
2019-12-17 11:13:49连天雪与风寂寥29:54 10.3万



Section A.

Conversation one.

M: Excuse me. "Where's your rock music section?

W: Rock music? I'm sorry, we're a Jazz store. We don't have any rock and roll.

M: Oh, you only have Jazz music, nothing else.

W: That's right. (1) We're the only record store in London dedicated exclusively to Jazz. Actually, we're more than just a record store. We have a cafe and library upstairs and a ticket office down the hall where you can buy tickets to all the major Jazz concerts in the city. Also we have our own studio next door where reproduce albums for up and coming artists. We are committed to fostering new music talent.

M: That's so cool. (2)1 guess there's not much of a Jazz scene anymore. Not like they used to be. But here you're trying to promote this great music genre.

W: Yes. Indeed, nowadays most people like to listen to pop and rock music. Hip hop music from America is also getting more and more popular. So as a result, there are fewer listeners of Jazz, which is a great shame because it's an incredibly rich genre. But that's not to say there isn't any good new Jazz music being made out there anymore. Far from it. It's just a much smaller market today.

M: So how would you define Jazz?

W: Interestingly enough, there's no agreed upon definition of Jazz. (3) Indeed, there are many different styles of Jazz, some have singing, but most don't. Some are electric and some aren't. Some contain live experimentation, but not always. (3) While there's no simple definition for it. Allow, there are many different styles of Jazz. You simply know it when you hear it. Honestly. (4) The only way to know what Jazz is, listen to it yourself. As the great trumpet player. Louis Armstrong said, if you've got to ask, you'll never know.

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Question 1. What do we learn about the woman's store?

Question 2. What does the man say about Jazz music?

Question 3. What does the woman say about Jazz?

Question 4. What should you do to appreciate different styles of Jazz according to the woman?

Conversation Two.

M: How did it go at the bank this morning?

W: Not well. My proposal was rejected.

M: Really? But why?

W: Bunch of reasons. For starters, they said my credit history was not good enough.

M: Did they say, how you could improve that?

W: Yes, they said that after five more years of paying my mortgage, then I will become a more viable candidate for a business loan. But right now it's too risky for them to lend me money. They fear I will default on any business loan I'm given.

M: That doesn't sound fair. Your business idea is amazing. Did you show them your business plan? What did they say?

W: They didn't really articulate any position regarding the actual business plan. They simply looked at my credit history and determined it was not good enough. They said the bank has strict guidelines and requirements as to who they can lend money to. And I simply don't meet their financial threshold.

M: What if you ask for a smaller amount? Maybe you could gather capital from other sources, smaller loans from more lenders.

W: You don't get it. It doesn't matter. The size of the loan I ask for, or the type of business I propose. That's all inconsequential. The first thing every bank will do is study how much money I have and how much debt I have before they decide whether or not to lend me any more money. If I want to continue ahead with this dream of only my own business, I have no other choice. But to build up my own finances, I need around 20% more in personal savings and 50% less debt. That's all there is to it.

M: I see now it's a huge pity that they rejected your request, but don't lose hope. I still think that your idea is great and that you would turn it into a phenomenal success.

Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Question 5. What did the woman do this morning?

Question 6. Why was the woman's proposal rejected?

Question 7. What is the woman planning to do?

Question 8. What does the man suggest the woman do?

Section B.

Passage one.

There's a lot about Leo Sanchez and his farm in Salinas, California. (9) That seems unusual. The national average farm size is around 440 acres, but his is only one acre.

The average age of farmers hovers around 58 years old, but he is just 26. And Sanchez constantly attempts to improve everything from seeding techniques out in the field to the promotion and sale of his produce online. This is evidence of an experimental approach. It's an approach not dictated by the confines of conventional large scale agriculture lead by international corporations. While farming is often difficult for both the body and mine, (10) Sanchez says he and many of his fellow young farmers are motivated by desire to set a new standard for agriculture.

Many of them are employing a multitude of technologies, some new and some not so new. Recently, (11) Sanchez bought a hand operated tool which pulls out weeds and loosen soil. It actually dates back to at least 1701. It stands in sharp contrast to Sanchez, this other gadget, a gas powered flame we killer, invented in 1997. He simply doesn't discriminate when it comes to the newness of tools. If it works, it works. Farmers have a long history of invention and is no different today. Young farmers are guided by their love for agriculture and aided by their knowledge of technology to find inexpensive and appropriately sized tools. They collaborate and innovate. Sometimes the old stuff just works better or more efficiently.

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Question 9. What do we learn about Leo Sanchez's farm?

Question 10. What has motivated Leo Sanchez and his fellow. young farmers to engage in farming?

Question 11. Why did Leo Sanchez buy a hand operated weeding tool?

Passage two.

(12) Eat Grub is Britain's first new food company that breaks western food boundaries by introducing edible insects as a new source of food.

And Sainz Breeze is the first UK supermarket to stock the company's crunchy roasted crickets. Sainz Breeze insist that such food is no joke and could be a new, sustainable source of protein. Out of curiosity, I paid a visit to Sainz Breeze as I put my hand into a packet of crickets with their tiny eyes and legs. The idea of one going in my mouth made me feel a little sick. (13) But the first bite was a pleasant surprise, a little dry and lacking of taste, but at least a wing didn't get stuck in my throat. �

The roasted seasoning largely overpowered any other flavour, although there was slightly bitter after taste. The texture is crunchy, but smelt a little of cab food. Eat Grub also recommends the crickets as a topping for noodles, sou2s and salads. (14) The company boasts that its dried crickets contain more protein than beef, chicken, and pork, as well as minerals like iron and calcium. Unlike the production of meat, bugs do not use up large amounts of land, water or feed. (15) And insect farming also produces far fewer greenhouse gases.

However, despite 2 billion people worldwide already supplementing their diet with insects, consumer disgust remains a large barrier in many western countries. I'm not sure bugs will become a popular snack anytime soon, but they're definitely food for fort.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Question 12. What do we learn from the passage about the food company Eat Grub ?

Question 13. What does the speaker say about his first bite a roasted crickets ?

Question 14. What does Eat Grub say about his dried crickets?

Question 15. What does the passage say about insect farming?

Section C

Recording one.

Have you ever had someone try to explain something to you a dozen times with no luck? But then when you see a picture, the idea finally clicks. If that sounds familiar, maybe you might consider yourself a visual learner. Or if reading or listening does a trick, maybe you feel like you're a verbal learner. We call these labels learning styles. But is there really a way to categorize different types of students? It actually seems that multiple presentation formats, especially if one of them is visual. Help most people learn. When psychologists and educators test for learning styles, they're trying to figure out whether these are inherent traits that affect how well students learn instead of just a preference.

Usually they start by giving a survey to figure out what style a student favors, like visual or verbal learning. Then they try to teach the students something with a specific presentation style, like using visual AIDS, and do a follow up test to see how much they learned. That way, the researchers can see if the self identified verbal learners really learned better when the information was just spoken aloud, for example. But according to a 2008 review, only one study that followed this design found that students actually learned best with their preferred style.

But the study had some big flaws. The researchers excluded 2/3 of the original participants, because they didn't seem to have any clear learning sty le from the survey at the beginning. And they didn't even report the actual test scores in the final paper. So it doesn't really seem like learning styles are an inherited trait that we all have. But that doesn't mean that all students will do amazingly, if they just spend all their time reading from a textbook. Instead, most people seem to learn better if they're taught in several ways, especially if one is visual.

In one study, researchers tested whether students remembered lists of words better if they heard them, saw them or both. Everyone seemed to do better. If they got to see the words in print. Even the self identified auditory learners, their preference didn't seem to matter. Similar studies tested whether students learned basic physics and chemistry concepts better by reading plain text or viewing pictures to and everyone to better with the help of pictures.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on recording you have just heard.

Question 16. Why do psychologists and educators study learning styles?

Question 1 7. What does the speaker say about one study mentioned in the 2008 review

Question 18. What message does the speaker want to convey about learning at the end of the talk?

Recording two.

Free market capitalism hasn't freed us. It has trapped us. It's imperative for us to embrace a workplace revolution. We're unlikely to spend our last moments regretting that we didn't spend enough of our lives slaving away at work. We may instead find ourselves feeling guilty about the time we didn't spend watching our children grow all with our loved ones, or travelling or on the cultural or leisure suits that bring us happiness.

Unfortunately, the average full time employee in the world works 42 hours a week. Over a 3rd of the time we're awake. Some of our all too precious time is being stolen. Office workers do around 2 billion hours of unpaid overtime each year. So it's extremely welcome that some government coalitions have started looking into potentially cutting the working week to four days. The champions of free market capitalism promised their way of life would bring us freedom, but it wasn't freedom at all. From the lack of secure, affordable housing to growing job insecurity and rising personal debt, the individual is trapped.

Nine decades ago, leading economists predicted that technological advances and rising productivity would mean that would be working a 15-hour week. By now that target has been somewhat missed. Here is the most malignant threat to our personal freedom, particularly as the balance of power in the workplace has been shifted so dramatically from worker to boss. A huge portion of our lives involves the surrender of our freedom and personal autonomy. It's time in which we are directed by the needs and desires of others, and denied the right to make our own choices.

That's bad for us. It's hardly surprising that over half a million workers suffer from work related mental health conditions. Each year. All that 15.4 million working days were lost to work related stress last year, a jump of nearly a quarter. Yes, they're all those who, far from being overworked, actually seek more hours. But a shorter working week would enable us to redistribute hours from the overworked to the under worked. We need to look at ways of cutting the working week without slashing living standards.

After all worlds, workers have already suffered the worst deduction in wages since the early 18 hundreds. And cutting the working week would be conducive to the individual, giving millions of workers more time to spend as they see fit.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.

Question 19. What do people often feel guilty about according to the speaker?

Question 20. What did leading economists predict 90 years ago?

Question 21. What is the result of denying workers' right to make their own choices?

Recording three.

Today I'm going to talk about Germany's dream airport in Berlin. The airport looks exactly like every- other major modern airport in Europe, except for one big problem. More than seven years after it was originally supposed to open, it still stands empty. Germany is known for its efficiency and refined engineering, but when it comes to its new ghost airport, this reputation could not be further from the truth. Plagued by long delays, perpetual mismanagement, and ever saw ring costs, the airport has become something of a joke among Germans and a source of frustration for local politicians, business leaders and residents alike.

Planning for the new airport began in 1989. At the time, it became clear that the newly reunified Berlin would need a modern airport with far greater capacity than its existing airports. The city broke ground on the new airport in 2006. The first major sign of problems came in summer 2010, when the construction corporation pushed the opening from October 2011 to June 2012. In 2012, the city planted opening ceremony. But less than a month before hand, inspectors found significant problems with the fire safety system and push the opening back again to 2013.

It wasn't just the smoke system. Many other major problems subsequently emerged. More than 90 meters of cable were incorrectly installed. 4000 doors were wrongly numbered. Escalators were too short. There was a shortage of check in desks. Why were so many problems discovered? Didn't the airport corporation decide to give up on the project and start over? The reason is simple. People are often hesitant to terminate a project when they've already invested time or resources into it, even if it might make logical sense to do so.

The longer the delays continued, the more problems inspectors found. Leadership of the planning corporation has changed hands nearly as many times as the opening date has been pushed back. Initially, rather than appointing a general contractor to run the project, the corporation decided to manage it themselves. Despite lack of experience with an undertaking of that scale. To compound the delays, the unused airport is resulting in massive costs. Every month it remains unopened costs between nine and 10 million euros. Assuming all goes well, the airport should open in October 2020, but the still empty airport stands as the biggest embarrassment to Germany's reputation for efficiency and a continuing drain on city and state resources.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.

Question 22. What does the speaker say about the dream airport in Berlin?

Question 23. Why was there a need for a new airport in Berlin?

Question 24. Why did Berlin postpone the opening of its dream airport again and again?

Question 25. What happens while the airport remains unused?


今年的《开学第一课》将于2019年9月1日20:00至21:40在中央电视台第一套节目(CCTV—1)首播,9月2日9:00至10:40在中央电视台第一套节目(CCTV—1)重播。教育部将发文要求各地中小学校组织学生统一收看,欢迎家长在晚间与孩子一起收看。 今年的《开学第一课》以“中国梦”为依托、主题为“乘着梦想的翅膀”,分“有梦就有动力”、“有梦就要坚持”、“有梦就能出彩”三个篇章。节目用嘉宾演讲、人物故事、互动体验、文艺表演等寓教于乐的方式闭握为孩子们呈现一堂别开生面的“梦想课堂”,在这个特别的课堂上,一个个因为拥有梦想而使生命变得更璀璨、使世界变得更美丽的普通人将闪亮登场。纤闹这些真实的故事和身边的人物,将让孩子们体会到梦想是前进的动力,心怀梦想并为它付出努力是一件多么美好的事;让他们理解梦想需要坚持,只有做梦想的实践者和未来的创造者才能梦想成真;让他们明白努力圆梦才会有出彩的人生,把个人的理想和祖国的发展紧密结合起来,才无愧于这个伟大的时代。 在今年的主讲嘉宾中,普通人首次占到了一半的比例:地震最美舞者廖智、加油站女工郑亚波、退休教师潘其华。他们将与钢琴家郎朗、“太空教师”王亚平等主讲嘉宾一起,为孩子们带来充满正能量的梦想轿竖庆演讲。周笔畅、凤凰传奇、方俊、黄绮珊等众明星也倾情加盟,在今年的开学第一课上亮相。










我可以提供以下一些可能有帮助的思路: 1. 相互沟通协商。首先需要和父母进行沟通,了解他们的想法和意愿,看看他们是否需要儿子的经济支持。如果他们认为不需要,则可以不给钱;如果他们需要,则可以协商一个合理的经济补偿方案,尽可能满足父母的需求。 2. 尊重父母的辛劳。父母排除万难,长期照顾孙子,为家庭提供了很大的帮助。儿子应该对此表示感谢,并尽最大努力给予经济帮助,让父母的晚年生活更加舒适。 3. 注意家庭关系的平衡。对于经济补偿的方法,儿子和父母可以协商出一种让双方都能接受的方案。但是在家庭关系上,儿子也需要掌握平衡的边界,避免因为经济问题而破坏家庭关系。 4. 考虑父母的固有权利。在法律层面上,子女没有具有给父母经济补偿的义务。穗闷但是,作滚族芦为子女,应该尽最大努力让父母过上更好的生活,尤其是在他们需要帮大带助的时候。因此,在个人和家庭条件允许的情况下,可以考虑适当地给予经济补偿。 总之,这个问题涉及到个人、家庭、社会文化等多方面的因素,需要评估具体情况进行处理。最重要的是要尊重父母的辛劳和权利,协商出一个合适的方案,维护家庭和谐。


平时我去超市买菜,要是排骨鸡鸭什么的,都会叫超市的工作人员帮忙剁好,因为不太有力气,自己剁弄得一团糟。 昨天我妈买回来一只去毛的整鸭,回来就安排我把它给剁了。 剁鸡我以前试过,因为力气不够大,一次剁不断而且每次剁下去都不在同一个点,剁出来的鸡肉全是碎骨头,特别难吃。 我妈明知道我干不了这个活,还是买了个全鸭。 因为她去医院检查回来,手不方便用力,这个任务必须落在我头上。 我很气愤。可是,不能发火。她最近身体不好,而且已经买回来了,不剁又能怎么样。她身体不好,就想吃个鸭。都买回来了,我还不给做,真是说不过去。 我还着情绪穿上围裙,想着既然要做,就开心一点吧。 兴许也没有想的那么难。 果然,不知道是我开始锻炼身体力气变大了,还是家里的刀磨过,感觉并没有以前那么难。虽然过程中还是有砍不断,差点割破手的情况,但是一切算是比较顺利。 发现自己的一个问题,就是在做什么事之前,先给自己设了障碍。虽然试过,但是事物在不断的变化中,有时候有一个良好的心态去做,也许会有不一样的结果。 给自己,以后遇到事,尽量往积极的方面去想。




掩耳盗铃 yǎn ěr dào líng [释义] 掩:遮盖;盗:偷。把耳朵捂住偷铃铛;以为自己听不见;别人也不会听见。比喻自欺欺人。 [语出] 《吕氏春秋·自知》:“百姓有得钟者;欲负而走;则钟大不可负;以椎毁之;钟况然有音。恐人闻之而夺己也。遽揜(掩)其耳。恶人闻之;可也;恶己闻之;悖也。” [正音] 耳;不能读作“ér”。 [辨形] 铃;不能写作“玲”。 [近义] 自欺欺人 弄巧成拙 [反义] 开诚布公 [用法] 含贬义。比喻自己欺骗自己;明明掩盖不了的事偏要设法掩盖。一般作谓语、定语、状语。 [结构] 偏正式。


