


September sixteen two thousand eighteen今天我们讲这个白葡萄酒。and anything to drink,And anything to drink要喝点什么?and anything a y t i n g,And anything to drink drink d r i n k drink.To drink就是这个不定式表示目的。and anything to drink,Years a red wine and a car of coffee,A ran wine and cup coffee,A red wine表示一杯红酒。I e d w b i n e a red wine and the cob of coffee.

Camp ebay coffee co o f f e e coffee coffee.Yes a red wine and the cup of coffee.一杯红酒,喝一杯咖啡。How do you like your coffee咖啡要什么样的?How do you like your coffee.好的,又来copy,How do you like l i k like这边表示喜欢。或者选择How do you like your coffee we milk but without sugar please.We milk we w i t h,Wait就是加的意思。加牛奶,那么这wait,它这个是介词,但它表示的意思实际上是加some milk,S some milk add s some milk,We milk but we without。

We without the bill i t h o u t we跟伪道刚好是一对反义词。But without sugar sugar su局ar r sugar,糖With milk by with thou sugar please.放牛奶,但不要加糖。then how about the wine,Then how about the wine how about the wine就等于是how do you like you the wine要什么样的葡萄酒?then how about the wine,Iss why wine ok,这白葡萄可以吗?is white wine ok yes please,Yes praise o可以。今天讲的就是白葡萄酒White wine wh i t e y,谢谢收听。

thank you thank you for time.

发布时间:2024-02-06 11:42:42