Dear Zoo

主播:阳阳妈妈读英文绘本 播放:2482最近更新: 2022-08-31

I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet.我写信给动物园请他们送给我一只宠物。

They sent me an- 他们送给我一头……

这页画着一个黄色的大箱子。可以顺势问问宝宝这是什么?这是什么颜色的?What is this? It’s a box. What color is it? It’s yellow.箱子本身有个翻翻页的机关,但是先不急着打开机关,可以先请宝宝根据上面写着的“VERY HEAVY!”这一线索猜一猜箱子里的是什么动物。Who’s inside? 什么动物“very heavy”,需要很大很大的箱子来装?鼓励宝宝自己伸手翻开翻翻页:哈哈,原来是大象啊!It’s an elephant! It’s big and heavy.

He was too big. I sent him back.他太大了,我把他退了回去。

这里可以用手比划一个大大大的样子表示big,然后边摇头边做“推”的动作来解释send back。

So they sent me a ...所以他们送给我一只……

这次又是什么动物呢?高得连箱子都装不下了,还得冒个头出来!There is an animal poking his head out of the top. It must be very tall.通过这样一个设计,使得tall这个概念在有限的尺幅里得到了最大化的展现,真是太生动、传神了!打开翻翻页,It’s a giraffe. He’s tall because he has got a very long neck.

He was too tall. I sent him back.他太高了,我把他退了回去。

So they sent me a ...所以他们送给我一头……

这次的箱子上写着“DANGER!” 宝宝猜一猜吧!Can you guess Who’s inside? 什么动物会这么危险呢?呀,都能看见他的尾巴呢~You can see its tail though the box. Open the box carefully. Yes, it’s a lion.Roar~~~必须绘声绘色,作出凶猛状!

He was too fierce. I sent him back.他太凶了,我把他退了回去。


So they sent me a ...所以他们送给我一匹……

这次的箱子是蓝色的,还有两个门,还有一个窗户!This box has doors and a window. How many doors? Yes,two. 能猜到里面是什么动物吗?因为箱子上写着“WITH CARE”,所以一定要非常小心的打开门哦。It’s an animal with a big hump in his back. Yes, it’s a camel.

He was too grumpy. I sent him back.他脾气太坏了,我把他退了回去。

So they sent me a ...所以他们送给我一条……

这次居然送来一个篮子!什么动物会在篮子里呢?They sent a basket with a cover this time. What can be inside?在掀开盖子之前,可以先学蛇吐信子的声音给宝宝提示。 Yes, it’s a snake. What color is he? Would you like a snake for a pet? I don't think I would.  

He was too scary. I sent him back.他太吓人了,我把他退了回去。


So they sent me a ...所以他们送给我一只……

这次又换了个小箱子。 Is this box as big as the elephant’s box? No, it’s much smaller. 这次这个动物呀,简直快要自己跑出来了!会是什么呢?Yes, it’s a monkey. What is he eating? Banana! Do you like bananas?

He was too naughty. I sent him back.他太淘气了,我把他退了回去。

So they sent me a ...所以他们送给我一只……

这次送来一个更小的粉箱子,又会是什么呢?Something might jump out. It’s a frog.He was too jumpy. I sent him back. 他总是蹦来蹦去,我把它退了回去。


So they thought very hard, and sent me a...他们想了很久,送给我一条……

这一页,句式发生改变,预示故事高潮的来临。原来箱子上的便条,写的都是“FROM THE ZOO”到了这里强化成了“FROM ALL YOUR FRIENDS AT THE ZOO”目前为止,送来的动物,没有一个满意的。这次会是理想中的宠物么?赶快打开看一看吧!It’s a puppy. What a perfect pet! He’s really pleased to come out to be your pet. See how he is wagging his tail!小狗还在不停地摇着尾巴呢!

He was perfect! I kept him.他太完美了,我留下了他。

讲到这里,故事就结束了,但故事又可以不结束!What's your perfect pet? 我们可以顺着这个故事的节奏、句式展开续编。如果寄给你一只熊,你会喜欢吗?为什么不要呢?如果寄给你一只螃蟹,你会喜欢吗?为什么不要呢?最后,你收到了什么是你的perfect pet?


知道为什么开头我说封底不会剧透太多了么?因为作者心目中的perfect pet被藏得好好的呢!而封底图画中已经出现的这些动物们也绝不只是个陪衬作用——记忆力好的宝宝可以通过这个提示猜中每个翻翻页后的谜底,而一次又一次猜中谜底无疑会让宝宝信心大增,并且更喜欢这本书!