
3761. better/ ‘betə/ 
- adj.较好的;更好的【Relations between the two countries have never been better. 两国的关系从来没有像现在这么好过。】;(伤病)好转的,康复的【I hope you get better soon. 希望你早日康复。】;get better = to improve 改善【She's getting much better at pronouncing English words. 她的英语发音现在好多了。】;
- adv.更好地;较好地【They did much better in the second half of the game. 比赛的下半场他们的表现要出色得多。】;better still 干脆,何不 【Why don't you give her a call or, better still, go and see her? 你为何不打个电话给她,或者干脆亲自去找她?】;
- n. 更好的事物;较好者【He ran the 100 metres in 9.91 seconds, and I have not seen better this year. 他100米跑了9.91秒,我今年没有见过比这更好的成绩。】;更合适的举止;较令人满意的工作;更好的待遇【You shouldn't be so mean to your mother - she deserves better. 你不应该对你妈妈如此刻薄——她理应得到更好的对待。】;

3762. exist/ ig’zist/ v. 存在;实际上有【Poverty still exists in this country. 这个国家仍存在贫困现象。】;生存,生活;(艰难)存活【Few people can exist without water for more than a week. 很少有人能在断水的情况下活过一周。】;

3763. existence/ ig’zistəns/ n. 存在;【Many people question the existence of God. 很多人怀疑上帝是否真的存在。】;生活;生活方式【She has a miserable existence living with him. 和他生活在一起,她的日子苦不堪言。】

3764. gravity/ ‘græviti/ n. 重力,引力,地心引力【the laws of gravity 万有引力定律】;严重性 = seriousness 【I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. 我认为你没有明白局势的严重性。】

3765. instinct/ ‘instiŋkt/ n.本能;直觉;生性【All his instincts told him to stay near the car and wait for help. 他的直觉告诉他要呆在车旁、等待救援。/ Her first instinct was to run. 她的第一反应是逃跑。】;

3766. mass/ mæs/ adj.大量的;大规模的;大批的 【weapons of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器】;

- n. 大量;大批;众多【The forest is a mass of colour in autumn. 秋季的森林色彩斑斓。】;团,块,堆【The sauce was now a sticky mass at the bottom of the pan. 酱汁现在成了黏稠的一团,粘在平底锅锅底。】;the masses 群众,平民【He was popular with the rich but failed to win the support of the masses. 他很受贵族阶层的欢迎,但没有赢得民众的支持。】;

- v. 集中,聚集【Thousands of troops have massed along the border in preparation for an invasion. 数千大军已经集结在边境上,准备入侵】

3767. nephew/ ‘nevju:/ n.侄子,外甥【She has a nephew who is just ten years of age. 她有一个才10岁的侄子。】

3768. altitude/ ‘æltitju:d/ n. 海拔,海拔高度【We are currently flying at an altitude of 15,000 metres. 现在我们正在15000米的高度上飞行。】

3769. workman/ ‘wə:kmən/ n.工人,手艺人;工匠【The workmen who are fixing the windows have left their tools behind. 修理窗户的工人忘了带走他们的工具。】

3770. brake/ breik/ n. 刹车;闸,制动器【The driver suddenly put on his brakes. 司机突然踩了刹车。】;阻力;障碍 【High interest rates are a brake on the economy. 高利率阻碍了经济发展。】;v.刹住;刹车【He would drive very fast and brake hard at the last minute. 他总是开得飞快,然后在最后一刻再猛地刹车。】




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