.

M: That’s the face off.

E: Yeah.

M: Okay, let’s take a look at our next word, check.

E: Check.

M: To check.

E: To check. So an interesting verb here, hey?

M: It… yeah, it’s really interesting because it’s different from the way that you would say

check or revise, right?

E: Yes, yep.

M: This is actually kind of a violent move.

E: Yeah. So what do you do?

M: So basically in hockey you take your body and you hit another person with it.

E: Okay, so, to check someone is to hit them with you body.

M: With your body, right.

E: Aha.

M: You can’t use your arms or your legs or your hands, you can only hit them like with your

shoulder or your… or your hip.

E: Yeah.

M: Sort of hip check.

E: Okay.

M: So, yeah. It’s very cool.

E: Alright.

M: Our net word, goalie.

E: Goalie.

M: Goalie.

E: Goalie.

M: A goalie is a person.

E: Right.

M: And probably the bravest…

E: Yeah.

M: Of the hockey match.

E: No kidding.

M: So, why don’t you tell us what the goalie does?

E: Um, the goalie prevents the puck from coming in the net.

M: From going into the goal, right?

E: Yeah, so the goalie stops the other team from getting a goal.

M: A goal.

E: Yep.

M: Okay, so, the goalie prevents the goals. 

E: Uhu.

M: Alright, very interesting. Now, our fourth word is related to goalie.

E: Yes.

M: Save.

E: Save.

M: Save.

E: A save.

M: A save, right?

E: Yeah, it’s a noun here.

M: It’s a noun here. So, the goalie makes saves.

E: That’s right. When he stops a goal he makes a save.

M: Makes a save, right.

E: Yeah, yeah.

M: Okay, we have some examples, so we can understand this form of using save.

E: Yes.

Voice: Example one.

A: That was an unbelievable save!

Voice: Example two.

B: The goalie didn’t make the save.

Voice: Example three.

C: What a save! The Russians win!

E: Yeah, a little bit unusual hear that save is a noun instead of a verb but I think those

examples were helpful.

M: Uhu.

E: Uhu.

M: Now let’s take a look at our last word. Breakaway.

E: Breakaway.

M: Breakaway.

E: A breakaway.

M: Okay, so you have two words there that we know already. Break.

E: Yes.

M: Right. And away.

E: Yep.

M: So what do these two words together actually mean?

E: Well, imagine a group of hockey players all fighting to get the puck, right?

M: Uhu.

E: And then one player breaks off… breaks out…

M: Escapes.

E: Of the group, yeah, yeah-yeah. And he is… he skates down the ice and he has the puck.

M: Uhu.

E: And he’s far away from the other players.

M: Right, right, so he’s going away from the other players by himself.

E: Yeah.

M: Okay, so breakaway.

E: Uhu.

M: Alright. So, we’ve looked at a lot of hockey language here.

E: Yep.

M: And I think it’s time now to listen to our dialogue again. This time we’re gonna slow it

down a little bit.

E: Yes. I think this will help you to understand these words a little bit better.


M: Okay, this dialogue is interesting because we have commentators narrating or

describing what’s happening.

E: Yeah.

M: In that moment, right?

E: Yeah, and they’re using some interesting grammar, aren’t they?

M: Exactly, they are, because some actions are happening in that moment, but… we noticed

something a little bit strange.

E: Alright, well, let’s look at it in “grammar breakdown”.

Voice: Grammar breakdown.

M: Okay, let’s listen to this sentence that we previously heard in the dialogue.

Sentence 1: Maurice Richard has the puck now and passes it to the center, he shoots!

Maurice Richard has the puck now and passes it to the center, he shoots!

E: I noticed that he’s using the present simple, right?

M: Yeah.

E: Yeah, even though the action is now…

M: Uhu.

E: It’s in present simple.

M: Yes, even though the action is happening in that moment he’s not using the present


E: Yeah.

M: Or the present continuous [NOTE: present progressive = present continuous]

E: Yep.

M: This is because, if you noticed, the actions are very very brief.

E: And fast.

M: And fast.

E: And exciting.

M: Exactly.

E: Uhu.

M: So you… don’t really have enough time to say, for, example, he is shooting… right?

E: Yes.

M: Because it’s only one quick action, he shoots the puck very fast.

E: Uhu.

M: Right. Or for example, you wouldn’t really say he is passing.

E: Yeah, he is passing the puck.

M: Right. It’s just one quick action, he takes it and he passes it and the action is finished.

E: Yes, I think we can see a few more examples of this. Let’s listen again.

Sentence 2: The Russians win possession and immediately set up their attack. The Russians

win possession and immediately set up their attack.

E: Here we can hear that he’s using the present simple again, because these are very

short actions that finished quickly, right?

M: Exactly.

E: And it… it’s actually very very common when you’re describing something you see…

M: Uhu.

E: That’s happening now…

M: Uhu.

E: That’s really exciting, it’s common to use present simple.

M: Exactly, if you pay attention, most sporting events are in the same way, right?

E: Yep, uhu.

M: Ah, they would describe the actions that are happening in the present simple.

E: Yep.

M: Not present progressive.

E: Yeah, but Marco, you have an example of, um… up some present progressive here,


M: Yes, let’s listen to this sentence.

Sentence 3: He is flying down the ice. He is flying down the ice.

M: Now, we heard this sentence he is flying down the ice.

E: Uhu.

M: Right. Now this one in the progressive.

E: Yeah, why is that?

M: Well, first of all, when we say he’s flying down the ice is not that he’s literally flying,


E: No, he’s not in the airplane.

M: He’s just skating really fast…

E: Yep.

M: Right. So we kind of exaggerate and we say oh, he’s flying down the ice, but he’s

actually skating… 

E: Uhu.

M: So, this is a progressive action…

E: So, it’s…

M: He is doing it.

E: It’s happening for more than one second.

M: Yeah.

E: Yeah.

M: Exactly. So that’s why we would say he’s flying down the ice instead of he flies

down the ice.

E: Yes.

M: Right.

E: Yep.

M: Unless he was like really really really fast.

E: Yeah.

M: Okay.

E: Okay, so here we see that sometimes in English we do use present simple to talk about

what’s happening now, right?

M: Uhu.

E: When it happens really really quickly.

M: Uhu.

E: Or when we want to show that it’s really exciting.

M: Exactly.

E: Yep.

M: Makes it much more exciting if we just use the present simple.

E: Yeah.

M: Okay, let’s listen to this exciting dialogue one more time and we’ll come back and talk a

little bit more.


M: Alright, so hockey is the Canadian national sport.

E: Well, actually it isn’t…

M: It isn’t.

E: The national sport, yeah.

M: What is it?

E: Lacrosse isn’t…

M: Lacrosse!

E: Yeah, but anyway, we’re not… we don’t have a lesson about lacrosse today.

M: Not yet.

E: No, um, but actually all Canadians love hockey.

M: Uhu.

E: Like we start playing hockey when we’re about two years old.

M: Yeah, I’ve heard that…

E: Yeah.

M: I’ve heard that, ah, some Canadian children learn how to skate before they learn

how to walk.

E: It’s totally common.

M: Hehe. Well, it’s a great sport, very very exciting, it’s very fast paced.

E: Uhu.

M: And it’s very aggressive, that’s what I like about it.

E: I know.

M: Not violent, but very aggressive.

E: Yep, but you know what, I must tell you that I’m not a good Canadian, um…

M: You’re not a hockey fan?

E: No, I’m not.

M: Really?

E: Yeah, I really… I really hate hockey.

M: Why?

E: Um, I… you know what the puck is so small, it’s hard to see where it is on the ice and it’s

cold and… these guys are fighting and anyway.

M: Hehe. Have you ever been on a hockey game?

E: Yeah, um…

M: Yeah.

E: Many times and I just find that the puck is really small.

M: Hehe. Maybe you just need better seats.

E: Maybe.

M: Hehe. Well, what do you guys think about hock? We’ll post some… some videos and

some pictures of hockey on… on the comment sections, so you more or less see a little bit

more about this really interesting sport and tell us what you think about it.

E: Yeah. So visit our website englishpod.com and you’ll find some interesting stuff about

hockey, right?

M: Exactly.

E: Um, and also lots of other great lessons.

M: I exactly… and also if you have any questions or doubts about the lesson you can leave

your questions on the site.

E: Uhu.

M: Alright, we’re out of time, we’ll se you guys next time.

E: Thanks for listening and… Good bye!

M: Bye!




说实话,我也遇到相同的问题~· 高中的时候,交友真的是件很简单的事,只是,单纯的一起学习,一起玩,真心相交~ 大学,真的是复杂的地方,我姐姐对我说过,大学里你能交到一个真正对你好,跟你知心的朋友,就算是 你烧高香啦!大学里的友谊掺杂了太多~ 关于人际关系,其实不要太头痛,因为有的时候你越是在乎,越是想要跟他们搞好关系,反而会适得其反。 不要太在乎,当然不能不在乎,我觉得不能对每个人都是客气的那种,确实会显得你这个人不够是实诚,你肯定会遇到跟你性格相投,比较能说上话的同学,其实,这时候你可以大大方方的把你自己另外的真实的一面展示给她们啊,平时也可以开个玩笑~和她们一起玩,那样她们就会觉得其实你 还挺可爱~不要太封闭自己的特点,有的时候适当外露哦~ 对于那些觉得不是太相投的人,没必要去讨好她们,面子上过的去就行了,她们说你坏话,你听着就行,缺点能改就改一下,但是不要说别人的坏话,她们不仁,你得义~~ 就好好做自己吧~~不要太苦恼哦!


创新?难道诺基亚没创新吗?诺基亚一直在创新!俗话说得好,船大难掉头,大公司不同于小公司!当时塞班系统,你说放弃与否?如果当时立马放弃,很多人就会说诺基亚不忠诚,那么多人用塞班,你放弃,伤了我们的心!如果不放弃,就是今天这个结果!于是很多人说你怎么不早放弃,你以为诺基亚公司没想对吗? 这如同电脑winxp系统一样,如果微软不开发win7、8,10系统,你们会说没创新,不思进取。开发了,你们又说放弃了xp,不好用!还是没创新!那到底怎么样,口口声声,大喊创新,创新,怎么你们不去当CEO,要是你们当了CEO,要超过苹果公司!


广东省文化传播学会“中国心灵之旅”演讲团荣誉团长、首席演讲家邹越老师,自2001年起,结合自己的亲身经历和多年亲子教育的基础,在全国各地展开《让生命充满爱》,又名《让世界充满爱》巡回演讲,每一场演讲都交织着泪水和激情,拨动着一个又一个青少年的心弦。 成长是一个曲折的过程,每个人都会遇上各种各样不同的问题,世间没有万应灵丹。重要的是心中怀着爱,相互理解,学会换位思考,从以自我为中心慢慢明白做人的基本道理,渐渐成长为一个能够关爱他人、承担起自己的人生责任、能够立足于社会的人。 好故事启迪心灵,抚慰伤痛,带给我们希望、信心和鼓励。本书并非邹老师演讲稿的整理,收录的是邹越老师从事亲子教育、子月记者(广东省文化传播学会“中国心灵之旅”演讲团副团长)在长期采访过程中整理的一个个当代故事,让人们自己去体味和领悟如何克服成长道路上的障碍。 为免影响书中人物的日常生活,凡未见诸于新闻报道的人物均隐去了真实姓名,并进行了一定的文学加工。 “太阳不停地旋转,自古就没有改变。”人类社会中的每一个成员相互依存,因为爱,我们建立起家,有了我们依恋的亲人、所属的群体,有了放大的家——祖国。在每个人的一生中,谁没有受过他人的帮助?我们的成长过程凝结着家人、师长、朋友,还有许多素不相识者的付出。怀着感恩之心的人,才能为自己和他人创造更美好的生活贡献一份力量。 愿这本《让生命充满爱》成为您成长道路上的良师益友,给您提供新的视野和方式来体察我们身边的人与事,感受这个大千世界。








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1、多识·东舟宁洛,西北民族学院教授,研究生导师,藏文著作有《藏语语法论集》《此笑云使浅释》等; 2、顿珠杰,他在文学上的活动,一是用藏文翻译汉文名著,二是对藏文原著进行注释和评介,三是用藏文进行文学创作,著作有《晨曦集》等; 3、根敦群培,森岩含藏族著名的学者、诗人、翻译家、画家、历史学家、旅行家、散文作家,著有《更敦群培文集枣液》《诗论释难》 等。


《步步惊心:丽》是韩国于2016年8月29日首播的浪漫奇幻古装剧,由李准基、李知恩、姜河那主演。 该剧根据中国小说《步步惊心》改编,讲述了在日全食现象中灵魂穿越到高丽的21世纪女人解树和四王子王昭之间的浪漫爱情故事,以及高丽宫廷火热的王权竞争  。 主    演 李准基,李知恩,姜河那,洪宗玄,边伯贤,南柱赫,金志洙,徐贤,姜汉娜 剧情简介 高丽太祖王建的四王子王昭(李准基饰)被人称作“狼狗”,他一直把自己封闭在冷酷的面具之下。解树(李知恩饰)是一个性格倔强坚韧的女汉子,原本生活在21世纪,却突然穿越到了高丽时代,陷入历史事件的中心。王昭遇到解树后,渐渐敞开心扉,并在解树的鼓励下摘下面具,开始新的人生。解树也开拓着自己全新的命运,与王昭以及一众王子发展出友情和爱情,并从中逐渐成长   。