Aesop's Fables 宝贝的伊索

主播:Snowfaerie 播放:2579最近更新: 2022-08-04

Timeless stories with a moral.

Short stories for your kids

We selected Baby's own Aesop's fables, a collection of Aesop’s fables in short poetry form and some Aesop's best-known fables retold for a young 


All the stories here were read by us.

About Aesop

Aesop was a slave in ancient Greece. He was a keen observer of both animals and people. Most of the characters in his stories are animals, some of which take on human characteristic and are personified in ways of speech and emotions. However, the majority of his character retain their animalistic qualities; tortoise are slow, hares are quick, tigers eat bird, etc. Aesop uses these qualities and natural tendencies of animals to focus on human traits and wisdom. Each fable has an accompanying moral to be learned from the tale.