Freedom to Love 自由的愛

主播:随耳朵去流浪 播放:2736最近更新: 2020-04-03

Artist:Various Artists

Album:Freedom To Love

Label:Real Music

Rls date:2002-3-12

Genre:New Age,

《 Freedom to Love 自由的愛 》 Real Music精選 十三首愛與和平的樂章

美國新世紀元音樂名牌REAL MUSIC推出的精選專輯,為悼念美國紐約遇襲事件中的死者及帶出愛能帶來的和平鼓樂,歡暢等肇,特別收錄十三首旋律優美的樂章,旗下樂手全力參與,包括:KEVIN KERN,KARUNESH,DAVID LONDON,DANNY WRIGHT,2002,PATRICK O HEARN,RUSSEI WALDER 等,旋律悠揚悅耳,充滿喜悅平和,令聽衆感受到無限溫馨愛意,從而創造出充滿希望及歡樂的人生。

Love is the very source of our being and thus it is our human right to love. Asthe world fluctuates in trying to balance its powers, the realization that weare free to love is our most powerful ally. When there are terrifying events,musicians respond as musicians do - they write music. Sweet, loving, healing, hope-filledmusic to help us remember that we always have the freedom to love.


1. One - Russell Walder

2. Fields Of Hope- Element

3. Out Of TheDarkness Into The Light - Kevin Kern

4. The PeaceWithin - Karunesh

5. Last Dance -Omar

6. A HundredThousand Angels - Bliss

7. Heaven's Love -Danny Wright

8. City Of Love -2002

9. The Truth OfBeing - Dan Spoilen

10. In The Arms OfAngels - David London

11. Beyond ThisMoment - Patrick O'Hearn

12. We Are One -Hiko

13. Lullaby - JimChappell