



3901. entitle/ in’taitl/ v. 给予权利;使符合资格【Everyone should be entitled to a decent standard of living. 每个人都应有权享有体面的生活水平。】;给…命名,给…题名

3902. crack/ kræk/ v.(使)破裂;(使)裂开;(使)产生裂纹【I cracked my tooth as I fell. 我摔倒时把牙齿磕了一道裂缝。】;身心疲惫;神经崩溃;支持不住;崩溃,垮掉【Stress and overwork are causing teachers to crack (up). 压力和过度劳累使老师们身心疲惫。】;出现隔阂,出现问题;失败;非法侵入(计算机系统);解决(问题);破译【They cracked the code and read the secret message. 他们破译了密码,读取了密电。】;碰,撞,击【I cracked my head on/against the door. 我的头撞在门上。】;说俏皮话;开玩笑;说笑话【He's always cracking jokes. 他总爱说笑话。】;n.裂缝,缝隙;裂口;爆裂声;噼啪声;努力;尝试 = an attempt【It was her first crack at beating the record. 这是她第一次尝试破纪录。】;adj. 优秀的;顶呱呱的;第一流的【crack troops 精锐部队】

3903. gross/ grəus/ adj.&adv.总的,毛的;总共,全部【gross income 总收入 / gross weight 毛重】;adj.极其令人厌恶的,令人恶心的,令人不快的【"Oh, gross!" she said, looking at the flies buzzing above the piles of dirty plates. “呀,真恶心!”她看着在一堆堆脏盘子上方飞来飞去的苍蝇说道。】;(尤指违法行为)严重的,恶劣的,极端的,不能接受的【gross misconduct 严重渎职 / a gross violation of justice 严重违反公平】;v.总收入为,总共赚得,获得…毛利【The film has grossed over $200 million this year. 这部电影今年总收入超过了两亿美元。】;

3904. aviation/ˌeɪ.viˈeɪ.ʃən/ n.航空(学);飞行(术);航空工业【aviation fuel 航空燃料】

3905. lay/ lei/ v.放置,安放,平放【She laid the baby on the bed. 她把婴儿放在了床上。】;计划,研究(方法)【Even the best laid plans go wrong sometimes. 即使最周密的计划有时也会出错。】;产(卵);产(蛋)【Thousands of turtles drag themselves onto the beach and lay their eggs in the sand. 成千上万只海龟爬上海滩在沙子里产卵。】;与(某人)发生性关系 = have sex;押(赌注),为…打赌,对…下注【She won't get the job - I'd lay money on it! 她得不到那份工作——我敢打赌!】;声称,声明【Do you understand the seriousness of the charge that has been laid against you? 你知道对你的这项指控有多严重吗?】

3906. heap/ hi:p/ n.(凌乱的)一堆【a heap of rubbish 一堆垃圾】;v.堆积,使成堆【He heaped more food onto his plate. 他在他的盘子里堆了更多的食物。】

3907. origin/ ‘oridʒin/ n.起源,源头;起因;出生地【What is your country of origin? 你出生在哪个国家?】;(原)产地【The furniture was French in origin. 这家具产于法国。】

3908. original/ ə’ridʒənəl/ adj.起初的,原先的,最早的【Is this the original fireplace? 这是原先的壁炉吗?】;原作的,真迹的;独创的,有创意的,新颖的【original ideas 新颖的观点】;n.原版,原件,原稿;原作,真迹,真品

3909. much/ mΛtʃ/ 多(的),大量(的)【I like her very much. 我非常喜欢她。】;too much 多得不能应付【I can't take care of six children at my age - it's too much. 我这个年纪照顾不了6个孩子—太多了。】;a bit much 太过分,太不像话【I think it's a bit much for you to expect me to do all the cleaning. 想让我把所有清扫的活儿都干了—你是不是太过分了。】;pronoun.&adv. 优秀的事物;了不起,十分出色 ((something) of good quality) 【He's not much to look at, but he has a wonderful personality. 他长相不怎么好看,但性格很好。】

3910. panel/ ‘pænl/ n.(选定的)专家小组【The competition will be judged by a panel of experts. 这次竞赛将由一个专家小组来评判。】;嵌板,镶板【a beautiful old door with oak panels 一扇嵌有橡木板的漂亮的老式门】;仪表板;操纵台【a control panel 控制面板】;





