
"Butt Dial"是"屁股拨号"?知道真相的我眼泪笑出来!


嗨has you goa everybody,你正在收听由辣妈英语兽带来的每日情景口语。每周带你搞定一个情景主题This is tina,一起来继续本周有关电话用语的主题。喂,你好,那今天天呢带给大家一个表达不仅实用而且还超级的有趣,叫做butd di,But dial。难道是用屁股拨号吗?来,让我们抓紧走进今天的两组情景对话,来一探究竟。so now let's go straight into today's dialogues.这个哦,我Dialogue one,David did you bad die me i heard your laughing but you didn't say anything.Oh my god sorry,I accident exceedinglyally caught you that's so embarrassing,Fine your bet was very pleasant to talk to,David did you bad die me i heard your laughing but you didn't say anything.Oh my god sorry,I accident exceedinglyally caught you that's so embarrassing,It's fine your bet was very pleasant to talk to,Dialogue too,Davidway did you call me last night,I picked up but you didn't say anything,Oh no i must have bad diooo,I'm sorry what a gof,Davidway did you call me last night,I picked up but you didn't say anything,Oh no i must have but diodoo,I'm sorry what a gof,Ok。一起来说说今天的实用表达。

bad di,But屁股dial拨号这个短语直意就是屁股来拨号,那试想下,平时如果把手机放在屁兜,不小心碰到了拨号键,可能就会误打给最近通话的人,所以but di的隐身含义就是误拨了电话。这个说法非常的有趣,也很常用啊。那么来看对话中的用法,did you but dio me,你是不是误给我打电话了?I must have bad dialju,我一定是给你误播了出去。相信每个人应该都有过误拨电话的经历,有时场面还会一度非常的尴尬。那对话中用到that's so embarrassing,表示尴尬的除了embarrassing之外。常用的还有embarrassed,Awkward,那么它们之间又有什么区别和联系呢?我们来走进今天的升级拓展圈儿,听来为大家做了词义辨析,都表示尴尬的embarrassing,Embarrassed以及awkward区别何在?另外还有第二组对话的慢速连读发音详解,每天一块钱,轻松作学吧。感兴趣加入圈子,每天将我们实用的推送内容学透彻。

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发布时间:2023-10-17 06:44:45