
你能教我几句中国年祝福语么? 口语|E190118


Hi this is coco ready for the practice let's get ago。马上就到中国年了,所以从今天开始呢,我们的对话内容都是跟中国年有关的。过年的时候,大家都要说一些喜庆话,比如说年年有余节,心高照,心想事成,吉祥如意。那这些话用英文该怎么表达呢?我们就从最简单的新年快乐开始吧。新年快乐happy new year。当然你可以在中间再加一个chinese,把它变成中国年happy chinese new year。

然后我们每个人都希望呢,年年有余。May you have sur supplies and remain here after year may you have surlus and remain year after year surlus her remain都是剩余的意思。surplus还是经济里面常用的一个词汇,当你生产的东西超过了需求的时候,你就有了surplus即性高照made the lucky star sh on you.May the lucky star shy on you心想事成。may all your wishes come true.May all your wishes come true吉祥如意。

made the best of happiness and fortune keep with you.Made the best of happiness,And fortune keep with you打吉大利wish you lucky and wealthy wish you lucky and wealthy lucky就是很吉祥了。wealthy就是有很多的财富,有钱又会有吉利,那就是打吉大利。这些祝福语我们可以把它叫做chinese new year gratings,或者lucky phrases。又或者toasts祝酒词。想看,我们通常就是在跟人拜年或者是敬酒的时候说的,所以他也可以说是toasts。好了,下来就要看我们今天的打卡小对话了。那今天的对话我们所模拟的是一个外国朋友在中国想要学几句中国话,他是这么开始的。哎,你能给我教几句中国年的祝福语吗?这样我在马上要过的这个新年里面就可以给大家说了。

Hey can you teach me some lucky phrases in chinese so i can't use some during the upcoming chinese new year当然可以啦。最简单而且最基础的就是新年好。sure the ist sammoacic is,新年好啊,好的,新年好。它是什么意思呀?Ok,新念how what that mean,就是新年快乐的意思啊。happy new year.哦,太酷了,简单。新年好。

Oh cruel easy新念how,你学得很快呀?想要试置一个难一点儿的吗?You learn fast want to try a harder one.当然了,赶快来吧。yes of course心想事成和大吉大利。心想事成And da,即大利,心想事成,大吉大利。这是两句祝福语吧,对不对?心相失成妲击大利。These are two separate phrases right。对啊,心想事成就是你想什么就能成什么事儿。

而大吉大利呢,就是让你在来年既幸运又能赚很多的钱。Yeah,心向是means may all your wishes come true and dag dali means wish you're luck and wealthy。好了,下来就带大家读一下吧。Hey can you teach me some lucky phrases in chinese so i can use them during the upcoming chinese new year.Hey can you teach me,Can you。这里要连得很紧。

he'll teach me some,Lucky phrases in chinese。这里不要完全下来,要稍微上扬一点点。Teach me some some的这个嗯会比较短一些。some lucky some lucky phrases,Phrases in chinese,So i can use him,So i can't use them连起来。us them,During during,During the upcoming,Upcoing。

这个说快了以后,他就那口气出不来了。upco变成这样。During the upcoming during day upcoming.然后这个they要变的短和轻。During the upcoming chinese new year,So i can use them during the upcoming chinese new year.Hey can you teach me some luck keep phrases in chinese so i can use some during the upcoming chinese new year再来一遍。hey can you teach me some lucky phrases in chinese so i can use some during the upcoming chinese new year这句话其实最难的是在这个语调的变化啊。所以大家要注意一下,hey can you teach me some lucky phrases in chinese so i can use some use them这稍微高一点点有一个小包包。

i can use some during the upcoming chineses new year。然后又扬起来,等于是两个羊中间一个小包。再听一遍,hey can you teach me on luck keep phrases in chinese so i can use them during the upcoming chinese new year.Sure the easiest and mostpasic is新年好。注意,这句里面有很多的连读哈,sure the easiest这个t不出来。and most and的也没出来。the et some most,又没出来到basic the isiest and mostpasic is basic和is又要连接basic is。新年好。

is因为连着后面的心,所以它会比较短。The eiestmo spaceic as新年好。The easiestmopaic as新年好。Ok,新念。how what that meant,What's that man that的t又是没有出来。what that in that man that mean what that in.

Happy new year happy new year不是happy new year是happy,哦酷easy新拈how you learn fast,Wanna try a harder one,You learn fast,Waanna try a harder one,Try a harder。这里比较难。try a harder one,Harder one wanna try a harder one you learn fast wanna try a harder one.Yeah of course yeah of course of course这里连得很简啊。但是这句就很简单了,ye of course.再想来一句啊,这个大家都会心想事成。and大吉大利,心相思成妲己大利。

These are two separate phrases right,These are these are连起来two separate phrases,Separate phrases。但是separate d t就不出来了,separate phrases right right这个t也没出来。Thesez are two separate phrases right,Air心想事成。means may all your wishes come true这个句子呢。主要是最后阅字true,又简单的,又难说,true的音你不能触处就是中文了。True要有和True true,May all your wishes come true,And。大吉大利。

means where youll lucky and wealthy,Wish you wish you连起来lucky,And wealthy lucky and wealthy and等等不出来。and wealthy,Wish you lucky and wealthy yeah。心想事成。miss me all your wishes come true and大吉大地。means wish you lucky and wealthy.好,我们从头来一遍。

hey,Can you teach me some lucky phrases in chinese so i can use them during the upcoming chinese new year.Sure the easiest some basic is。新年好,ok,新年。how,What's that in happy new year oh cool easy新念how,You learn fast when to try a harder one,Yeah of course心想事成And大吉大利。欣赏事成Da,记大利,these are two separateras right,Yeah。心想事成。means my all your wishes come true and da吉大利means wish you lucky and wealthy.想要更好的学习口语,听力,提高发音,一定不要错过我的最新专辑。看美剧学英语。

You unlock the miss pit,He will never anybody says young name,I won't feel even more no burst in the two things.Bread the day i left a,Hours was blessed how probably like.

发布时间:2024-04-09 12:24:16