


A, midsummer night's dream. Day three. While the two ladies were fighting with each other. The two gentlemen left to fight for the love of helena. The fairy king witnessed the whole process. Blaming puck for this messy misunderstanding. Believe me dear king. Explained naughty puck it was a mistake. Rather than a prank they all wear thenian garments. But i feel it interesting to watch them quarrel。Oberon said to puck i order you to overhang the night with a thick fog. Lead them with counterfeited voices. Tarring them out until they want to sleep. Then you drop the juice of the other flower on lie sanders eyelids. And he will forget his new love for helena and regain his love for hermia. Be quick puck i will go and see what beloved my titania has found. When titania woke up. She found a clown with an ass's head. It turned out that oberon clapped the ass's head over the clowns. The queen fell in love with the ass head of clown at once。What angel is this i see. Said the enamoured queen. You are so beautiful and wise. I love you please follow me and i will have my fairies look after you. Please blossom cobweb moth and mustard seed. Attend upon any need this gentleman requires. Feed him with grapes and apricots. Commanded the queen. The clown took this treat for granted. He first asked please blossom to scratch, his head?Then he ordered cobweb to kill the red humble bee. When titania asked what he would like to eat. The clown's answer was a handful of dried peas. Which happened to be the favorite food of an ass. What's more the queen let the clowns sleep in her arms. At this moment oberon appeared in front of them. Accusing titania of lavishing her love on an ass. Ashamed of being discovered. The queen made concessions and agreed to give the challenging boy to the king. Oberon finally got what he had desired by his merry contrivance?Feeling sorry for his queen he removed the magic. By means of dropping some juice of the other flower into her eyes. The queen immediately recovered her senses and wondered why she was holding an ass. Now obron and titania came to reconciliation. He told the story of those poor lovers to her and she decided to go with him and see the endings. Puck head tired them out by disguised voices. The lovers were sleeping near to each other on a grass plot. To make immense for his mistake. He brought them to the same spot. And removed the charm off the eyes of licender。It was hermia who woke up first. When she found that licender was sleeping near her she was confused about this strange inconsistency. Lysander opened his eyes nay。And saw hermia since he regained his senses. He found his love for hermia again. They discussed the adventures of that night trying to figure out whether things had happened or they had been in a strange dream. By this time helena and demetrius awoke. Helena was delighted to hear that. The professions of love from demetrius. And she began to think they were sincere。Helena and hermia。The two fairy ladies no longer。 held grudges against each other. They became bosom friends again. As for hermia's predicament. It was soon agreed that demetrius should persuade hermia's father to revoke the death sentence. At this critical moment idius. Hermia's father came to the wood. In pursuit of his daughter. After demetrius told him that he wouldn't marry his daughter. Igius understood and agreed her marriage with licender。Helena also accepted demetrius's proposal. The fairy queen and kind were so happy about the blessed endings of the two couples. That they decided to celebrate their weddings with sports. And revels。

发布时间:2024-02-21 23:26:08