11岁适合——Who was Albert Einstein


Albert Einstein, a genius Jewish scientist, peace lover and war hater, a Nobel prizer who made contribution to the creation of atomic weapons, as well as a hard-working person who remained working the day before he rested in peace.

The story began with Albert's birth and went through his life and his major dedication to the world.

On March 14, 1879, born in Ulm, Germany, Albert Einstein was known as a quiet, yet born-to-be great thinkers. On top of that, he was famous for his hobby of playing voilin.

At his early age, Einstein was pleased to go to school. However, at the age of 19, his big brother Max moved to USA, while his family went to Italy for business, while Albert himself was left alone in Italy for high-school study.

Since then, Albert started to hate school, showing his disrespect to the teachers and got expelled by the school.


After his expire from school, Albert Einstein was moved to Italy to join his family. In his teen, he had the first science paper published, with his further study of high school and college in Switzerland.


During his campus year, Albert met Mileva and they were married in 1903 and came up with 2 babies.


Albert's first job was at a Swiss patent bureau, he got soon handy with job. 


Albert had his renowned thesis of relativity published in 1905, which put forward the point that everything's movement is determined to a variety of specific circumstances. 


Albert left the patent bureau in 1909, with his social identity changed to a popular university professor.


1913, Albert and Meliva devoiced in 1913, mainly because the latter did not want to move back to Berlin. Albert then had to marry with his counsin Elsa. 
