

The white pollution is a big problem not only in the land but also in the ocean. There is a lot of plastic(塑料的) rubbish in the sea and fish, seabird, and whales eat it. They are killed by the plastic bags in their stomach, and they are in danger. So what do we do to ……..….(save/drop) the fish and animals in the sea?


Well, instead of throwing rubbish into rivers, we should not waste things in the first place. Then we should educate people and make them ………..(notice/realize) the importance of protecting the environment. 

(       ) 15. In order to protect the environment, we mustn’t threw away rubbish. 


Hotel robots can’t communicate with guests in the rooms, but they can get things for them. For example, if a guest needs a towel, a hotel robot will arrive in time and get it for him/her. As the robot is silent and quiet, a guest doesn’t have to talk to the robot or leave a tip(小费). So it ………..(drops/saves) a lot of trouble.


At night, the hotel robots will clean up and sweep up the room and corridor(走廊) in silence. It will not ………….(cause/affect) guests’ sleeping. By sunrise, the robot will show up and give off alarm to wake up guests who need to get up early. And hotel robot will also remind guests to bring an umbrella when the weather is bad.

(        ) 16. The robot is able to predict weather.

(        ) 17. The hotel robots can carry things for guests without asking for a tip.


We think animals run quickly but plants can’t move. We are wrong. For some trees that do not stand Global Warming, they ...............(might/could/should/must) “walk” to higher mountains. When animals eat their fruit, animals will move to higher mountains when the temperature is going higher, so are the seeds(种子) in theirshit! The journey is slow but steady(稳定的).


Communication among trees is interesting. When a farmer is ………..(cutting off/ cutting out/cutting down) a tree, other trees are under pressure too, because they receive warnings(警告) from the dying tree. The death of a mother tree doesn’t mean she is not useful. Before her death, she will ………….(give out/hand out) all the nutrition(营养) to other young trees so that they could continue grow.


(       ) 18. Mother tree takes care of the young trees.

(       ) 19. Trees can neither move nor communicate.

(       ) 20. Trees depend on each other.

89               alone / lonely / well / terrible

Experts used to believe kids from a rich family are cleverer than children from a poor family. When they enter school, rich kids understand 3,000 more words than poor kids. But it’s not true, some kids from poor families also learn …………


Now experts believe the development of brain depend on how much kids communicate with parents. Because rich parents have time to talk to their babies, their brain develops fast. As poor parents spend more time working, so their kids are ……….. As a result, less communication causes less development of their brain.

(        ) 22. It’s important to be born in a rich family.

92          consider / complete / compete / compare / control / continue

People are now living in Smart House. When the sun rises, the curtain will ………

(open/drop) automatically(自动地). When the sun sets, you ………..…….(needn’t/

/mustn’t) turn on the light. Besides, TV, fridge, air conditioner, and everything is ……………… by your iPhone. The development of science has made everything easier and quicker, and also made us …………..(lazy).

(        ) 25. Science has changed our lifestyle.

(        ) 26. Smart House causes us trouble.


Compared with the life on the Earth, life on International Space Station is very different. The loss of gravity(失重) will make everything difficult. Your eyes tell you that you are standing, but your ears tell you everything is falling apart. You feel sick all the time and your stomach doesn’t digest(消化) food. 


In order to sleep well, you …………(could/must) fix yourself into the sleeping bag on the wall, or you will fly away asleep and get hit on the head. You can’t drink water in a cup, because the water will fly and you will breathe it. You must put your pen into a pencil box, or the pen will fly and hurt your eyes.


In the morning or in the evening, you must do exercise. Your muscles(肌肉) are used to the gravity(重力) on earth, so the loss of gravity will make your muscles weak. When you return to earth, you will not stand or run anymore if you stop doing sports, and your arms can’t carry heavy things without doing sports.

(        ) 31. Doing sports will make your muscles strong.

(        ) 32. You should put everything in a mess in space station.

(        ) 33. You probably get a stomachache in space station.



