


Okay just a small coffee i m going to pop in really quick and hopefully the line isn't to.That lady just fine bottled water,Who comes to starbucks just justify bottled water get a real lady.呃,look at they cds who buy cds from starbucks we even buy cds anymore.W sounds of brazil i kind of want,Maybe i should just buy one of these things and make coffee at home.I can make usresso yeah,Maybe i'll even start cooking more too,If i buy this machine italy'll lead the start of like a brand knew me.Now ill never do that no no no no no that's an inter turn doing a coffee run.Others there's like twelve people on the piece of paper,Buy all the coffee of me your coffee love ready anyone else.Hi can i get a tall monkey ato please,Oka great that's four sixji you can pick up your drink right over there.

发布时间:2023-12-17 23:31:05