

Hello everyone, welcome to English Panorama. This is Krystal, I’m so happy to see you again. Today we’ll talk something about Harry Potter.

Have you ever paint a picture of the creatures of Harry Potter in your mind and think what’s it gonna have to look like? What’s its character? Well, you will find the answer in a documentary called< Create the World of Harry Potter>. There is a department called the Creature Shop. They do things like producing the live-action creations, prosthetic makeups as well as supplying Visual Effects Department with painted models. When people go into the Creature Shop ,they see creatures that they have never seen before except in Harry Potter coming to life.


剧中个性鲜明的动物们,比如密室中差点把哈利杀死的巨型蛇怪,邓布利多身边的凤凰、海格的鹰头马身有翼兽,我们都以为那是电脑合成的,其实他们都被剧组手工做出来了,这一切都要归功于剧组的神奇动物工作室the Creature Shop。他们的日常工作就是设计动物并想方设法把它们做出来,而这些动物的逼真程度曾让演员们都为之震惊。当年在《密室》的片场,扮演邓布利多的理查德老爷子在看到那只电动的凤凰时,小声的对导演说:“把一只鸟训练的那么听话,简直太神奇了,对吧?”即使在工作人员解释后,理查德仍然坚信凤凰是真的。

为了保证真实性,制作人员不仅注重动物们外形的逼真,而且还十分注重塑造动物的性格。导演卡隆说:we never thought of them as creatures, we thought of them as people. 我们不把它们看成动物,而将它们看作人。神奇动物是人的延伸。

Okay, let’s focus on the latest news.

The latest un data found that over half of the 87,000 women killed in 2017 were killed by those closest to them. The BBC carried out research on how many women 's killings on one day in 2018 were reported in the media around the world.



Choosing a day at random it found coverage on the killing of forty-seven women. This included 39-year-old Sandra Moura from brazil stabbed by her husband after she requested a separation. He then hanged himself after filming a confession on his phone.


Scientists investigating variations on the calls made by blue whales have found that the biggest marine mammals are affected by seasonal ambient noise


The sound of a blue whale can travel over a thousand kilometers and is one of the loudest sounds in the ocean. In part of a wide-ranging study conducted in the Southern Indian ocean, researchers found that these calls became higher pitch in the summer possibly in order to be heard over the crash of breaking sea ice.


As well as seasonal variations it's been observed that the frequency of whale song has been dropping over the last few decades。The scientists suggest that as population density rises as a result of whaling restrictions the vast creatures song no longer needs to carry as far.



conduct v.组织;实施;执行;指挥


相近意思词组,carry out

He was also fined $150 for unprofessional conduct.


Okay, that is all today , this is Krystal, see you next time.好啦,今天的节目就到这里,拜拜~


