(晚安阅读)Day 1

2020-03-23 22:39:38铅笔英语30:36 7.8万

When did you realize exactly who your son or daughter really was?  

My life was shattered. The toxic woman I had been involved with had nearly succeeded in destroying me. There was nothing left. I was in shambles. All the money, all the savings, my job, and my friends were all gone. And now the house and car were going to be repossessed.

My body was alive, but my soul had been hijacked. It was all I could do to hang on.

My 8 year old son Avi was all that remained. I had managed to protect him, even though there was nothing left of me. I would have given my life to keep him from harm.

When Avi’s birthday came I was unable to get him much more than a card. We were in survival mode and I had to use what was left just to keep us alive.

“I’m sorry Avi,” I told him. “I can’t buy you anything for your birthday.”

He looked up at me and smiled. And then told me something I have never forgotten, nor have I ever failed to give him.

“Dad,” he said. “Kids don’t want stuff…they want love.”


1)shattered  /ˈʃæt̬.ɚd/ 破碎的,打碎的

e.g. “It can take years to mold a dream. It takes only a fraction of a second for it to be shattered.” ― Mary E. Pearson, The Kiss of Deception

补充:My life is shattered. /My life is in pieces. /My life is in a mess. 

2) toxic  /ˈtɑːk.sɪk/ adj. 恶毒的;造成阴影的

英文解释:causing you a lot of harm and unhappiness over a long period of time

搭配:toxic  parents; 恶毒的父母; a toxic friendship带毒的友谊

3) The toxic woman I had been involved with had nearly succeeded in destroying me.

省略that 引导的定语从句:

判定标准:两个名词,逻辑意思出现断层。(woman I) 

背后原理:that 引导定语从句,当that在定语从句中作宾语的时候,可以省略。

4) be involved with 跟…有牵扯

第一个意思:to be having a romantic relationship with someone, especially a sexual one

e.g. The senator denied that he was romantically involved with a member of his staff.

第二个意思:to spend time with someone that you have a relationship with

e.g.  Fathers are encouraged to be more involved with their families.

5)succeed in doing something  成功做某事

6) be in (a) shambles 很混乱

e.g.  After the earthquake, the town lay in shambles. 地震之后,这个小镇一片混乱。

e.g. The TV set was in a shambles after John tried to fix it. 在约翰试图修理电视之后,电视机完全散架了。

7)repossess  /ˌripə’zɛs/ v. 取回,收回


词汇:possess 拥有

8)My body was alive, but my soul had been hijacked. 我的身体只剩下了一句躯壳。

9)Can you take a photo/picture of us? 和Can you take a photo/picture for us? 

10)keep…from …使..远离

搭配:keep someone from danger/harm 是某人远离危险/伤害

补充:keep someone safe 使某人安全

表达:I am willing to sacrifice(牺牲)my life to keep him safe. 我愿意牺牲我的生命来保护他的安全。

11)look up at someone 抬头看看某人;look up 查..信息

12) nor have I ever failed to give him 部分倒装



e.g. I won’t go to Peter’s birthday party tomorrow. Neither will I. 

12) stuff 东西,用法;话题。

e.g. I'll go pick up all the stuff we need. 我去买我们需要的东西。

e.g. Hey.  Would you mind watching over my stuff for me for just a minute? 你能帮我看一下我的东西吗?

e.g. We really hit it off. We have a lot of stuff to talk about. 我们很聊的来。我们有很多话题可以聊。



one day mike (英语阅读)

1B 2A 3C 4B 5C 6B 7A 8B 9A 10B

我希望每天都是hold day!day day day ……女歌手唱的什么歌曲?


Day by Day 的MV讲的是一个什么故事?

解说转音乐台 文字版解说下 (纯属我的理解) 2330的年代,人们武器的摧.毁、对自然的摧.残、不停地战.争、电子设备的摧.毁等等,人们退回到了冷,兵,器.时.代。孝敏和失明的danee是在废墟中生存的俩姐妹,而妍宝得知了danee具有特殊的能力,所以danee成为了以妍宝为代表的势.力.社.团的追踪目标(这种可能性大点吧,也肯能是其他的原因)。抓住danee以后,妍宝想把她培养成自己的武/器,在笼子外面装作是danee的姐姐,但是脸上的刀疤被danee发现了,瞬间的敌意是自己的能力出现了,瞳孔变蓝,玻璃碎裂,但是妍宝显然不意外。而大难不.死被救走的孝敏在醒来后,为了找回danee,苦练自己,而找到danee的时候(danee张大成恩静啦!)是在发现那个野兔的地方,而此时danee迫于生存虽然跟着妍宝但是还记着自己的姐姐 ,于是乎下部(后续曲Mirage)的内容就是俩姐妹和妍宝的对.决.战.啦 = =最后妍宝的角色死.了,孝敏的角色貌似也是屎了-

day by day的mv讲了什么


tara day by day

居丽是最好认的了,发色是灰绿色的 居丽 花英 智妍 雅琳 素妍 宝蓝 恩静 孝敏

day 是什么意思

day [dei] n. 天, 白天, 日子, 白昼, 黎明, 工作日, 节日, 重要日子

one day 和some day有什么区别

区别一: 1、one day 既可以用于过去时,也可以用于将来时。例如: I will take you there one day. 总有一天我会带你到那去的。 One day I met him in the street. 有一天我在街上遇见了他。 2、而some day则只能用于将来时。例如: Some day you will be sorry about it. 总有一天你会对这件事感到后悔的。 He put away those iron scraps, hoping that they may come in useful some day. 他把那些碎铁皮收藏起来,希望这些东西也许有一天会有用处。 区别二: someday可以放在句首和句末有强调事情终将在某一天发生的意思。 one day一般放句首不放句尾、更偏向说明时间、有一天

ocean apart day after day

一天复一天地大洋之隔(异地恋) 我慢慢变得疯狂 我通过电话(the line 指电话尺州宽线)迹并听见你的声音 但陵亮不能停止那痛苦

one day is one day

过一天 就是一天 每 一天都要充实的过

Children's Day与Childrens' Day的区别?

Childrens' Day是错的.虽然这不是一个儿童过儿童节,应该是复数(例:teachers day),可单数child的复数辩培穗就是children,不用加携卜s了,可直中空接加'.
