
2023-07-31 12:13:44中国日报网05:38 3.4万

> Over 1 in 10 young adults regularly use e-cigarettes, CDC report says


More than one in 10 young adults in the United States regularly use e-cigarettes, according to a new report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


The study, conducted by CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, provides a snapshot of e-cigarette use in 2021. Based on data from the National Health Interview Survey, the report identified that e-cigarette use generally declined as family income increased. Adults under 44 were more likely to be dual users of both cigarettes and e-cigarettes.


Previous findings from the National Health Interview Survey have shown that cigarette use has fallen to record lows. E-cigarettes, however, have flared in popularity.


From 2020 to 2022, e-cigarette sales jumped in the US, to 22.7 million products sold each month, according to previous CDC research. More brands – particularly of disposable e-cigarette products – entered the market, while fruit and candy flavors that appeal to younger users surged in popularity.


The new data indicates that a little under 1 in 20 adults reported in 2021 that they were current e-cigarette users, with slightly higher rates among men than women. Young adults, between the ages of 18 and 24, used e-cigarettes the most, with 11% indicating that they actively consumed the products.


For Dr. Joanna Cohen, director of the Institute for Global Tobacco Control at Johns Hopkins University, the young demographic of e-cigarette users is worrying. Young people who have never smoked cigarettes – rather than older cigarette users trying to break the habit – make up the bulk of e-cigarette consumers.


According to the new report, adults with higher family incomes used e-cigarettes less, with those making over four times the federal poverty level reporting the lowest e-cigarette use rates.


White adults were the most likely to be current e-cigarette users of any racial group, with over double the rates of Black survey respondents.


“Tobacco companies are masters of targeted marketing as well as manipulation,” Cohen said. “They want to make products that are attractive and appealing to a variety of demographics and ages. They also heavily promote their products … to particularly what we might call vulnerable populations.”


The CDC report arrives days after the American Heart Association released a statement warning of the health risks of e-cigarette use.


The statement sounded an alarm about the harmful properties of ingredients used in e-cigarettes, including nicotine – the addictive chemical in the products – and flavoring agents. It notes that those compounds have been shown to carry risks for heart and lung disease in animal studies and that they could pose “dangerous health risks” in humans.


“There is research indicating that nicotine-containing e-cigarettes are associated with acute changes in several hemodynamic measures, including increases in blood pressure and heart rate,” Dr. Jason J. Rose, chair of the American Heart Association’s scientific statement writing committee and an associate professor of medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, said in a news release.


The group also warned that e-cigarette products can contain other substances, including THC, the psychoactive chemical in cannabis, methamphetamine, methadone and vitamins.


According to the statement, comprehensive research on e-cigarettes is limited, but some studies have linked use to the development of respiratory diseases like asthma and emphysema.


The American Heart Association recommended further research on the long-term consequences of e-cigarettes on the heart, blood vessels and lungs.


> Business magazine releases China 500 companies list


Business magazine Fortune released its latest China 500 companies list on Tuesday, with the total revenue and profits of the 500 companies hitting $15 trillion (107 trillion yuan) and $717.1 billion in 2022.


State Grid received $530 billion in revenue, taking the top spot on the Fortune China 500 list, followed by China National Petroleum and Sinopec Group, with revenue at $483 billion and $471.15 billion.


The metal products industry has 56 companies in the rankings, thereby claiming the largest number of companies on the list.


The top three profitable companies are Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), China Construction Bank, and Agricultural Bank of China, with profits at $53.59 billion, $48.15 billion and $38.52 billion, respectively.


Andon Health, a healthcare electronics manufacturer, has the highest net profit rate of 60.92 percent among the 500 companies.





若有善男子、善女人,以七宝满尔所恒河沙数三千大千世界,以用布施,得福多不?”须菩提言:“甚多,世尊!”佛告须菩提:“若善男子、善女人,于此经中,乃至受持四句偈等,为他人说,而此福德胜前福德。” 无相布施,所得最大!非关贫富,相上长短,不识本心。 阿弥陀佛!


老土布是几千年来劳动人民世代延用的一种纯棉手工纺织品,具有浓郁的乡土气息和鲜明的民族特色在当今社会崇尚绿色、回归自然的消费潮流中,它所具有的纯棉质地、手工织造、民族图案、古老民间工艺等特点显的尤为珍贵。 老土布堪称千变万化、巧夺天工。 蓝印花布就是要打时尚和绿色两张王牌,双管齐下。 其实我们中国的蓝印花布在十三世纪末,以油纸镂刻、刮浆漏印的工艺就相当成熟了。当时,这种印染的花布被称为“药斑布”、“浇花布”,是走入寻常百姓家的布料。我们今天可以从京剧的一个行当上窥视历史的痕迹,那就是“青衣”。青衣一般饰演平民女子,穿自已织染的蓝布衣而非锦绣华衣。但美学的评判标准不是贫富,而是能否给人以美的享受。蓝印花布不能与绫罗绸缎比富贵,却在艺术感觉上不让丝绸专美于前。甚至可以说,因为蓝印花布反映了劳动者的情感和审美情趣,具有恒久的艺术生命力。然而进入工业化时代后,特别是现代纺织业的勃兴和技术进步,蓝印花布被挤出了市场。近半个世纪以来,人们渐渐将它淡忘了。富起来的农民也把辞别蓝印花布当作生活改善的一种体现。




恋爱的狮子与农夫 狮子爱上了农夫的女儿,向她求婚。农夫不忍将女儿许配给野兽,但又惧怕狮子,一时无法拒绝,于是他急中生智,心生一计。狮子再次来请求农夫时,他便说,他认为狮子娶自己的女儿很适合,但狮子必须先拔去牙齿,剁掉爪子,否则不能把女儿嫁给他,因为姑娘惧怕这些东西。狮子利令智昏,色迷心窍,很轻易地接受了农夫的要求。从此,那农夫就瞧不起狮子,毫不惧怕他。狮子再来时,农夫就用棍子打他,把他绑起来。 这故事说明,有些人轻易相信别人的话,抛弃自己特有的长处,结果,轻而易举地被原来恐惧他们的人击败了。


恋爱的狮子与农夫 狮子爱上了农夫的女儿,向她求婚。农夫不忍将女儿许配给野兽,但又惧怕狮子,一时无法拒绝,于是他急中生智,心生一计。狮子再次来请求农夫时,他便说,他认为狮子娶自己的女儿很适合,但狮子必须先拔去牙齿,剁掉爪子,否则不能把女儿嫁给他,因为姑娘惧怕这些东西。狮子利令智昏,色迷心窍,很轻易地接受了农夫的要求。从此,那农夫就瞧不起狮子,毫不惧怕他。狮子再来时,农夫就用棍子打他,把他绑起来。 这故事说明,有些人轻易相信别人的话,抛弃自己特有的长处,结果,轻而易举地被原来恐惧他们的人击败了。




建议富二代 还是好好的读书! 到了 可以结婚的年龄 如果到时候还是很爱老师!再去考虑要不要老师离婚! 相爱和相守有的时候是2回事!




