英语新闻丨GDP target pragmatic, achievable

2024-02-26 23:27:46中国日报04:58 3.3万

China has set its GDP growth target at around 5 percent for this year, which analysts said is "pragmatic" and "achievable".

The real figure could turn out to be even higher, they said, suggesting that the country implement more targeted macroeconomic policies to boost consumption and prevent high inflation, in order to promote stable growth.

They also said China's stable growth is set to help relieve global growth pressures as developed economies risk falling into recession while suffering from high inflation.

The growth target was revealed in the Government Work Report, which Premier Li Keqiang delivered at the opening meeting of the first session of the 14th National People's Congress in Beijing on Sunday.

President Xi Jinping, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the meeting.

The report, which has been submitted to the top legislature for deliberation, suggested that China seek to push forward its modernization drive, promote high-quality development, better balance COVID-19 prevention and social and economic development, comprehensively deepen reform and opening-up, and vigorously boost market confidence.

China will enhance the intensity and effectiveness of a proactive fiscal policy and implement a prudent monetary policy in a targeted way, according to the Government Work Report.

Apart from suggesting the GDP growth target for this year, the report also raised its projected deficit-to-GDP ratio to 3 percent and targeted an inflation rate of around 3 percent.

The country will also aim to create around 12 million urban jobs this year and has set a target of around 5.5 percent for the surveyed urban unemployment rate.

China will also continue to encourage and support the development of the private sector and enhance efforts to attract foreign investment, according to the report.

"The GDP target is in line with the principle of 'seeking progress while ensuring stable development'," said Bai Jingming, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences. "It is achievable and has left room for (coping with possible) risks."

Compared with last year's GDP growth of 3 percent, this year's target is not high, given the strong rebound of consumption and initial recovery of investment after the country further optimized its COVID-19 response policy in January, Bai said.

"China's growth target for this year is very pragmatic and will help consolidate the country's economic fundamentals," said Raymond Zhu, president of the East and Central China Committee of CPA Australia, a major accounting body.

Zhou Maohua, a macroeconomic analyst at China Everbright Bank, said: "The target is quite solid, because some market expectations have it at above 6 percent. China is capable of achieving it."

Economists suggested that, given the many challenges faced by China, such as the economic downturn and high inflation in the developed world, the country needs to implement targeted macroeconomic policies to ensure stable growth.

"More efforts should be made to support, say, small and micro enterprises, promote private sectors to raise people's income and boost their confidence, and support the foreign trade sectors, given the possibility of slower global growth," said Zhou from China Everbright Bank.

Zhang Yansheng, chief researcher at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, said, "China needs to promote high-quality foreign trade development and improve the business environment, and the focus should be the negative list for the services industry."

Given the expected weak global growth this year, it is also very important for China to stimulate domestic demand, he said.

Nouriel Roubini, an economics professor at New York University, said last week that the world economy may suffer from high inflation, surging interest rates and economic recession, and forecast that the major developed economies could fall into recession.

Against the backdrop of possible recession in developed economies, China's solid growth after optimizing COVID-19 policy this year will benefit the rest of the world, analysts said.

"The reintegration of the (world's) second-largest economy into the world is bound to have a positive effect on global growth," John Edwards, the UK trade commissioner for China, said in an interview with China Daily's website.

记者:辛志明 刘志华


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GDP代表国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product),是衡量一个国家经济总量的指标。它表示在一个国家范围内生产的所有最终商品和服务的总值。 GDP的计算可以使用三种方法:产出法、支出法和收入法。这些方法的目的是测量生产的总价值,但是它们从不同的角度考虑这个问题。 产出法:该方法基于所有最终商品和服务的生产价值。这种方法计算所有生产的价值总和,即将所有产出加起来,包括农业、制造业、建筑业、服务业等所有行业的产出。 支出法:该方法基于消费、投资、政府支出和净出口的总和。这种方法计算国内消费、投资、政府支出和净出口的支出总和。 收入法:该方法基于国内生产所得的总和。这种方法计算所有生产的总收入,包括工资、利润、利息和租金。 这三种方法计算得到的GDP应该是大致相等的,但是由于各种因素,如统计误差和估算不准确等,它们可能会存在微小的差异。


target英 [ˈtɑ:gɪt] 美 [ˈtɑ:rgɪt]  第三人称单数:targets第三人称复数:targets现在分词:targetting; targeting过去分词:targeted; targetted过去式:targeted; targetted target 基本解释 名词目标; 目的; (服务的)对象; (射击的)靶子 及物动词瞄准; 把…作为攻击目标


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