第193集 见证奇迹的时刻

2023-07-28 11:00:08雁栖鸣工作室08:53 1.7万




Talking to the Moon - Bruno Mars I know you're somewhere out there Somewhere far away I want you back I want you back My neighbors think I'm crazy But they don't understand You're all I had You're all I had At night when the stars light up my room I sit by myself talking to the moon Trying to get to you In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too Or am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon Oh I'm feeling like I'm famous The talk of the town They say I've gone mad Yeah, I've gone mad But they don't know what I know 'Cause when the sun goes down Someone's talking back Yeah, they're talking back Oh At night when the stars light up my room I sit by myself talking to the moon Trying to get to you In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too Or am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon Ah, ah, ah Do you ever hear me calling Ah oh oh oh Ah oh oh oh 'Cause every night I'm talking to the moon Still trying to get to you In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too Or am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon Oh I know you're somewhere out there Somewhere far away


Talking to the Moon - Bruno Mars I know you're somewhere out there Somewhere far away I want you back I want you back My neighbors think I'm crazy But they don't understand You're all I had You're all I had At night when the stars light up my room I sit by myself talking to the moon Trying to get to you In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too Or am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon Oh I'm feeling like I'm famous The talk of the town They say I've gone mad Yeah, I've gone mad But they don't know what I know 'Cause when the sun goes down Someone's talking back Yeah, they're talking back Oh At night when the stars light up my room I sit by myself talking to the moon Trying to get to you In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too Or am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon Ah, ah, ah Do you ever hear me calling Ah oh oh oh Ah oh oh oh 'Cause every night I'm talking to the moon Still trying to get to you In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too Or am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon Oh I know you're somewhere out there Somewhere far away


是。 奇迹是要靠努力创造,克服艰难困苦之下,才会发生出现的。不可能时刻发生,没有时刻产生的奇迹,只有时时刻刻不停顿的努力。所以时刻和奇迹不搭配,逻辑错误,属于病句。 病句是指在语法修辞或逻辑上有毛病的隐宴句子。凡是违反语法结构规律或客观事理的句子都是病句,前者叫语法错误,后绝携含者叫逻辑错误并笑。




高尔基的故事 高尔基小时候家里很穷,没有办法,他只好到一家裁缝店当学徒。 在裁缝店里,小高尔基一边干活,一边想方设法读书,老板订了一份《俄罗斯报》,小高尔基就趁老板不在时,偷偷看这份报纸。 有一次,小高尔基从邻居家借来一本小说,趁老板晚上睡着以后,在窗边借着月光津津有味地读起来。过了一会儿,月亮躲到了云层后面,小高尔基兴致正浓,怎肯罢手,就点燃一盏小油灯继续看下去。不一会儿,老板醒过来,他看见小高尔苦在油灯下如痴如醉地看一厚厚的书,不由怒气冲冲地说:“看什么看,你把我农的灯油都快用沟了!”老板娘也醒过来,像一头母狼似的扑上去殴打小高尔基。 小高尔基无法忍受下去,他二话不说,头也不回地离开了裁缝店。 小高尔在背着行囊来到伏尔加河边,他注视着波光点点的伏尔加河,心里感觉有些悲伤,可是很快他又看到了生活的希望,因为他在一艘轮船上遇到了一位和蔼可亲的胖厨师,并做起了胖厨师的洗碗小伙计。更让小高尔基感到惊喜的是,胖厨师也是个书迷,他有满满一箱的书,而且愿意让小高尔基随便读。小高尔基高兴极了,一有空闲时间就如饥似渴地读书,有时还和胖厨师一起探讨书中的各种问题。 小高尔基一边读书一边思索,从大量的书籍中明白了许多人世间的道理。大量的阅读也为他以后的文学创作提供了丰富的滋养,使他最终成为苏联大文豪。

死神 193





188危命的复活 洞窟内的侦探团 189危命的复活 负伤之下的名侦探 190危命的复活 第三个选择 191危命的复活 黑衣骑士 192危命的复活 新一回来了 193危命的复活 约定的场所


我见: “正常”就是一种缺陷。很多例子都告诫我,有点问题比没有问题好很多。——何禾(摘自句读中语录) 我思: 考驾照的时候,册差教练总是说,模拟的时候出点问题好,这样就知道考试的时候如何应对了;学习每次月考的时候都是名列前某,忽然有一次因为小失误倒退了几名,老师会说,不碍事,现在认识到问题,比关键时刻更有用。所有的完美其实更危险,所有风平浪静的海面,都可能会引发波涛汹涌的时刻。看起来越是正常的的东西反而更危险。 太过正常的往往存在着隐患,几岁的孩子,这一会看销姿睁起来正常了,那恰恰相反,过一会你就能看到这个孩子在作妖了,结果往往出乎意料。 不知道是不是真性情的人天生就是这样,也不知道博览群书的人是否真的可以文武都懂一点,是不是需要看很多书才可以讲话的时候出口成章,亏岁不废吹灰之力。如果一篇文章看起来是正常思维,那这段就是出乎意料的成为了“缺陷”。实在不知道用什么来诠释今天这句话,很赞同,就是有一种想要表达但词汇有限的被阻碍。 太多的循规蹈矩都被认为是该走的路,稍微有点不慎,就变成了突兀的表现。人生没有那么多应该怎么做的时刻,需要的正是那些让人出其不意的惊喜片刻。
