
The Land of Stories 1  - Chris Colfer - Audiobook有声书音频 MP3

Age Range: 8 and up 

Written by: Chris Colfer

Narrated by: Chris Colfer

Grade Level: 3 - 7

这个故事里的主角是一对双胞胎兄妹——Alex and Conner,两个小家伙从祖母那里得到了一本珍贵的童话书,却没有想到这本书引领着他们进入了一个奇幻的世界,在这里,童话故事都是真实存在的,并且,在这个充满魔法的世界里,那些孩子们平日里所熟知的童话并没有结束,而是继续进行着——小红帽有了她自己的王国;而灰姑娘已经快要做妈妈了。。。两个孩子想要在这个童话世界中找到回家的路,但是却必须面对邪恶的王后的阻挠,他们,能顺利回家吗?


keeper of the lost cities



If you like this story you should definitely listen to Whatever after!

37张语轩 回复 @Mia苏米娅

I love Whatever after I am a super big fan of Abby and Jonah So cool

1892688insr 回复 @ConnerBailey

Nice name

1889933nqri 回复 @Mia苏米娅

this is cool 😄



StoryLover 回复 @蜜蜜English

it will be awkward with their birth father and stepfather


Can anyone tell me more interesting audio books as interesting as this ? I don’t know what to listen now that this book is finished

StoryLover2 回复 @YukiQQ

where can i find the audio verison

柠夕Rose 回复 @ConnerBailey

The last ki d s on earth

柠夕Rose 回复 @ConnerBailey

Three typo


I wonder if Alex and Arthur are together in the end. It wasn't mentioned, and Arthur was supposed to have a beautiful qween as his wife.(I am just really wrapped up in the charactors in this book)


If every witch can control Alex, then why can't Hegeta reverse her curse?

1860668baqq 回复 @MatildaJ

Very nice adio you have there

1860668baqq 回复 @MatildaJ

Elliehjin said the company has not been contacted for further details on its investigation of its activities or any wrongdoing related in connection whereby a complaint has been filed against the company eee the company has been involved in the investigation of the matter in accordance to its legal

1860668baqq 回复 @MatildaJ

Ahosjcnaijscbiasu bausi nails Baku’s adiubcauidbcaidub aiu biddable adiubcauibcuiashciuqecbewuifbweiucbwiuebcweuicbweiucbiwubweiu