Shengliver Teen Stories 9

主播:Shengliver 播放:1652最近更新: 2024-08-31


     All the stories were originated by Shengliver’s former students in their English journals. After being picked for their great ideas, the entries were edited and at times rewritten by Shengliver. All were posted in Shengliver Studio, a blog site maintained by Shengliver. All the stories, without exception, were highly rated by the visitors of the blog, some of whom are native speakers of English and/or professional writers.

     The audio files are recorded versions of the stories. They are not read; they are spoken by Shengliver. Therefore, the audience might find an audio version of a story does not correspond, word for word, to its text. The background music used in the recordings is collected by Shengliver on the Web. It is his sincere wish that all the artists whose music is adopted were identified and acknowledged.

     All the recorded stories are done and mixed by Shengliver in his private studio, without a second party involved.