
主播:Mycutedaddyreads 播放:2675最近更新: 2022-08-17

My super cute daddy(我的超酷爸爸)

This is my daddy, he is super cute.(这是我爸爸,他超酷)。

He is an english teacher in China.(在中国他是英语教师)

He was a lawyer in America, who defended poor people who needed legal help.(在美国他曾经是名律师,为贫穷而需要法律帮助的人辩护)。

He loves to go hiking.(他喜欢爬山)

His voice is comfortable and gentle, even my terrible twos period wears him out.(他的声音温和而舒适,甚至当我两岁最捣蛋的时候。)

He feeds me bread and cheese early in the mornings when mum doesn't want to get up but I still cry for food.( 他给我面包和奶酪吃,当时间太早我妈不愿起床而我饿得直哭。)

He changes my diaper when I have pooped;(当我尿裤子后,他为我换尿布)

He reads that fish dictionary to me;(他给我读那本关于鱼的字典)

He walks me early in the mornings and in the evenings too.(他在早晨带我去散步,傍晚也去。)

He cuts the orange and squeezes orange juice for me.(他切开橙子,挤橙汁给我吃)。

He shoots basketball with me.(他和我一起投球玩)。

