On n’ On

主播:华语音乐 播放:7847最近更新: 2022-09-22



On n On meaning on and on is a songthat Kevin Shin wrote to express his emotions about never stopping what he hasbeen doing no matter what gets in his way. Having been in the music industryfor over 10 years, there have been ups and downs, but Kevin Shin has alwaysrelied on his music to reach a state of happiness. On n Onshowcases Kevin Shins core in musicality with his jazz based production, with anelegance in melody alongside deep meaningful lyrics about how he has reachedhis state of inner peace through music. With a funk based guitar line and ajazzy boom bap drum beat, there is a unique blend of melody and rap to theentire song that allows listeners to enjoy a story thats fitting tothe lyrics.


On n On》的意思是「一路向前」,Kevin Shin 想通过这首歌表达他永不止步的情感,无论遇到何种困难,他都不会停止做自己一直热爱并坚持的事情。在乐坛打拼的十多年也曾有过起起伏伏,但 Kevin Shin 一直能通过自己的音乐找到快乐。凭借他的爵士乐制作功底,《On n On》再次展现了 Kevin Shin 的看家音乐才能,这首歌不仅旋律优美,意义深刻的歌词也表达了他通过音乐找到内心平和的过程。在funk吉他旋律和jazzy Boom Bap 鼓点的演绎下,整首歌呈现出了旋律和说唱融合的独特风格,使得听者可以充分领略歌词中所讲述的故事。

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