Chapter 3-007

2020-04-18 23:17:05ReadingMarathonBar02:02 3.7万

One morning I was specifically not looking upwhen out of nowhere she swings down from a branch and practically knocks meover. Heart attack! I dropped my backpack and wrenched my neck, and that didit. I refused to wait under that tree with that maniac monkey on the looseanymore. I started leaving the house at the very last minute. I made up my ownwaiting spot, and when I'd see the bus pull up, I'd truck up the hill and geton board. No Juli, no problem. And that, my friend, took care of the rest ofseventh grade and almost all of eighth, too, until one day a few months ago.That's when I heard a commotion up the hill andcould see some big trucks parked up on Collier Street where the bus pulls in.There were some men shouting stuff up at Juli, who was, of course, five storiesup in the tree. All the other kids started to gather under the tree, too, and Icould hear them telling her she had to come down. She was fine — that wasobvious to anyone with a pair of ears — but I couldn't figure out what theywere all arguing about. I trucked up the hill,and as I got closer and saw what the men were holding, I figured out in a hurrywhat was making Juli refuse to come out of the tree. Chain saws. Don't get mewrong here, okay? The tree was an ugly mutant tangle of gnarly branches. Thegirl arguing with those men was Juli — the world's peskiest,bossiest, most know-it-all female. But all of a sudden my stomach completely bailed on me. Juli loved that tree. Stupid as it was,she loved that tree, and cutting it down would be like cutting out her heart.

the railway children Chapter 2 Stop Thief!【(中文全部翻译)】

铁路边的两个孩子章阻止小偷 大概翻译成这样……………… 分开就是: the railway children :铁路边的孩子 Chapter 2 :章2 Stop Thief:阻止小偷;捉贼

推荐一些外国大片,动作片,例如007之类的, 007已看完!


“夜的第七章”用英语怎么说、“Chapter seven”是不是“第七章”的意思。

Chapter seven of Night或the seven's chapter of Night




连续小说故事里英国军情六处的特工人员,名叫詹姆士 邦德(普通话中的正规译法),代号007。许多故事被拍成影视作品。 P.S.你是外星人吗?连007都不知道?


007是风靡全球的一部谍战电影,007不仅是影片的名称,更是主人公特工詹姆斯·邦德的代号。他冷酷但多情,机智且勇敢,总能在最危难时化险为夷,也总能邂逅一段浪漫的爱情。历任007都是大帅哥,再加上性感漂亮的邦女郎,以及扣人心弦的精彩剧情,让这部影片直至今天仍被广大影迷所热爱。 第一部007电影于1962年10月5日公映后,007电影系列风靡全球,到今天历经将近50年长盛不衰。在《007皇家赌场》之前的所有系列都是单独的故事,每一集的剧情之间很少很少有什么联系,但自皇家赌场之后貌似改变了,一直到现在的新片天幕危机,007的剧情都有着某种联系,因此个人觉得如果想看懂现在的007电影,最好从重温皇家赌场开始,这样的话至少会知道如今的007是怎么来的,也能知道他为什么会和他的上司M不和的原因。



007 是什么意思

喜欢管闲事的人 喜欢打听人家私生活的人就是 “007”



