
2023-07-28 01:03:28Heather语伴10:47 21.8万


 M: Hello everyone and welcome to EnglishPod! My name is Marco. 

E: And I’m Erica. 

M: How are you, Erica? 

E: Marco, I’m doing really well! How about you? 

M: I’m doing great! I’m really excited, because today we’re talking about travel. 

E: That’s right, we’re gonna give you some real English to talk about travel. 

M: Exactly, English that you would use in everyday life, that you hear in movies, it TV shows. 

E: English people actually use. 

M: Exactly, so, why don’t you tell us a little bit about this lesson for today? 

E: Okay, so, today we are going to listen as a husband and wife get ready to go on a trip. 

M: Alright, that sounds a little bit complicated. 

E: Aha. 

M: Hehe. 

E: Well, let’s look at our two preview words. 

Voice: Vocabulary preview. 

M: Okay, so, the first word that we have is road trip. 

E: Road trip. 

M: Road trip. 

E: Road trip. 

M: Okay, so, road trips are really fun and interesting, right? 

E: Road trips are great. You get to get in a car with your family and drive on a vacation. 

M: Yeah, that was a really fun and they’re really popular in North America. 

E: Really popular. I’ve been on a million road trips. 

M: Hehe, Alright, we’ll talk about that a little bit later on, but now let’s take a look at our second word and it’s the car’s packed. 

E: The car is packed. 

M: The car’s packed. 

E: The car is packed. 

M: So, when your car is packed it means that… 

E: Everything you need is inside the car. 

M: Alright, so, your bags, your food, everything that you need for your trip. 

E: Exactly. 

M: Perfect! Okay, so, those were our two preview words and now we are ready to listen to the dialogue for the first time. 

E: Okay, this dialogue will be at normal speed, it will be fast, but don’t worry if you don’t understand everything. 

M: After ten minutes we promise you will understand everything in this lesson. 


E: Well, she forgot to go to the bathroom. 

M: Yeah, I hate it when this happens. 

E: This happens to me on almost every road trip. 

M: Hehe. Okay, great, so, now it’s time for our “language takeaway”. We have three words for our language takeaway today. 

Voice: Language takeaway. 

E: And the first word is munchies. 

M: Munchies. 

E: Munchies. 

M: So, munchies are… 

E: Snacks. 

M: Snacks, food. 

E: Food, chips. 

M: Chips, cookies. 

E: Chocolate bars. 

M: All that good stuff. 

E: I love munchies. 

M: Hehe. And they’re really good when you’re taking a road trip. 

E: Indeed. 

M: Okay, so, let’s take a look at our second language takeaway word for today and it is fill up the tank. 

E: Fill up the tank. 

M: Fill up the tank. 

E: Fill up the tank. So, this is to… 

M: Put gas in your car. 

E: Put gas in the gas tank. 

M: In the gas tank, exactly. 

E: Alright, our last language takeaway today is… 

M: Pit stop. 

E: Pit stop. 

M: Pit stop. 

E: Make a pit stop. 

M: It’s a quick stop for you to get some gas, food, go to the bathroom. 

E: Yeah, a pit stop, a quick stop. 

M: Great, so, now it’s time for “Putting it together”. 

Voice: Putting it together. 

M: Okay, so, we have two great phrases for you today. Let’s take a look at the first one. 

E: We’ve got all our bases covered. 

M: We’ve got all our bases covered. 

E: We’ve got all our bases covered. 

M: This is a really great phrase and it’s really useful, right? 

E: Yeah, let’s listen to a couple of examples. 

Voice: Example one. 

A: We’ve got all our bases covered in case the hurricane hits. 

Voice: Example two. 

B: Okay, I have my keys, wallet and passport. Looks like I have all my bases covered. 

M: Okay, it’s clear now, but you can use this in a lot of different situations, right? 

E: You can use this in many situations. If I’m at work I could say “Alright, we’ve got a really good marketing plan, we’ve got all our bases covered”. 

M: Exactly, you have everything ready. 

E: You’re all prepared. 

M: Perfect! Alright, now let’s take a look at our second phrase and it’s let’s get going. 

E: Let’s get going. 

M: Let’s get going. 

E: Let’s get going. 

M: Alright, so, when you say “Let’s get going” it just means… 

E: Let’s start. 

M: Let’s start, let’s go. 

E: Yeah. 

M: Okay, but the interesting thing about this phrase is you can change it a little bit and it means something different. 

E: Aha, let’s listen to a couple of examples. 

Voice: Example one. 

A: I have the chicken, so, let’s get cooking. 

Voice: Example two. 

B: This house is really scary. Let’s get out of here! 

Voice: Example three. 

C: I have another meeting in twenty minutes, so,let’s get down to business. 

E: So, let’s get down to business, Marco. 

M: Let’s get down to business, let’s listen to the dialogue one more time, but this time… 

E: It’ll be a little bit slower and you’ll understand much better. 


E: So, that was a little more clear this time, wasn’t it? 

M: Yeah, you can definitely understand better about… what we’ve been talking about. 

E: Yep. 

M: Okay, so, now it’s time to look at “fluency builder”. Erica, why don’t you explain what fluency builder is? 

E: In fluency builder we give you some great useful phrases to help you express your ideas clearly. 

M: Okay, great, so, let’s look at fluency builder. 

Voice: Fluency builder. 

E: Alright, so, we all know how to ask the question “Are we ready to go?” 

M: That’s right, you can say “Can we go now?” 

E: Or you can say “Are we ready to go?” 

M: Exactly, but there’s another way that we can say this and we heard it in our dialogue, so, let’s listen. 

Phrase 1: So, are we all ready to go? So, are we all ready to go? 

E: Wow! That sounds really good, it sounds a lot more fluent. 

M: Fluent, exactly. 

E: Yeah. Okay, so, another simple phrase that we all know how to say is “It is ready”. 

M: It is prepared. 

E: It is ready. 

M: Right. 

E: So, these examples are fine, they’re right. 

M: Uhu. Yeah, they’re correct English, no problem. 

E: But there’s another way to say this that we heard in the dialogue and it sounds a lot more fluent. 

Phrase 1: Yep, it’s all set. Yep, it’s all set. 

E: It’s all set, that sounds much better. 

M: Yes, and we’re all set to listen to this dialogue for a third time and this time it’s gonna be at its normal speed. 


M: So, Erica, you said you’ve been on a million road trips, what was that all about? Where have you been? 

E: Okay, well, maybe not a million road trips. 

M: Hehe. 

E: But many road trips. Every summer I used to go on a road trip with my family and we would drive many many hours, probably eight hours in one day up to Northern Canada. 

M: Oh, wow! Nice. 

E: Yeah, and then we would go camping and we would sleep outside and we would have a campfire at night, it was great. 

M: Oh, family road trip. 

E: Yeah, but maybe eight hours in a car is a little too long. 

M: Well, yeah. Well, I’ve been on a different kind of road trip with some, uh, buddies of mine, some friends. We would drive to Las Vegas. 

E: Really? 

M: Yeah, so, that’s really fun – a bunch of crazy guys in a car going to Las Vegas and then just having fun and talking about everything, so, that’s a much different experience than a family road trip. 

E: Maybe that sounds a little bit more fun. 

M: Hehe. Yeah, eight hours in a car is not really that boring with all your friends. Alright, folks, we’re out of time for today, but be sure to visit our website at englishpod.com and leave all your questions and comments. 

E: Okay, well, thanks for listening and until next time… Good bye! 

M: Bye! 




你好,考虑是还缺钙发育过快引起的体质虚弱,让孩子服用转移因子口服液 来调理治疗,多喝温水,注意孩子的冷暖,坚持补钙和维生素AD来调理。


  您好!   很简单的,先准备好水果的图案,用双面胶粘到硬纸上,剪去多余的部分,在两边适当的位置安上卫生眼扣,穿上宽松紧带,即可。


  对联是我国人民普遍喜爱的一种民族文化形式,在人民群众遇到婚丧喜庆、节假、寿辰等重要事件或时刻,都喜欢用它来表示庆贺或悼念之情。这种对联在春节时期应用最广,称之为春联。   春联,也叫"门对","春贴","对联","对子",是一种独特的中国文学形式。它以工整、对偶、简洁、精巧的文字描绘时代背景,抒发美好愿望。每逢春节,无论城市还是农村,家家户户都要精选一副大红春联贴于门上,辞旧迎新,以增加节日的喜庆气氛。看到一家家、一户户、一副副字体不一、内容丰富的对联,可以感受到中华文化的博大精深,感受到淳厚的乡风民俗和浓郁的年味,感受万家团圆、和和美美、喜气洋洋的欢欣和对美好愿景、幸福生活的殷殷期盼。   余亚飞《迎新岁》称:“喜气临门红色妍,家家户户贴春联;旧年辞别迎新岁,时序车轮总向前。” 家门口贴上春联的时候,意味着过春节正式拉开序幕。传统春联是由人手以毛笔书写,现在亦有机器印制的春联。春联的种类较多,有街门对、屋门对等,每幅春联都有横批。   有些地区“春联”也是各种春贴的统称,而有些地区又把条状、不成对的春贴称为春条、春挥。朝鲜则有立春榜、立春书、立春贴等名称,简称春榜、春贴等。   春联,起源于桃符(周代悬挂在大门两旁的长方形桃木板)。据《后汉书·礼仪志》所载,桃符长六寸,宽三寸,桃木板上书降鬼大神“神荼”、“郁垒”的名字。“正月一日,造桃符著户,名仙木,百鬼所畏。”所以,清代《燕京时岁记》上记载:“春联者,即桃符也。”五代十国时,宫廷里,有人在桃符上题写联语。《宋史·蜀世家》说:后蜀主孟昶令学士辛寅逊题桃木板,“以其非工,自命笔题云:‘新年纳余庆,嘉节号长春’”,这便是中国的第一副春联。直到宋代,春联仍称“桃符”。王安石的诗中就有“千门万户瞳瞳日,总把新桃换旧符”之句。宋代,桃符由桃木板改为纸张,叫“春贴纸”。   据说五代时的后蜀国国君孟昶是个喜欢标新立异的国君,在公元964年岁尾的除夕,他突发奇想,让他手下的一个叫辛寅逊的学士,在桃木板上写了两句话,作为桃符挂在他的住室的门框上。这两句话是“新年纳余庆,嘉节号长春”。第一句的大意是:新年享受着先代的遗泽。第二句的大意是:佳节预示着春意常在。由此开始,桃符的形式和内容都发生了变化,这不仅表现在开始用骈体联语来替代“神荼”、“郁垒”,而且还扩展了桃符的内涵,不只是避邪驱灾,还增加了祈福、祝愿的内容。这就成了中国最早的一副春联。   到了宋代,在桃木板上写对联,已经相当普遍了。王安石的《元日》诗中写的“爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。千门万户瞳瞳日,总把新桃换旧符”就反映了每到除夕之日,家家户户挂桃符(即今春联)的盛况。同时,随着门神的出现和用象征喜气吉祥的红纸来书写桃符,以往的桃符所肩负的驱邪避灾的使命逐渐转移给门神,而桃符的内容则演化成用来表达人们祈求来年福运降临和五谷丰登的美好心愿。   “春联”一词的出现,则是在明代初年。当年明太祖朱元璋当上皇帝之后,喜欢排场热闹,也喜欢大户人家每到除夕贴的桃符,就想推广一下。在一年的除夕前他颁布御旨,要求金陵的家家户户都要用红纸写成的春联贴在门框上,来迎接新春。大年初一的早晨,朱元璋微服巡视,挨家挨户察看春联。每当见到写得好的春联,他就非常高兴,赞不绝口。在巡视时见到一家没有贴春联,朱元璋很是生气,就询问什么原因,侍从回答说:“这是一家从事杀猪和劁猪营生的师傅,过年特别忙,还没有来得及请人书写。”朱元璋就命人拿来笔墨纸砚,为这家书写了一副春联:“双手劈开生死路 ,一刀割断是非根。”写完后就继续巡视。过了一段时间,朱元璋巡视完毕返回宫廷时,又路过这里,见到这个屠户家还没有贴上他写的春联,就问是怎么回事。这家主人很恭敬地回答道:“这副春联是皇上亲自书写的,我们高悬在中堂,要每天焚香供奉。”朱元璋听了非常高兴,就命令侍从赏给这家三十两银子。由此可见,“春联”的得名和推广,是朱元璋采取行政命令的办法,颁布御旨才得以在家家户户推广开来的。


歌曲:不哭 歌手:侯旭 专辑:tcc侯旭 [ar:侯旭] [ti:不哭] [al:只为你流泪ep] [by:活在当下] 侯旭-不哭 我告诉自己不能哭不能哭 我不会在你的面前流泪 不管再大的委屈伤悲不需去理会 我告诉自己不能哭不能哭 我不会在你的面前流泪 一个人活着不需要为谁 何必叹息今夜太黑 往事一幕幕从眼前划过 时间仿佛停留此刻我已经陶醉 不是缘分在作祟只是时间不对 现在我最需要的只是好好睡 一杯又一杯喝醉了心扉 不需要有人陪忘记我自己是谁 多情的人多受罪不必去问错对 将一切化成灰让它随风吹 我告诉自己不能哭不能哭 我不会在你的面前流泪 不管再大的委屈伤悲不需去理会 我告诉自己不能哭不能哭 我不会在你的面前流泪 一个人活着不需要为谁 何必叹息今夜太黑 一杯又一杯喝醉了心扉 不需要有人陪忘记我自己是谁 多情的人多受罪不必去问错对 将一切化成灰让它随风吹 我告诉自己不能哭不能哭 我不会在你的面前流泪 不管再大的委屈伤悲不需去理会 我告诉自己不能哭不能哭 我不会在你的面前流泪 一个人活着不需要为谁 何必叹息今夜太黑 不能哭不能哭 我不会在你的面前流泪 不管再大的委屈伤悲不需去理会 我告诉自己不能哭不能哭 我不会在你的面前流泪 一个人活着不需要为谁 何必叹息今夜太黑 我告诉自己不能哭不能哭 我不会在你的面前流泪 一个人活着不需要为谁 何必叹息今夜太黑




病情分析:治疗哮喘病可以选用中医,因为中医是以绿色、自然为治疗原则对哮喘病进行治疗,这样的治疗效果比西医要好。 指导意见:另外注意平时的饮食和生活习惯,多锻炼增强抵抗力,注意预防疾病的发生。




8个红球2个蓝球,不放回摸6个球 摸到蓝球概率 1-C(8,6)/C(10,6)=1-28/210=13/15 9个红球1个蓝球,不放回摸6个球 摸到蓝球概率 1-C(9,6)/C(10,6)=1-84/210=3/5


五大夫松  泰山娘娘..............