
2024-02-12 21:58:24晨听英语02:47 14万

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Todd: Hello, I'm here with Anita. Anita, where are you from?

Anita: I am from the Czech Republic.

Todd: Oh, and what city?

Anita: Ah, from the capitol city, Prague.

Todd: Oh, that's a beautiful city.

Anita: Yes, it is.

Todd: Can you talk a little bit about your city?

Anita: OK, Prague is a very historical city. It's got many, many old buildings. It's very popular among foreign tourists, especially. The main attraction is the Prague Castle, which is right in the city center. That's where the President has his office.

Todd: Inside the castle?

Anita: Yeah, in the castle.

Todd: That's really cool.

Anita: Yes, yeah, it's really beautiful. Of course you can't go into his offices, but you can go into the premises of the castle and walk around and there's a very big cathedral right in the middle of the castle and it's absolutely gorgeous.

Todd: Now, actually, I saw the castle many years ago, about 12 years ago, and if memory serves it was built by the Romans? Or am I wrong?

Anita: I'm not very good in history, so I'm sorry.

Todd: OK, I...

Anita: I'm not sure.

Todd: I'm probably very wrong.

Anita: But, one of our late last kings. He was an emperor of Rome as well.

Todd: Oh, I see.

Anita: A Roman Emperor.

Todd: Ah, so maybe that's it.

Anita: Something to do with Rome. Anyway.

Todd: Somebody will probably write me now and tell me the history. And there's also a really famous bridge correct?

Anita: The Charles Bridge. Exactly.

Todd: Right.

Anita: The Charles Bridge.

Todd: So, it must be nice to be living in a city with so many beautiful buildings and history.

Anita: It is. You know, I mean, of course it depends where in the city you go because the city center is the historical part but when you go to the outskirtsof the city, that's where it is... that's where you get buildings from the Communist era, so it's not colorful. It's all grey. It's all one style and it can get pretty ugly in some parts, but if you stick to the city center it's gorgeous. It's like a fairy tale.

Todd: So would you say then that your city is a mix of new and old?

Anita: Um, I probably wouldn't say a mix of new and old because they're not mixed in one place.

Todd: Right.

Anita: It's old in the center and then new, not modern... I wouldn't say modern, but new, Communist new in the outskirts, so it's separated. It's not mixed together, which is good because when tourists come they don't get to see the ugly parts as much.

Todd: It's like in the States. Believe me, every city has it's ugly parts.

Anita: Yeah, I guess.


前言卷心菜 (英文名:cabbage的原意是head,在希腊神话中卷心菜被说成是主神宙斯头上的汗珠变的。是最古老的蔬菜之一 。),学名结球甘蓝,一种常见蔬菜。约90%的成份为水,富含维生素C,在世界卫生组织推荐的最佳食物中排名第三。卷心菜 ,别名疙瘩白。圆白菜和绿甘蓝和疙瘩白是三种菜,疙瘩白吃起来有一点辣,绿甘蓝长得像疙瘩白,但是吃起来不辣,圆白菜从侧面看要比另外两种要扁,而其他两种从哪个角度看比圆白菜鼓。日文称为キャベツ(kyabetsu),广西有一部分的人也叫做椰菜,还叫莲花白,莲白,大头菜等,东北方言称其为“嘎达白(疙瘩白)”,属于甘蓝的变种。圆白菜性平、味甘,归脾、胃经;可补骨髓、润脏腑、益心力、壮筋骨、利脏器、祛结气、清热止痛;主治睡眠不佳、多梦易睡、耳目不聪、关节屈伸不利、胃脘疼痛等病症。材料主料:包菜200g; 辅料:油适量、盐适量、姜适量、醋适量、十三香适量手撕包菜1包菜洗净控水,撕成大片2辅料备好3锅里热油放花椒爆香4去掉花椒下辅料爆香放十三香翻炒5下包菜翻炒6翻炒断生放醋,盐,翻炒均匀出锅小贴士很下饭


1.一战期间,欧洲列强打得不可开交,美国趁机大发战争财,出卖军火,结果一战过后,欧洲列强普遍衰弱,美国成为世界第一强国。 2.螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后 园子里有一棵榆树,树上有一只蝉。蝉正振动着翅膀悲切地鸣叫,想要喝一些清凉的露水,却不知一只螳螂正在它的背后。螳螂弯曲着脖子,想抓住蝉后把它吞掉。螳螂正要吃蝉,却不知黄雀在它背后。黄雀伸长脖子想要啄过螳螂吞掉他。黄雀正想吃螳螂,却不知有一个孩子正在榆树下面,他拉开弹弓,就要射向黄雀。孩子要拉开弹弓射杀黄雀,却不知道脚下有个深坑后面还有树墩子。 最后其实是第三方得利~后半部分可以略去




画一个射手座手帐有很多种方式,一般包括一些它的星座的象征,如弓箭、斗篷、冠帽以及星星等。 ①在画布上先画出一把弓,射手用它去射击。 ②给弓算一个情景,可以画一朵云,表示刚下过雨天。 ③在弓下方画一个小小的斗篷,表示射手座的动作是进攻,不会被打败。 ④画一张冠帽,表示射手座的勇气以及对胜利的追求。 ⑤在射手的脸上画一张程度无边的星空,表示射手永远看到希望。 ⑥最后把手帐完完整整的画好,就可以得到一幅蕴含多种意义的射手座手帐图。


打呼 专辑 / 王者丑生 艺人 / 潘玮柏/杨丞琳 上周:0


对不起~我搞错题目了~!下面是回答: 徐氏的姓氏来源比较纯正,主要出自嬴姓。是先帝玄孙伯益之子若木的后裔。相传陷帝有一个孙女叫女修,因食燕子蛋而怀有大业。大业娶少典氏女子女华为妻,生下了伯益。伯益因辅佐大禹治水有功,帝舜除了正式赐他为嬴姓以外,还把本族的女子姚氏嫁给他,姚女后来生了两个儿子,其中小儿子叫若木因为他的父亲有功,所以封他于徐,建立徐国。徐国历经了夏、商、周三个朝代,都是作为诸侯而存在的。周穆王的时候传到了徐国的32世孙徐君偃,他很聪明,对百姓又很好,所以深的百姓的爱戴,国力不断强大。当时周穆王喜欢云游四方而经常不问国家大事,诸侯埋怨他的很多,徐君偃于是产生了想要取代周穆王的野心。于是他自称为徐偃王,率领各国联军向周国进军,周穆王知道这个消息后马上返回京城,调兵前去镇压。徐偃王只好收兵而逃,他躲进了彭城一带的山中。由于他得得民心,跟着他到了山中得百姓很多。这座山后来就叫做徐山,徐州也因此而得名。周穆王也因此不得不封他的儿子宗于徐,称为“徐子”,继续管理徐国。春秋时期,徐国被楚国打败,国力从此日渐消退,周敬王八年的时候,徐国被吴国所灭,徐国的后裔就称为徐氏,以国为姓,代代相传。








唉?这句话的意思就是 “数理化”一定要学好!是老师用来鼓励我们的啦,像我们老白就天天讽刺我们。汗。
