174. The Mayor Is Late

2024-04-06 21:49:51乌龟英语01:03 1.9万

The mayor was in a hurry. He was late. He drove his car faster. He didn't want to miss his plane. The traffic light was red. He went through the red traffic light. I'm glad no police are around, he thought. He heard a siren. He saw a red light behind him. The red light was on top of a police car. The mayor didn't stop. He was in a hurry. He was late. He was the mayor. He drove his car faster. The police car followed the mayor. It followed the mayor to the airport. The mayor got out of his car. The policeman got out of his car. "You're under arrest," he said. "You can't arrest me. I'm the mayor," said the mayor.
in a hurry 迅速地,匆忙地 ; 急切,赶紧 ; 立刻,轻易地
want to 应该
traffic light 交通信号灯
went through 审查
red light 红灯
on top of 在…之上 ; 逼近 ; 胜任 ; 掌握
police car 警察巡逻车
got out of 避免,使说出

Read the sentence “The story is simple, the rhythm is slow...


The ___________boy is the f...

【答案】D 【答案解析】试题分析:句意:在那所学校里所有的男孩中这个一百千克的男孩是重的。分析:考查一百千克重的男孩,因此运用其形容词形式;固定短语of all,全部;在某所学校,因此用介词in.故选D 考点:考查介词及复合形容词。

what is the weather和how is the weather的区别是什么?

"what is the weather"用于直接询问天气状况,期望得到具体的答案;而"how is the weather"则用于询问对天气的评估或描述,期望得到一个主观的回答。两者在语法结构上有所区别,一个后接名词短语,一个后接形容词短语。在使用环境上,"what is the weather"常出现在天气相关的场景,而"how is the weather"则更多用于日常闲谈和询问他人现在感受的情境中。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。 1. 释义区别: "what is the weather"是一个直接询问天气状况的问题。 例句:What is the weather like today?(今天天气如何?) "how is the weather"则是询问对天气状况的评估或描述。 例句:How is the weather today?(今天天气如何?) 2. 语法区别: "what is the weather"是一个由疑问词"what"引导的陈述句,后接"be"动词和名词短语。 例句:What is the weather forecast for this weekend?(这个周末的天气预报是怎样的?) "how is the weather"则是一个由疑问词"how"引导的陈述句,后接"be"动词和形容词短语。 例句:How is the weather outside?(外面的天气怎么样?) 3. 用友逗此法区别: "what is the weather"通常用于直接询问天气状况,期望得到具体的答案。 例句:What is the weather like in Paris in the summer?(夏天巴黎的天气如何?) "how is the weather"则用于询问对天气的评估或描述,期望得到一个主观的回答。 例句:指念How is the weather today? Is it sunny and warm?(今天的天气怎么样?是晴天和暖和吗?) 4. 使用环境区别: "what is the weather"常用于日好迅常对话、天气预报、旅行规划等场景。 例句:What is the weather like in Hawaii?(夏威夷的天气怎么样?) "how is the weather"通常出现在朋友间的闲聊、询问他人现在的感受等情境中。 例句:I'm planning a picnic. How is the weather there?(我正在计划野餐。你那边的天气怎样?)

the boy is

The boy is crying loudly 这个句子是典型的主系表结构, The boy是主语,is 是系动词,crying是表语,loudly是状语,形容crying的情况. 英语句子主要结构分为5种: 1、S十V主谓结构 2、S十V十F主系表结构 3、S十V十O主谓宾结构 4、S十V十O1十O2 主谓双宾结构 5、S十V十O十C 主谓宾补结构 说明:S=主语;V=谓语;P=表语;O=宾 语;O1=间接宾语;O2=直接宾语;C=宾 希望对你有帮助

什么什么is the panda

答案: national treasure is the panda.(国宝是熊猫)

The bedroom is

The bed room is where you sleep. 卧房是你睡觉的地方

the house is

much too 后面是 too 加形容词 too much 后面是much 加名词

This story is the l----, but it is the f-----

longest funniest 故事趣

The earth is a planet and the sun is a ........

And the sun is a fixed star.

the radio,the baby is sleeping

A the baby is sleeping作原因状语
