
主播:迅公 播放:2841最近更新: 2022-08-16



何迅(Keith Ho)、Adrian Johnston(江安俊) 


NPR:全国公共广播电台(英语:National Public Radio,缩写为 NPR)是美国一家获公众赞助及部分政府资助、但独立运作的非商业性媒体机构,其以广播联卖的方式为全美约 900 间公共广播电台提供节目。

National Public Radio (usually shortened to NPR, stylized as npr) is an American privately and publicly funded non-profit membership media organization that serves as a national syndicator to a network of 900 public radio stations in the United States. 

CCTV:中国中央电视台(简称央视;英语:China Central Television,CCTV),是中华人民共和国的官方电视媒体之一(另有直属于中华人民共和国的中国教育电视台)。央视拥有 45 个电视频道,是世界上电视频道数量最多的电视台,所有的节目都通过卫星播出,拥有中国大陆境内最多的收视人群。 

China Central Television (formerly Beijing Television), commonly abbreviated as CCTV, is the predominant state television broadcaster in the People's Republic of China. CCTV has a network of 45 channels broadcasting different programmes and is accessible to more than one billion viewers. 


何迅(Keith Ho): 

何迅,字苦得,号五九先生,百年英语学校名誉校长。1984年凤冈县高考文科状元,15岁考入北京财贸学院( 今首都经贸大学),性倔强,嗜书如命,19岁时毕业论文用英文答辩技惊四座载入校史。1994 年考入贵州经济广播电台任播音员兼记者。1995年偕夫人创办百年英文咨询公司,所教学生多位成为省、市高考、中考状元及高考英语单科状元,多人获得香港、新加坡、美国著名学府的奖学金,在托福、雅思、GRE等考试中取得优异成绩。英语演讲比赛世界冠军、夏说英文创始人、喜马拉雅知名主播夏鹏(账号:教书匠小夏)亦为其弟子,曾撰文深情回忆当年在百年英语启蒙成长的心路历程。 

Adrian Johnston(江安俊): 

Adrian Johnston was born in Johnson City, TN. From the age of six, he trained internationally as a gymnast. He competed in the NCAA for the University of Iowa, where he also received his BFA in Drawing and Painting. Since then he has worked as a multimedia artist, illustrator, and instructor. Coming from a love of culture and hospitality, he applies his interests in life and language to teaching English as a second language. Adrian currently lives in Melrose, MA with his wife and two children.