


Hi good morning my dear friends this is annie speaking大家好。我是annie,是途正英语杨翠仙老师杨妈的学员。如果你有任何英语学习方面的问题,欢迎您随时给我留言。let's learn english together好,我们今天一起来学跟感冒有关的english sentences啊。这段时间我们都是学的一些跟身体状况啊有关的,比如说有病痛的啊这些句子。哈,Ok,我们一起来学习一下吧。let's get started,妈妈,我感冒了。

感冒了叫什么叫catch a cold啊,抓到了一个冷一个冷的东西,就一般感冒就就是着凉啦,或者是啊,伤风啊,我们说伤风感冒对吧?嗯,所以呢,感冒就可以用Catch a cold来表示,或者是have a cold,那我已经感冒了。所以是i caught,A cold或是i had a cold,就是用过去式了,对吧?我们不讲语法哈,其实嗯,语法全都在句子当中,文章当中。ok,我们不单独的拎出来来讲哈。mom i caught a coldde,Mom i had a cold,I had a cold i caught a cold。妈妈,我觉得冷到发抖,感觉冷。

冷是cold i feel cold,And a shaky shake就是抖动,摇动对吧?shaky就是不停的在抖发抖。i feel cold and shaky mom也可以说,mom i feel cold and,And i'm shivering shivering。我正在抖呢。哈,抖动哈,发抖。Mom i feel cold and i'm shiververing,I feel cold and shay都可以哈。我冷得发抖,感冒了啊,大冻天哈,有可能就是很冷,穿的太少了,就然后鼻涕直流,然后整个人在抖,哈,就很不好的状态是吧?i feel cold and shaky,哎呀,我的喉咙很痛。我自己感冒是这样哈,就是一开始心是嗓子痛,痛完了之后可能就鼻塞啊,就开始了,嗯,就能感觉到。i have a so throat so,就是那种酸痛酸痛的throat就是喉咙。你的嗓子哈。

I have a so throat,你也可以说胳膊很酸。i have,呃,so arms,两个胳膊很酸,比如说你打球啊,或者是扒了很重的东西哈,那胳膊就有点酸酸的。i have so arms i have a,Sore throat喉咙痛。还有呢,我流鼻水了啊,一般感冒了流鼻涕对吧?I have a running nose,你现在看run是跑ronnie nose。就感觉你鼻子里边那个鼻涕水呢,直接往下流,很快啊,再跑一样哈。I have a running nose running nose,就是有留有有,有那个不停地流鼻涕的那个鼻子。

哈。i have a runningnnie nose,我beside了,塞住了,叫什么呢?i have a stuffy nose,Stuffffy。我们说stuff就是塞满了的那那个地方被被贴了什么东西一样哈,感觉那鼻子就被什么东西给堵住了。就是没法呼吸对吧?i have a stuffy nose,特难受哈,只能用张开嘴巴呼吸对吧?i have a stuffy nose,我记得有一次感冒,我是两个鼻孔感觉都塞住了,你怎么都不舒服。哈,真特痛苦。

嗯,i have a stuffy nose,我吞东西的时候呢,喉咙很痛。My throat herd went not so swallow,Hurt就是疼痛。my throat hurts我的喉咙痛。My arm hurts,我的胳膊痛my leg hurts等等哈。什么什么东西痛?my tumy,My head,等等哈,嗯,my third hurts when i swallow swallow就吞咽哈。swallow,我喉咙很痛,我不想吃东西。i don't want to eat because my throat hurts.

那很显然,有时候喉咙痛到你,就是你痛,口水都是痛的。i don't want to eat,我不想要吃。because,因为my throat hurts,因为我喉咙痛。我记得有一次我即兴起性瘪桃体言哈,应该是直接的发烧,然后那个嗓子就啊,怎么就那么难受哈,整个人就浑身没力气,并且吞口水都是痛的。嗯,i don't want to eat i didn't want to eat anything because my throat hurt。啊,我的喉咙呢,很痛。那会儿哈,我一直咳嗽。

i have a bad cough,Cough就是咳嗽。i have a bad cough就很很糟糕的,就一直咳一直咳。也可以说,i'm coughing a lot我咳嗽很多,我一直咳I have a bad cough i'm coughing a,Lot。我的喉咙里边呢,有痰,痰叫什么呢?叫flam,I have some flamm in my throat。那像小孩子,如果他又谈,他又呃,两三岁的那种,他真的不会去把他给吐出来。他还没有发育到那个他懂得如何去清理自己的嗓子,然后把那个痰吐出来,真的很难受的。好。i have some flamm in my throat,我有时候也因为说话太多,然后很容易就有咽炎啊,我上次是急性咽炎,哈,真的是呃。

当你嗓子有痰的时候,你说话那个声音是不脆的,就感觉不对哈。i have some flam,我们说fl就是痰哈。flam in my throat,嗓子里边有痰,那个声音就绝对能听出来。哈不脆,哈不响。你咳得很严重。you are coughing too hard,你在咳嗽。you are coughing,Caught cough我们说cough就是咳嗽。又要coffeeughing.好。

you're coughing too hard.好,太太厉害了,太严重了。你的鼻涕呢?是黄色的。you are not,Is yellow s not,Sno,我们说sut就是鼻涕哈。我们说,呃,热感冒是黄鼻涕对吗?然后冷感冒是清的对不对?清鼻涕就能孩子流鼻涕可以判断它是是伤火呢,还是是热的感冒呢?还是着凉了感冒对吧?your snock is yellow sno就是鼻涕。哈,我想呢,你感冒了?i think you have a cold,I think,我认为我觉得you have a cold你感冒了。或是you seem to you seem to have,Caught a coldde you seem to have caught a cold.你似乎,seem you seem to have caught a coldde。你似乎呢,已经感冒了。

你好像得了流感。流感叫对吧?you seem to have caught the,You seem,似乎you seem to have caught up the。你似乎得流感。哎呀,这是很严重的感冒。it is such a civil cold严重的severe ok,很严重的感冒,严重的severe啊,刚说错了哈,搞重音有时候分不清哈。

severe,It is such a severe cold,如此严重的感冒哈。it is such a severe severe severe cold严重的感冒。我想呢,你是从谁,谁那儿传染过来的?you might have caught,A cold from啊,比如说From your classmate from your friends。从朋友那里哈获得卡冒了,传染过来了对吧?you might。你可能have caught a code from,谁谁谁啊?这里有一个人民叫庸锁from your sister。比如说家里有两两姐妹,哈,姐姐感冒了,妹妹呢也给传染了。You might have caught a coldde from your elder sister。

哈,你从姐姐那里传染了,你需要去看医生。you need to see a doctor,See a doctor,去看一个医生就是去医院嘛,去治疗一下对吧?let's go to see a doctor let's go,我们去干嘛呢?to see a doctor,去看医生。今天呢,不要洗澡了,比如说大冻天的很冷,然后又感冒了,那一般就会说,哎呀,今天就别洗澡了,小心更更着凉更严重哈。don't take a shower today take a shower,淋浴哈,洗澡,冲粮。我们说的哈。

don't take a shower today,不要到外面吹冷风。don't go out in the cold air,Go out出去,不要出去。in the cold air在冷空气当中哈,不要去外面吹冷风。don't go out in the cold air医生叫你不要吃冷的食物,对吧?嗯,the doctor told you not to eat cold things right哈。有时候孩子感冒了,他还想要吃什么冰淇淋之类的大虾。

铁哈,他有可能吹空调啊,凉到了,然后鼻涕直流的,还说妈妈,我要吃冰淇淋,怎样怎样的呢?那当然就可以跟孩子说,你看医生都说了,你不要吃凉的东西啊,不要吃冷的。the doctor told you这个医生告诉你啦。not to eat cold things不要去吃冷的东西啊right对吧the doctor told you not to eat coat things right有时候孩子不听父母的话就可以啊。告诉他,你看老师跟你说了,医生跟你说了啊,他们可能就会听哈。尤其孩子上学,刚上学,那老师说的话绝对绝对权威哈。当你呃没法说服他的时候,你就可以说,你看你们吧,谁谁谁,你们,你们林老师说了,你们张老师说了哈。嗯,或者是,你看,我们刚刚不是去看医生了吗?医生说啦。the doctor told you not to eat too much,不要吃太多了或是not to eat cold things不要吃凉的not to eat呃。

snacks,不要吃那个,那个,那个什么一些零食啊。那to eat sweet food,不要吃甜食啊。等等哈,我们把毛巾围在你的鼓脖子上吧。let's put a tawel around your neck.嗯,围一个毛巾啊,是为了,是为了保暖吗?或许是哈。let's put a towel towel就是毛巾around your neck围着你的脖子。

let's put a towel around your neck婆喉咙痛的话呢?不要说太多话。don't talk too much since to your throat hurts,Don't talk。别说话,too much,很多,别说很多,别说太多的话。Since,因为your throat hurts,你的喉咙呢?痛,因为喉咙痛,你还说很多话干嘛?don't talk too much since you throw hurts.我们有时候啊,很多小伙伴喜欢英语,所以呢,哪怕是感冒了,还在那里大声的练口语,然后这个时候我一般都会说,i don't talk too much啊。keep quiet,安静点了,哈,别说话了哈。

don't talk too much since your throat herds,Since you caught a coat。因为你感冒了。别说话啊。just have some rest啊,休息休息。and drink more water,喝更多的水,对吧?啊,多喝水,多休息。一般感冒我们都会这样跟人说哈,多喝水,多休息。嗯,用力的鼻涕。

blow your nose hard blow。我们说吹你的鼻子就醒鼻涕。哈。blow your nose hard,要用力的醒,把里面的东西清除掉,不然你鼻子很塞,对吧?blow your nose hard,嗯,when you have a stuffy nose鼻子很塞的时候呢。你要,你要好好的醒一下鼻涕堡里面的东西啊,把清除掉then you can breathe very well.就可以很好的呼吸了。你必须呢。把痰吐出来,不要吞下去。

you need to spit out,The flam and the north so swallow it,Spit out就吐出来。我们说spit out的,漱口的时候要跟孩子说Spi out好,gogggo and a spi,O。然后就把它吐出来,对吧?那漱口,you need to spi out,你要把它吐出来,吐出什么东西?the flam痰哈,And not swallow it,不要把它吞了,小小有多多难受都多多disgusting对吧?ok,You need to spi out the flam anne not swallow it.当你要咳嗽的时候呢,用手遮住嘴巴,咳嗽的时候当然要封一下对吧?cover your mouth with your hand cover就是把它覆盖住。覆盖住你的嘴。cover your mouth with your hand,用你的手with your hand,When you cough当你在咳的时候。cover your mouth with your hand when you cough试着不要对着人可哈。try not to cough on people.

我这句话经常跟孩子说,他有时候故意还尤其吃饭的说话,对着菜真的是气人啊,特别气人,经常跟他说,try not to cough on people try not to cough on food.有时候死不听话就是很很惹人烦。哈惹人夜。try to co on people可能总是有那么调皮的一个世阶段吧。哎,Anyway whatever,嗯,该揍揍,该打打哈。这个孩子有时候不听话的时候真是没辙,跟他好好说,他不听啊。

啊,跟他说。trye please baby please,Please try not to cough on people please try not to cough on the table。不要对着那个桌子喷呐,这样真不行哈。嗯,That's all for today's english sentences关于感冒的句子呢。就这么多,i do hope,You don't need to use use them in your daily life.Just keep healthy ok be healthy every day每天都要健健康康的多运动。

多休息,然后保持保持积极的心态。Okay thank you for listening see you next time have a nice day bye bye.

发布时间:2023-11-10 13:01:57