
【催眠英文】Life is a dream and you are a dreamer


If you want to manifest anything in your life,A great place to start is with visualizing what it is you want.Robinharases everything is created twice,First in the mind and then in reality,As energetic vibrational beings,As extensions of the one source of all that is having a human experience.We have some significant tools at our disposal which we can use to create absolutely anything that is desired.The first tool that everyone has is your imagination,This is your most powerful tool in you re two bag.He can be nurtur and developed even if you have been previously conditioned to not use your imagination.For fear of being considered a dreamma,Life is a dream you are the dreamer,This is your power this is how new inventionss have been made.People use their imagination to build a house to,To create a beautiful picture or piece of music,To write a beautiful story or build massive businesses or empires.The creation starts in your imagination,The second to at everyone's disposal is your focus and attention.Wherever you put that point of your focus,Whether it be on another person on a koer,On a project or your health and fitness,Is what you are currently growing,If you were giving your attention to it it is growing.

You were feeding it with your energy,Some have to focus on default and are only giving there.Attention to the negative nancy stories,Or all the things that are going wrong with their life or the lives of others.If your focus is on visualizing what you want,And what do you want will expand and make its way into your reality.Your third power to is your feelings,You don't need guidance from above your guidance is with within you.It is your good feelings that is how you know you are in syc with the source that is you.You can follow your good feelings to a life of lists and fulfillment.Bad feelings indicate when you need to take a step backck.

Change your focus and become aware of what it was he were just thinking about that major feeling start to go.Down hill it will become evident that when you notice bad feelings.It usually follows a thought of doubt worry andworthiness lack or fear.However they might be,When you notice that a thought you would just thinking has started to make you feel doubtful sad worried or angry.When you feel that that is when you make a choice.That is when you can say ok,That doesn't feel good it's time to turn away,From that thought and focus on something else or nothing for a while.Because every thought you have,Is creative it is creating your reality around you and your feelings are indicating to you whether you are thinking about things that are going to give you a great happy blissful result.Continue to make you feel good,All your bad feelings will show you when you re thinking a bad things that are not in sink.

With the immense power that is what do you really,Your fourth power tool is your motion,It is a movement it is action there is and,Unmakable element about living in this physical reality,Doesn't exist when you re not human,In this three d reality action is the making of imagination.Action is the making of imagination,Saying yes does something deciding,Is action as well it is a decision that allows action to follow.Inspired action is the ultimate form of movement,When we have inspired action all expressions of ourselves are in harmony and alment.Thoughts our feelings,Focus and our movement become ones syner logtic,Loving way,It feels like total bliss when we have all four elements of.Ourselves in one harmonionous expression,Now let's bring this all together,In a powerful guided meditation,For visuiszing what you want,Sitting in a comfortable position,Place your hands new lap,Or wherever is comfortable for you,Gently close down your eyes,Bring all your attention to your breath,Greeting deeply in,And out,Feeling the air as it moves past your nosls,Feel it as it fills your chest,And moves all the way down to your stomach,Feel yourself relaxing as you,Focusing all your attention on breathing,In an out,And the feeling of your body relaxing,There is no force in your breath,You are simply observing your natural flowing stay.五Your natural rhythm,And noticing your body becoming more,And more relaxed,As you observe your breathing.

发布时间:2023-12-10 19:01:46