I Am a Rock

主播:读乐儿 播放:1.5万最近更新: 2022-09-22

Welcome to the rock Hall of fame.

My name is Marble.

Come and meet my friends.

Can you tell who they are?

I am a famous granite rock.

The pilgrims steeped on me when they came
to America. Who am I?

Plymouth rock

I am white and tasty. You can sprinkle me
on your food. Who am I?


I am used for money and jewelry. Who am I?


I am melted to make glass. Glassblowers
make shapes from me. Who am I?


You can write with me. you can draw with
me. Who am i?


I am flat enough to walk on. I am flat
enough to write on. Who am I?


I dazzle. I sparkle. I am a jewel.

I am also very hard. People use me to cut
glass. Who am I?


I am ground into powder. People can shake
me on babies to keep them dry. Who am I?


I hold heat well. People use me to make
frying pans and wood-burning stoves. If I get wet, I rust. Who am i?


Strike me against a rock. See the spark.
Campers can use me to start fires. Who am I?


I burn slowly. People can use me for heat
and power. Who am I?


I look like wood. I used to be wood. BUt I
am not wood anymore. Who am I?

Petrified wood

Rocks are on the ground. Rocks are under
the ground. Rocks are made of minerals. Rocks are everywhere on earth.

Thank you for coming to the Rock Hall of
Fame. Good bye

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