
2024-02-17 20:40:51Yi声有你05:22 6.7万

Chapter 14

- the little prince visits the lamplighter

The fifth planet was very strange. It was the smallest of all. There was just enough room on it for a street lamp and a lamplighter. The little prince was not able to reach any explanation of the use of a street lamp and a lamplighter, somewhere in the heavens, on a planet which had no people, and not one house. But he said to himself, nevertheless:


"It may well be that this man is absurd. But he is not so absurd as the king, the conceited man, the businessman, and the tippler. For at least his work has some meaning. When he lights his street lamp, it is as if he brought one more star to life, or one flower. When he puts out his lamp, he sends the flower, or the star, to sleep. That is a beautiful occupation. And since it is beautiful, it is truly useful."

When he arrived on the planet he respectfully saluted the lamplighter.

"Good morning. Why have you just put out your lamp?"

"Those are the orders," replied the lamplighter. "Good morning."

"What are the orders?"

"The orders are that I put out my lamp. Good evening."

And he lighted his lamp again.

"But why have you just lighted it again?"

"Those are the orders," replied the lamplighter.

"I do not understand," said the little prince.

"There is nothing to understand," said the lamplighter. "Orders are orders. Good morning."

And he put out his lamp.

Then he mopped his forehead with a handkerchief decorated with red squares.

"I follow a terrible profession. In the old days it was reasonable. I put the lamp out in the morning, and in the evening I lighted it again. I had the rest of the day for relaxation and the rest of the night for sleep."

"And the orders have been changed since that time?"

"The orders have not been changed," said the lamplighter. "That is the tragedy! From year to year the planet has turned more rapidly and the orders have not been changed!"

"Then what?" asked the little prince.

"Then-- the planet now makes a complete turn every minute, and I no longer have a single second for repose. Once every minute I have to light my lamp and put it out!"

"That is very funny! A day lasts only one minute, here where you live!"

"It is not funny at all!" said the lamplighter. "While we have been talking together a month has gone by."

"A month?"

"Yes, a month. Thirty minutes. Thirty days. Good evening."

And he lighted his lamp again.

As the little prince watched him, he felt that he loved this lamplighter who was so faithful to his orders. He remembered the sunsets which he himself had gone to seek, in other days, merely by pulling up his chair; and he wanted to help his friend.

"You know," he said, "I can tell you a way you can rest whenever you want to…"

"I always want to rest," said the lamplighter.

For it is possible for a man to be faithful and lazy at the same time.

The little prince went on with his explanation:

"Your planet is so small that three strides will take you all the way around it. To be always in the sunshine, you need only walk along rather slowly. When you want to rest, you will walk-- and the day will last as long as you like."

"That doesn't do me much good," said the lamplighter. "The one thing I love in life is to sleep."

"Then you're unlucky," said the little prince.

"I am unlucky," said the lamplighter. "Good morning."

And he put out his lamp.

"That man," said the little prince to himself, as he continued farther on his journey, "that man would be scorned by all the others: by the king, by the conceited man, by the tippler, by the businessman. Nevertheless he is the only one of them all who does not seem to me ridiculous. Perhaps that is because he is thinking of something else besides himself."

He breathed a sigh of regret, and said to himself, again:

"That man is the only one of them all whom I could have made my friend. But his planet is indeed too small. There is no room on it for two people…"

What the little prince did not dare confess was that he was sorry most of all to leave this planet, because it was blest every day with 1440 sunsets!




在20世纪初,在美国西部落基山脉的凯巴伯森林中约有4000头野鹿,而与之相伴的却是一群群凶残的狼,威胁着鹿的生存.为了这些鹿的安宁,1906年,美国总统决定开展一场除狼行动,到1930年累计枪杀了6000多只恶狼.狼在凯巴伯林区不见踪影了.于是鹿在那里开始无忧无患“无计划”地生育了,不久鹿增长到10万余头.兴旺的鹿群啃食一切可食的植物,吃光野草,毁坏林木,并使以植物为食的其他动物锐减,为此也使鹿群陷于饥饿和疾病的困境.到1942年,凯巴伯森林中鹿下降到8000头,且病弱者居多,兴旺一时的鹿家族急剧走向衰败.出现这种事与愿违的局面,其因是狼被人消灭了.狼一方面捕食掉一些鹿,使鹿总数得到控制,不致于繁殖到使植被退化的程度;另方面,狼捕食的鹿多为老弱病残者,有助于鹿种优胜劣汰,利于鹿群传宗接代;再方面,鹿在狼的追逐下,经常处于逃跑的运动状态,促进了鹿的健壮发育.由于狼消失了,鹿没有天敌,“懒汉”体弱,鹿群退化.美国政府为挽救灭狼带来的恶果,于上世纪70年代制定了“引狼入室”计划.而这项计划却遭到一些人的反对未及时实施.随着人们环境意识的提高,“引狼入室”计划终于在1995年得以实施.时年从加拿大运来首批野狼放生到落基山中,森林中又焕发勃勃生机 病鹿 伊索寓言 病鹿和它的朋友们 一头鹿病了,躺在草地上呻呤着,站不起来了.它的朋友们得到这个消息,纷纷前来探望. 野驴来了.它看了看鹿的舌头,告诉病鹿饭后要多散步,这样身体自然会健康.鹿谢谢它的好意.野驴说了老半天,肚子饿了,就在草地上吃了许多清草. 骆驼也来了.踏番了翻鹿的眼皮,劝它多吃嫩草,这对健康有益.鹿也谢了它.骆驼说得口都干了,便就地吃了一大块清草解渴. 黄鹿也来了.它慰问了几句后,要它以后时时呼吸新鲜空气,说这能使身体早日康复.说完了,它在鹿的周围也吃了不少草. 接着山羊、兔子、野马、大象、长颈鹿等等都来看望它.它们各自献出了许许多多没用的药方,讲了一大堆不着边际的的空话后,各自吃掉了病鹿四周的一片青草. 三天过后,病鹿的身体渐渐好转.它肚子很饿,想吃点青草充饥,可是它的那群朋友早将周围的草啃得一干二净,连仅有的一点草根也被它们践踏的不象样子了. 病鹿没有气跑到很远的地方去找草吃,就这样活活的饿死了. 主要内容:有只生病的鹿躺在草地上.众多野兽前去看望他,并吃光了那附近的草.鹿病好后,因找不到草,缺少食物而体弱至死.作者对于鹿的态度:故事说,过多地结交毫无益处的朋友是有害无益的.

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第一章庆搜父亲去世;第二章挨打;第三章染坊失火;第四章外公的回忆;第五章米哈依尔舅舅;第六章外婆的上帝;第七章妈妈回来了;第八章爸爸的故事;第九章妈妈改嫁;第十章回到外婆家。 《童年》是苏联作家马克西姆·高尔基以自身经历为原型创作的自传体小说三部曲中的第一部(其他两部分别为《在人间》、《我的大学》)。 该作讲述了阿廖沙三岁到十岁这一时期的童年生活,誉兆历生动地再现了19世纪七八十年代沙俄下层人民的生活状况,写出了高尔基对苦难的认识,对社会人生的独特见解,字里行间涌动着一股生生不息的热望与坚强。 扩展资料: 《童年》是作者以自身童年经历为素材的一部小说,它是一轴19世纪末俄国社会的历史画卷,从中又可看到作家童年和青少年时代在暗无天日的社会里寻找光明的奋斗历程。 小说再现了19世纪沙俄统治时期俄国人民生活的社会环境,小说所写的是作者童年经历的苦难,这也是当时社会的普遍现象。 因此,高尔基在作品中流露出对这些人的热爱、赞美之情,通过阿廖沙的与他们的交往热情讴歌了他们。作品通过对阿廖沙童年经历的描写从侧面也暴露了当时社会的现实。 当时的俄国社会处于19世纪70—90年代,正是俄国大革命的前夕,整个社会处于沙皇的统治之下,人民流离失所。偷窃在村民中已形成一种风气,已猜晌经不算是罪恶,而且对于半饥半饱的小市民来说差不多是唯一谋生的手段。 儿童无钱上学,沦落街头,靠捡破烂为生。从广义上讲,也正是这种民不聊生的社会环境造成了阿廖沙的悲剧。




常常爱惜2008-10-16 15:55 拾起一穗遗落在秋天原野上的麦芒时,我们心中会涌起一种情感…… 当水龙头正酝酿着滴落一颗椭圆形的水珠,一只手紧紧拧住闸门时,我们心中会涌起一种情感…… 当凝望宝蓝的天空因为浓雾而浑浑噩噩时,我们心中会涌起一种情感…… 当注视到一个正义的人无力捍卫自己的尊严,孤苦无助的时候,我们心中会涌起一种情感…… 人类将这种痛而波动的感觉命名为——爱惜。 我们读这两个字的时候,通常要放低了声音,徐徐地从肺腑最柔软的孔腔吐出,怕惊碎了这薄而透的温情。 爱惜的大前提是,爱。爱是人类一种最珍贵的体验,它发源于深刻的本能和绵绵的眷念。爱先于任何其他的情感,轻轻沁入婴儿小而玲珑的心灵。爱那给予生命的母亲,爱那清冷的空气和滑润的乳汁,爱温暖的太阳和柔和的抚爱,爱飞舞的光影和若隐若现的乐声…… 爱惜的土壤是欢喜。当我们喜欢某种东西的时候,就希翼它长久和广大,忧郁它的衰减和短暂。当我们对喜爱之物,怀有难以把握的忧虑时,吝啬是一个常会首选的对策。我们会俭省珍贵的资源,我们会珍爱不可重复的时光,我们会制造机会以期重享愉悦,我们会细水长流反复咀嚼快乐。 于是,爱惜就不知不觉中发生了。 当我们爱惜的时候,保护勇气和奋斗的果敢也同时滋生,真爱,需要生命护卫,真爱,就要义无反顾。没有保护的爱惜,是一朵无蕊的鲜花,可以艳丽,却断无果实。没有爱惜的保护,是粗粝的威迫,是强权而不是心心相印。 爱惜常常发生。在我们不经意的时候,打湿眼帘。 爱惜好比一只竹篮。随着人生的进步,它越编越大,盛着人自身,盛着绿色,盛着地球上所有的物种,盛着天空和海洋。








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