Once Upon A Time

主播:没有你的故事你是谁 播放:1.3万最近更新: 2023-06-29

《ONCE UPON A TIME:全球父母和孩子喜爱的经典英文童话》,本书精选自安德鲁•朗经典童话,与《安徒生童话》和《格林童话》相比,安德鲁•朗选编的童话更全、更具代表性,汇集了世界各国、各民族的传统神话与经典童话故事。本书为全彩色英文绘本,选文包括小红帽、睡美人、白雪公主、三只小猪、丑小鸭、国王的新衣、卖火柴的小女孩等共41篇,同时配以200余幅彩色插图,孩子们在品读精彩故事的同时,还能欣赏到各种精美插图。安德鲁童话在对孩子进行道德和人生教育的同时,也带来了美好的梦想和无穷的欢乐,因此成为了世界最经久不衰的畅销童话书之一。

This great edition collects forty-one classic English fairy tales with marvelous pictures. They are told to children by families all over the world till present, including Little Red Riding Hood , Beauty and the Beast , Snow White , Cinderella , Bluebeard and other famous children's tales.
Fairy tales can shape our cultures and enrich the children's imaginations. This colored English edition is specially prepared for the children to learn English.
Let's hear the gentle voice of a young mother…Once upon a time…