
英语面试中,如何回答:请介绍一下你自己? #日常英语 #美式英语 #英语口语 #面试英语


Please introduce yourself first of all thank you forvite to me to be interviewed for this job with your company.Before applying i studied the job description and i past has prepared me well for this role.I left college with qualifications that are a great match for this industry i also have a track record of achievement for example i want employee of the month twice in my last job.I will bring a positive attitude a determination to complete tasks quickly and a passion for continuous improvement and development.If you hi me i will help your company achieve success long into the future i will be a great ra model和supportive collaator and i will be someone who takesship of challenges and problems when they occur and i look forward to providing more details in this interview as to how i can help you.**

发布时间:2024-05-27 01:41:38