1月22日英语新闻音频:Xi: Advance Beijing 2022 preparations

2021-01-22 06:20:01中国日报网04:13 6.5万

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President Xi Jinping learns about venues construction and athletes' preparations, and extends greetings to athletes and coaches while visiting the Capital Gymnasium in Haidian District, Beijing, capital of China, Jan 18, 2021. [Photo/Xinhua]

President emphasizes need for green, shared, open and clean hosting of Games

President Xi Jinping called on Wednesday for coordinated efforts in containing the COVID-19 pandemic and preparing for the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games to present the world with a wonderful, extraordinary and outstanding Olympic experience.

Xi's remark came after he was briefed about preparatory work for the Games at a meeting in Beijing. On Monday and Tuesday, he had inspected competition venues in the capital and Zhangjiakou, Hebei province, the Games' co-host.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, highlighted the importance of adhering to the new development philosophy and ensuring a green, shared, open and clean process in hosting the Games.

The events, slated for February 2022, are a major landmark that comes at the initial stage of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) period, and it is important to fully recognize their significance and conduct sound preparatory work with a greater sense of responsibility, mission and urgency, he said.

He urged meticulous efforts in all aspects, saying that work on various fronts needs to be planned or readjusted based on the new situation.

It is important to ensure that the Games are hosted in a simple, safe and wonderful manner and diffuse various risks across the board, he said, adding that the risks of the pandemic must be minimized.

Saying that the Games' preparation has entered a critical period, Xi outlined preparatory work in six aspects and urged their sound implementation.

He called for steps to refine the venues and facilities and ensure that noncompetition venues will be completed on schedule, with targeted measures to add necessary facilities for quarantine, isolation and emergency response in various venues.

He highlighted the need to establish an efficient and forceful command system for the operations of the events to improve the capacity for command and dispatch across different regions and fields.

It is important to move forward with services and logistics work for the event based on the same standard for the three competition areas and ensure that services such as accommodations, dining, transportation, healthcare and security are offered at a high standard, he said.

Coordination and cooperation with international sports organizations, including the International Olympic Committee, must be stepped up so that the various measures of pandemic containment are strictly implemented, he said.

To raise China's level of winter sports, Xi urged stronger policy guidance and support to encourage more youth participation in snow and ice sports and more public enthusiasm for ice rinks and ski resorts.

He called for continuous efforts to coordinate the development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and to work toward more favorable outcomes in transportation, environment, industries and public services.

The president also urged more proactive steps in planning the use of the venues afterward, including measures to accelerate the development of a Beijing-Zhangjiakou tourism belt for sports culture.

The Beijing organizing committee must better assume its responsibility, faithfully carry out various regulations and mechanisms and conduct stricter budget control to reduce the costs of hosting the event, he said.

It is important to practice frugality and prevent corruption so that the nation will host a Winter Olympics that is as pure as the ice and snow, Xi said.

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播报:Jocelyn Eikenburg





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2022最新一期新闻周刊内容如下:  3月7日上午,省老干部大学召开2月份工作点评会。会议由省老干部大学办公室主任沈中刚主持,大学全体干部职工参加。会议听取了各业务组2月份工作开展情况及下步工作谋划,督办组对2月份拟定的95项工作完成情况进行通报。 就如何做好近期工作,特别是开展好制度建设、作风纪律整顿、理论业务提升等重点工作,沈中刚要求,一是瞄准“打头牌、争第一”目标,提升四种能力。要提升学习能力,结合重点工作、中心工作,切实增强学习的紧迫性、针对性。 要提升创新能力,既要突破陈规,又要尊重规律,在实践中提升服务发展的能力。要提升执行能力,树立“主动办、马上办、办得好”的作风,认真落实督办工作制度。要提升凝聚力,及时沟通化解潜在矛盾,加强内部团结,形成工作合力。 按照“扬正气、树形象”要求,弘扬四种作风。要弘扬真抓实干之风,认真做好定期工作计划和总结,以更加务实的态度,扎实做好工作的各个环节。要弘扬创先争优之风,积极培塑和大力宣传先进典型,始终保持昂扬向上的精神状态和干事创业的工作热情。 要弘扬艰苦奋斗之风,把有限的资金、资源,集中用于支持大学发展上来。要弘扬提升“三办”能力之风,在办文办会办事中下苦功夫,努力成为“坐下会写、站起会讲、工作会干、遇事会办”的新时代大学复合型人才。 围绕“抓落实、见成效”标准,做到四个严格。坚持严格管理,不断巩固规范化管理成果,在坚定执行制度的过程中锤炼作风。坚持严格督办,围绕能力作风建设开展专项督办考核,确保工作落地见效。 坚持严格奖惩,积极发挥督办、考核的导向作用,形成干部能力作风建设的倒逼机制。坚持严格监督,以制度建设为重点,抓好党风廉政建设。


2022最新一期新闻周刊内容如下:  3月7日上午,省老干部大学召开2月份工作点评会。会议由省老干部大学办公室主任沈中刚主持,大学全体干部职工参加。会议听取了各业务组2月份工作开展情况及下步工作谋划,督办组对2月份拟定的95项工作完成情况进行通报。 就如何做好近期工作,特别是开展好制度建设、作风纪律整顿、理论业务提升等重点工作,沈中刚要求,一是瞄准“打头牌、争第一”目标,提升四种能力。要提升学习能力,结合重点工作、中心工作,切实增强学习的紧迫性、针对性。 要提升创新能力,既要突破陈规,又要尊重规律,在实践中提升服务发展的能力。要提升执行能力,树立“主动办、马上办、办得好”的作风,认真落实督办工作制度。要提升凝聚力,及时沟通化解潜在矛盾,加强内部团结,形成工作合力。 按照“扬正气、树形象”要求,弘扬四种作风。要弘扬真抓实干之风,认真做好定期工作计划和总结,以更加务实的态度,扎实做好工作的各个环节。要弘扬创先争优之风,积极培塑和大力宣传先进典型,始终保持昂扬向上的精神状态和干事创业的工作热情。 要弘扬艰苦奋斗之风,把有限的资金、资源,集中用于支持大学发展上来。要弘扬提升“三办”能力之风,在办文办会办事中下苦功夫,努力成为“坐下会写、站起会讲、工作会干、遇事会办”的新时代大学复合型人才。 围绕“抓落实、见成效”标准,做到四个严格。坚持严格管理,不断巩固规范化管理成果,在坚定执行制度的过程中锤炼作风。坚持严格督办,围绕能力作风建设开展专项督办考核,确保工作落地见效。 坚持严格奖惩,积极发挥督办、考核的导向作用,形成干部能力作风建设的倒逼机制。坚持严格监督,以制度建设为重点,抓好党风廉政建设。







巨人 英文 读音

giant ['dʒaɪənt] 中文谐音念法 杰安特 连起来读哦。 n. 巨人;伟人;巨兽;(故事中常为残酷而愚蠢的)巨人


