
Wings of Fire Series 1-8 - 火翼飞龙Tui.T.Sutherland
Product Details
Age Range: 8 - 12 years
Grade Level: 3 - 7
Series: Wings of Fire
Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks


图伊·萨瑟兰(Tui T.Sutherland),当今世界最畅销童书作家之一,被誉为可媲美J.K.罗琳的奇幻文学女作家。作品包括“猫武士”系列、“灵兽”系列、“火翼飞龙”系列等。
Wings of Fire series
Wings of Fire 1: The Dragonet Prophecy  (July 1, 2012))
Wings of Fire 2: The Lost Heir (January 1, 2013)
Wings of Fire 3: The Hidden Kingdom (May 28, 2013)
Wings of Fire 4: The Dark Secret  (October 29, 2013)
Wings of Fire 5: The Brightest Night (March 25, 2014)
Wings of Fire 6: Moon Rising (December 30, 2014)
Wings of Fire 7: Winter Turning  (June 30, 2015)
Wings of Fire 8: Escaping Peril (December 29, 2015)
Wings of Fire 9: Talons of Power (December 27, 2016)
Wings of Fire 10: Darkness of Dragons (June 27, 2017)


Yeah I guess



I wish I had animus powers

听友446482115 回复 @末祁Aurora

You won't be evil unless you do evil things.It's not just because of animus power.

New_Bee 回复 @Wendy的音频

This is moon


Does anyone else feel hollowed out that winter loves moon so much but can’t even convince himself 😩😔😞💔💔💔


Oh my god,Winter is so good looking.And I have read all the books in the series.

1234窝头 回复 @Nataliechu

Is anyone else a warrior fan ?

Kelly2169 回复 @Nataliechu

How much Money is the wings of fire books?

HELLSLA 回复 @Nataliechu

Winter is cold to Moonwatcher, but winter gets used to after ward.I don’t like winter actually.


Well, I'm a NightWing, for sure, because of my personality, so you guys can search those things on other websites to know which tribe you belong to, and have a "Wings Of Fire" name, like me, I'll be Shadowclaws. What do you guys think?

kele哈哈哈 回复 @桃雨花溪

You just search “Wings of Fire tribe test” in any search engine, and I think there will be plenty tests for you to try. You can try two or three times in different websites, in case some of them is wrong.

kele哈哈哈 回复 @Denaloss

You just search “Wings of Fire tribe test” in any search engine, and I think there will be plenty tests for you to try. You can try two or three times in different websites, in case some of them is wrong.

CatsOnMars 回复 @kele哈哈哈

I would be an IceWing named Khione (Khione is the Greek goddess of snow :D)


I like Moon, Quibli, Turtle, Sunny, Clay, Kinkajou, Glory, Starflight, Tsunami, and Peril. Those are just to name a few.

Nominations 回复 @苏KloveU

I like Darkstalker too

886x91770m855 回复 @1573826

I like clay

Moonlightgazer 回复 @1573826

You live in America???!!!!!!!