


Good morning everyone,欢迎收听八点英语你外idea new day。我是zoi,周末看了一部很平时却让我特别感动的剧情片,改编自同名小说的the later seeker.中文名是爱在记忆消失前。Laterer是闲暇时间的意思。The later seeker也有一名是求险者The lady secreter这个名字是一对逃离家庭去旅游的老夫妻给他们开的房车起的名字。

So the movie is a about runaway couple going an unforgatable journey in the faithful old rv called the leisure seeker男主人公中患有阿兹海默症。记忆越来越差,甚至连自己孩子的名字都记不起来。但作为一个海明威的死忠粉,却一直记得海明威书里的句子,女主人公是他的妻子elella.他是一名英语文学教授,癌症晚期却一直希望能实现丈夫的梦想,到海明威的故乡去。So they drive from massachchos to the earnest hamming way home and muum.Which is about one thousand and seven hundred miles。

一千七百多英里,两千七百多公里,差不多是北京到上海往返一趟的距离。But they enjoyed the journey very much,They recapture the passion life,And they love for each other.女主角elella说,the sat truth with this,John and i and the cats only took root sixty six once on our chips to disneyland.Our family like the rest of america,Surcumed to the lure of fast highways,More direct routes higher speed limits,We forgot about taking the slowway,It makes to wonder if something inside does no that,Our lives are going to pass faster than we could ever realized.我们总是追求生活的快节奏,更多的捷径,更高的限速,却忘了,其实生命比我们想象中的走得快得多得多。The journey is actually more important than the destination,Just like them。一路上老人家摇摇晃晃开车却始终牵着手,车停到哪儿就下来喝喝whiskey,享受阳光。And they also recapttur their loved for each other众就算失忆。

也一直在意ell尔的初恋,还傻傻带着枪去他初恋现在待的养老院想一探究竟。el尔不介意种尿床放屁,介意他不小心透露的48年前的出轨欺骗,但也已因他的回归而释怀。They cannot separate with the charter anymore,El us it doesn't upset me to think about dying what upsets me is the idea of john being alone.The idea of one of us without the other.死亡并不可怕,可怕的是死去后我们彼此分开。故事的结局有点让人意外,也不那么让人意外,在这里就不剧透了,想看电影的看完以后欢迎一起分享感悟。Hope we can measure our lives like john and ella,And treasure the people love as much as we can.


发布时间:2023-10-30 00:26:47