


Good morning everyone。欢迎收听八点英语你,idea nearu day,我是zoi。前段时间看了个微博热搜,24岁的美国小哥中了7.68亿美元彩票后,表示中奖以后我就再也没想过要上班了。He screamed for about five or ten minutes after realizing he had won third largest loty in u s history.So are you jealous或许很多人都想着中奖之后就可以天天葛右摊。不用上班了,然而中奖的后续其实并没有我们想象中的那么美好。A report shows that american loty winners are more likely to declare a bankruptcy within three to five years what's more start have shown the winning the loty does not necessarily make you happier or healthier数据显示。中巨额彩票的人通常在三至五年以后都破产了,并且他们也并不一定在中奖之后更开心或更健康。忽然闯入了top1%的阶层,但能维持住的人却很少。

Economist jazagasskias,Start found that instead of getting people out of financial trouble win in the loty got people into more trouble.A man won three hundred and fifteen million dollars in a lotter in westst virginia in twenty or two he told the media i wished there we had toed the up.Tone t o r n是tear t e a r tear的过去。完成时,他说,希望一开始就把彩票给撕了。Cause sings winning his daughter and granddader both died due to drug over us.Just eight months after winning he was robed of over five hundred thousand dollars.

他的女儿和外孙女因为毒品过量相继去世,自己还在中奖八个月后被抢劫了五十多万美元。虽然这是极端粒子,但却反映出很多中奖之后的人过度放纵以及会遇到很多意想不到的麻烦。让原本的幸运者变得并没有那么幸运。So why why didn't they become happier after when a huge money.今天我们就来聊聊为什么中奖后的人并没有我们想象中的那么幸福。The first reason is that people get used to almost anything very soon.Rearchers found that after win in the lottery mood completely leveled out back to their original estate after about six months.

This is calledbiuation no feeling negative or positive losts forever。研究表明,人类的适应性让很多人大概在中奖六个月之后,心情就恢复的和没中奖之前一样了。所以一夜暴富带来的幸福感并没有想象中的那么久。第二,我们评判事物的价值总是在比较中产生的。events in our lives don't have a set value but rather are valued by compare in them to other events so loty winners will find themselves wanting more outrageous things in life中奖之后的人总需要更刺激。更反常的事情让自己产生幸福感。

For example loty winners raed how happy of feel in both things like a favorite book or a cup of coffee make them.Those happiness levels were significantly less than the happiness levels of the control participants who had not won the loty普通人觉得喝一杯好喝的咖啡。吃美味的食物,看喜欢的书就很开心。然而,对中大奖的他们来说,这种幸福感知度在获奖之后就降低了,并且随之而来的是各种担忧和压力。比如很多人都带着面罩去领奖,因为怕被七大姑八大一认出来之后,便很理所应当地伸手要钱。A man from new jersey sauce after winning five million dollars in the midnight s that everybody wanted a share and everybody had they hand out.Another a luxury winner billy bob harrow won thirty one million dollars in ninety ninety seven.He donated lots of money to charities,But theress of winning caused him so much anxiety that he got a divorce and committed a suicide。

像中了三千多万美元的billy,就因为中奖后交虑太多而离婚了,最后还想不开自杀了。当然,这些都是概率性事件,但种种事件也表明,一夜暴富的人或许并没有我们想象中的那么幸福。So if you really want to be happy with lots of money.Try earn in it instead of winning the loty,That i show that those who feel successful at work are twice as likely to feel happy in everyday life.Earnn't success is the key to happiness.


发布时间:2023-12-11 18:49:09