


Hey has it going everybody welcome back to the show and this is your hostina so first let's go her into today's styogue.Dialogue one sorry to interrupt mister smith,I'll be right back,Sure where are you going,I have to answer the call of nature,Dialogue too,Sunny if you'll have to go to the bathroom as school.Tell your teacher don't fight the call of nature,Ok妈。i got it.哈喽,大家好,你正在收听的依然是由辣妈英语兽带来的每日情景口语,每周带你搞定一个情景主题。我是tina,今天是我们本周有关call这个单词展开讨论的最后一天,那么带给大家的表达也非常的有意思啊。叫做call nature,Call of nature直以为大自然的电话或是大自然的呼唤。那它的真实含义就是上厕所。

Ok,接下来,我们带着对call of nature的理解,再来听一遍对话Love love love,Dialogue one,Sorry to interrupt mister smith i'll be right back,Sure where are you going,I have to answer the call of nature,This no need,Dialogue too sunny,If you have to go to the bathroom as school,Tell your teacher don't fight the call of nature,Ok mom i got it.好,这一遍对话过后,我们一起来说说今天的几个实用表达。首先,第一个我们再次强调,call of nature是自然的呼唤,它的隐身含义就是上厕所。所以当你再听到别人说要answered the call of nature,千万可别追问他要回答什么问题啊。他一定是尿急,想要上厕所。另外,对话中,妈妈对孩子说,don't find the call of nature。不要对抗大自然的呼唤,意思是尿急,可千万别憋着第二个,当我们因为急事儿想要礼貌地打断对方。我们可以说sorry to interrupt,Interrupt就是动词,表示中断,打断。最后,我们来看对话中提到洗手间用到了我们熟悉的bathroom,Bathroom,可以说是表示洗手间的一个既礼貌又常用的词儿了。


I'll make a note of it。大家可以进入小程序,期待你的翻译和跟读发声。Ok,查看完整的节目文字笔记可以关注我们的微信公众号。如果你喜欢我们每天送上的原创内容,也请你点赞和分享,感谢大家的支持和鼓励了。all right so that's all for today this is her hostina.See you next time now i m trying to get back.

Before the cool don run out out be given need my bestist and not this's going to stop me put to find into even a reckonant to again my.Two win some.

发布时间:2024-03-10 04:32:50