
2017-04-21 00:48:1802:53 10.5万

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Expenses Harry:Damn it, I'm running out of money again. I really need to balance my budget and handle my money better. Lily:You did spend too much,and most of the expense was kind of unnecessary. Harry:But I make it. Lily: Though, you don't have to spend every penny you make.



花销 我真的需要平衡预算并改善我的用钱方式了。I really need to balance my budget and handle my money better。 把你的信用卡给我,你花钱总是寅吃卯粮.Give me your credit cards.You're living beyond your means. 我想更好地控制我的开销。I want to control my spending better. 你需要更好地控制自己。You need to have more self-control. 你花钱太多了,而且大多数花费都是不太有必要的。


Life is too short to him who's always been saving money and not using it. 我必须得控制自己,因为我经常出去乱花钱。I have to control myself because I always go out and spend like crazy.


a.damn it, i am running out of money again.i really need to balance my budget and handle my money better. b.you did spend too much and most of the expense was kind of unnecessary. a.but i make it. b.though,you don't have to spend every penny you make. you could save some every month.like a lot of other people do. a.i work hard,so i deserve to enjoy,but that costs money. b.you should save in case of emergency.you need to have more self-control.what things did you spend your money on? a.the problem is that i have no idea.i didn't pay attention. b.let bygones be bygones.start saving right now.




You could save some every month, like a lot of other people do. Harry: I work hard so I deserve to enjoy, but that costs money. Lily: You should save in case of an emergency. You need to have more self-control. What things did you spend your money on? Harry: The problem is that I have no idea.



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