43. Swimming Pool

2018-04-12 06:00:05乌龟英语00:59 32.5万

Sharon jumped into the water at the swimming pool. She held her nose. She went under the water. Then she came back up. She swam to the ladder in the pool. She climbed out of the pool. She stood at the edge of the pool. She held her nose. She jumped in again. Sharon liked to jump into the pool. The water felt good. It was a hot day. The water was cool. The water felt so good. Sharon's mother had brought her to the pool. Her mother was sitting in a chair. She was watching Sharon. She wanted Sharon to have fun.


swimming pool 游泳池; 游泳场 ; 游泳馆

back up 支持,证实; 备份 ; 将…付诸实施 ; 支持 ; 证实…的说法 ; 倒车 ; 堵塞,排成长龙 ; 倒行 ; 退着走 ; 后退

swam 游水; 游泳 ; 游 ; 游动 ; swim的过去式

climbed攀登; 爬 ; 登山,攀岩 ; climb的过去分词和过去式

out of 从…里面;离开 ; 从…的状态中 ; 越出…之外

jump into 跳入; 急于做某事;急速行动

have fun 玩得开心

swimming pool怎么读

swimming pool[ʹswı返塌mı漏芦圆ŋpu:l] 可数名词 游泳池哗燃

Ann and Amy swim in the swimming pool

Ann and Amy are swimming in the swimming pool Ann and Amy will swim in the swimming pool Ann and Amy swam in the swimming pool

Let,s go to swimming in the (pool)


Let's go swimming! 这个swimming为什么要ing?



pool, pond 这两个名词均有“池塘、水塘”之意。 pool〓指自然形成的池塘。 pond〓一般指乡村由人工挖的可供喂养鹅鸭等的水塘,非一般可比,多作引申用,有时含夸张意味.




现在,我就按照你问的先后顺序来回答你。 一、swim和swimming有什么区别 1. 形式不同:作为单词时,swim是动词原形;swimming是swim变成的ing形式。它们只是形式不同而已。 2. 用法不同:如果是在句子中出现,它们用法也就不同了。例如, I swim every day.(作谓语,表示“动作”,是动词。) I like swimming.(作宾语,表示“运动名称”,是动名词。) 二、为什么擅长游泳和喜欢游泳都用swimming 这是因为动词形式的运用必须根据句型结构的要求,所以它们才变成这样的形式。这是动词ing形式的一种常见的普通用法。 三、问题总结 你只要根据句型结构要求进行运用动词形式那就正确了。这难不了你。当然,还要在平时的学习中注意积累与不断总结。

go swimming什么意思/用法go to

从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响弯辩范围五个维度分析go to swim和go swimming的区别,详细内容如下。 1. 释义区别: - "Go to swim":表示去某个地方进行游泳的动作。 - "Go swimming":表示参与游泳活动,强调参与的行为或状态。 例句: - Let's go to swim at the beach this weekend. (这个周末我们去沙埋族缺滩游泳吧。) - He enjoys going swimming in the pool every evening. (他每天晚上都喜欢去泳池游泳。) 2. 用法区别: - "Go to swim":用于表示去某个地方进行游泳的动作,强调去的目的地。 - "Go swimming":用于表示参与游泳的活动,强调参与的行为或状态。 例句: - They are planning to go to swim in the lake nearby. (他们计划去附近的湖里游泳。) - She goes swimming at the local swimming pool every weekend. (她每个周末都去当地的游泳池游泳。) 3. 使用环境区别: - "Go to swim":适用于描述具体的去某个地方游泳的情境。 - "Go swimming":适用于描述参与游泳活动的情境。 例句: - They always go to swim in the ocean during their vacation. (他们每次度假都去海边游泳。) - We usually go swimming in the river during summer. (夏天我们通常在河里游泳。) 4. 形象区别: - "Go to swim":强调具体的动作,即去某个地方进行游泳的行为。 - "Go swimming":强调参与游泳活动的状态或行为。 例句: - They go to swim at the community pool every evening. (每天晚上他们去社区游泳池游泳。) - He enjoys going swimming in the open sea. (他喜欢在开阔的海穗携洋里游泳。) 5. 影响范围区别: - "Go to swim" 和 "Go swimming" 的影响范围在描述游泳行为的具体动作和参与状态上有所区别。 例句: - She goes to swim early in the morning to start her day. (她早上去游泳以开始新的一天。) - We go swimming as a family activity every weekend. (每个周末我们作为家庭活动去游泳。)

go swimming 和go to swim 有什么区别?

"go swimming" 和 "go to swim" 在使用上有些细微的区别:                                     "go swimming" 意思是“去游泳”,强调的是去做游泳这一活动或运动。这是一种较为常用和习惯的表达。 例句: Let's go swimming in the lake this afternoon. (我们下午去湖里游泳吧。) "go to swim" 意思也是“去游泳”,但这种表达不太常用。它强调的是去一个地方来罩扒袭进行游泳。 例句: We went to swim at the new aquatic center. (我们去新的水上运动中心游泳此旦了。) 总结一下: "go swimming" 强调参与游泳活动或运动物兄。 "go to swim" 强调去某个地方游泳。 在日常使用中,"go swimming" 用得更多,是一种习惯的说法。 除非需要强调去了某个具体地点,否则"go to swim"不太常用。

We go swimming in summer哪里错了

We go swimming in summer 这个段凯没错的。 我们夏天去游泳。 go swimming 英陆燃逗 [ɡəu ˈswɪ早卖mɪŋ] 美 [ɡo ˈswɪmɪŋ] 词典 (去)游泳 Do you like to go swimming? 你喜欢去游泳吗? I often go swimming in summer. 夏天我经常去游泳。