


大家好,我是口语粉碎机26班的会员,学号,26241英银方向。下面是我的英语配音参赛作品,欢迎大家为我投票。I love exploring the deep sea,After all it is a wilderness,The were thousands of creatures we have yet to name,The deeppy new discoveries all the time在评论区回复好声音。可以获得投票方式。11月13号是我们好声音的总决赛,欢迎你来现场为我加油。接下来请欣赏我的配音作品I love exploring the deep sea,After all it is a wilderness,The were thousands of creatures we have yet to name,The deeppy new discoveries all the time,What drives me it just wanting to understand,Less than five percent of the ocean has been seen let aloneplod.It's been exhilarating to be the first to be able to go places then no one has already been before.This is our gift betterability,To shape the technology for or exploration there will take us to place it there we are not in out by nature to go we have begun to understand the importance of the ocean.

To every breath we take every drop of water to be drink out very existence.The more we know the more we realized there is to know.And that's why i do what i do.

发布时间:2023-10-15 08:04:38