
2018-06-19 15:24:58天津教育社whhaha04:17 4.6万


1。The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. 2。The country is covered with cherry tree flowers so that it looks as though it might be covered with pink snow. 3。Be careful on April 1st, because your friends may play a trick/trick on you. 4。Celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival will remind us of the great poet Qu Yuan. 5。We should be honest and get rid of the habit of telling lies.


  三、读一读,选一选   ( )1.当你向别人问路的`时候,你可以说:   _______________________________________   A: Sorry B: How are you? C: Excuse me   ( )2.当你询问图书馆在哪里时,应该这样问:   ____________________________________   A: Where is the bookstore? B: Where is the library? C: Where is the museum?   ( )3.科学博物馆在邮局的附近。应该这样说:   ____________________________________   A: The post office is behind the science museum   B: The science museum is near the post office   C: The science museum is in front of the post office   ( ) 4. ---- Where is the school ?---- ______________ .   A . It’s my school . B . My school is big . C . It’s next the shop .   ( ) 5. She wants to buy ___________ shoes .   A . a B . a pair of C . a pairs of   ( ) 6.Get off _______ the cinema .   A . at B . on C . in   ( ) 7. Walk straight _________ ten minutes to cinema .   A . to B . at C . for   ( ) 8. My friend is reading a book _______ my left .   A . on B .at C. in   ( )9. Excuse me .Where is the hospital ?It’s east _______the cinema.   A .on B. at C. on   ( )10. Turn right at the cinema. It’s ______ the left.   A. in B. at C. on   ( )11.Go_______this road. It’s on the left.   A. straight B. walk C. to   ( )12. You can go by the No.12 bus. ______at the park .   A. Get off B. Get on C. Get to   ( )13. Then walk straight_____ two minutes .________left at the cinema .you can see it.   A. for; On B. at; Go C. for; Turn   ( )14.Sarah:Where is the library? Zhang Peng:   A.It’s in front of the school.   B.Where is the school?   ***.is there a library near here?   D.Yes,it is.   ( )15.Liu:Excuse me,is there a cinema near here? Policeman:   A.Yes,there are. B.No,there aren’t.   CYes,there is. D,No,there is.   ( )16.请问,电影院在哪儿?   A. Where is the cinema ,please。   B. Where is the school,please?   C. Where is the post office,please?   D. Where is the library,please?   ( )17.医院离这儿很远吗?   A.You’re welcome. B.No,it’s not far.   ***.is the hospital far from here? D.It’s in front of the school.   四、连词成句   1..there a is near here hospital ?   _______________________________________   2. the cinema where is please ?   ________________________________________   3. it’s to hospital next the .   __________________________________________   4. home , near , is , my , the , office , post .   ________________________________________________   5 . the , next , to , the , hospital , is , cinema .   ________________________________________________   6 . your , far , home, here , from , is ?   ________________________________________________   7.left at the turn park .   _____________________________________   8.library get can to I how the ?   ___________________________________   9.the left on post office the is .   ______________________________________   五、排序   ( ) Where is the cinema ,please.   ( ) Excuse me,is there a cinema near here?   ( ) Yes,there is.   ( ) It`s next to the hospital.   ( ) Is it farfrom here?No,it`s not far.   ( ) Thank you.   ( ) You are welcome.   六、读下面两篇文章,判断正T误F   A   It’s Saturday afternoon . Sam has no class today . He is going to his grandma’s home . Now he’s on his way . He walks to the bus stop .Then he takes the No. 308 bus . He goes straight for ten minutes . Then get off at the library . Grandma’s home is on the left .   ( ) 1. It’s Saturday afternoon .   ( ) 2. Sam goes to the bus stop on foot .   ( ) 3. Sam doesn’t take the bus .   ( ) 4. He goes on the bus at the library .   ( ) 5 . He walks straight for 20 minutes .   B   Lucy : Excuse me . Is there a library near here ?   Bob : Yes ,there is . Go straight and turn left . It’s on Green Street on the right . It’s next to a supermarket .   Lucy : Thank you very much .   Bob : You are right .   ( ) 1. Lucy wants to go to a supermarket .   ( ) 2. The library is far from here .   ( ) 3. The supermarket is next to a library .   ( ) 4. The library isn’t on Green Street .   ( ) 5. Bob knows the place (地点) that Lucy wants to go .   七、看图写一写,每空一词。   How can I get to school ?   First, __________ ___________. Turn left at the second traffic lights. Then ___ ___ again. Next,_____ _____ at the library and _______ __________.Then _________ ___________. You will see the school.

七年级下册 人教版 英语 阳光试卷 单元测试卷所有答案



第一张不清晰,第二张第一个填mode spaceship


我们这里老师手里的测试卷多是1-3单元4-6单元之类的 你可以买一本五、三练习册 叫五年中考三年模拟 那里面不仅有单元测试还有sectionA sectionB selfcheck的随堂练习 很实用的。而且讲解很细致 适合自学的。


1 建议自己做~因为自己做好处不要多说~! 2 抄别人的~ 3 书店看有类似卷子吗~不过最新的 (一般不会出版这么快) 4 网上非常少,,,尝试找过许多回,,,没一次成功,, 可惜我们只做到四= =,。。。。不然都发你了


七手八脚 脚踏实地 地久天长 长年累月 月明星稀 漫不经心 心高气傲 傲然挺立 立竿见影 影只形单 异口同声 声东击西 西除东荡 荡气回肠 肠肥脑满 二和五之间:接二连三 1,2,5,:丢三落四 9999: 万无一失 百米赛跑:争先恐后 瞧瞧过去,看看未来:瞻前顾后 心无二用:一心一意 二十四小时:一朝一夕/夜以继日/一日之长...... 二四六八十:无独有偶 中秋菊开:花好月圆 最高的巨人:顶天立地 最长的退:一步登天 最难的话:一言难尽 最荒的地方:不毛之地 最短的季节:一日三秋 最难做的饭:无米之炊


1,西游记中谁用月牙铲? 2,牛魔王老婆的儿子的老爸的七弟的称谓是甚么? 3,与牛魔王用同一兵器的人的老爸的最小孩子是男是女? 4,收八戒后第一个妖怪的克星后来又帮悟空对付过谁? 5,偷佛宝舍利子的人的老婆上过天宫吗? 6,杨戬有几只眼? 7,和悟空带着相似装饰物的人的主子的坐骑是什么? 8,说出西游中有两头坐骑的人。 9,说出玉帝的全名。 10,与悟空戴相似饰物的人的主子的坐骑抢了谁的老婆。 11,悟空会炼丹吗? 12,江流儿被与世同君招待后遇到哪个妖怪。 13,谁有九头坐骑? 14,玉帝的全称。 15,白马是哪个海的龙孙? 16,蜃与龙啥关系? 17,猴子身上有多少毫毛。 18,与木吒用同样兵器的人的老婆的克星是谁? 19,与电视剧中沙僧用同一兵器的人的老婆的爹的好朋友是? 20,西游中最好的一把剑是用来干吗的? 21,说出西游中喝油的妖怪,要答全。 22,袁天罡他叔善长哪个道门? 23,悟空如何打败四大天王? 24,猕猴王的七弟的师弟的兵器的学名是? 25,谁是西游记中被阉了的人的主子? 26,被悟空推得倒栽葱的人的坐骑的法宝的克星是? 27,本吧最早的吧主是谁? 28,七绝岭的特产是啥? 29,哪吒他爹与悟空单挑过吗? 30,卷帘下界后遇到的第一个强劲对手的爹的最小孩子是男是女? 31,除老君外青牛精收不了谁的法宝? 32,说出与黄袍怪和毗蓝都有点关系的是? 33,在唐玄宗时代对骂佛的人怎样,是谁先骂的? 34,悟空变化的弱点是? 35,二朗与猴子如果赌完变化立即开战单挑,谁会赢? 36,密多心经的创造者曾想收谁为徒? 37,天蓬下界后的第一位老婆是?




