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A senior Chinese expert (middle) poses for a picture with local farmers after a harvest in a demonstration field of Chinese hybrid rice in Bubanza Province, Burundi, Jan. 13, 2019. (People’s Daily/Lyu Qiang)

Xi, leaders of Burundi, Sri Lanka discuss supporting each others' core interests

China stands ready to work with Burundi and Sri Lanka to support each other on each others' core interests, jointly uphold international fairness and justice and safeguard the interests of developing countries, President Xi Jinping said on Monday.

Xi made the remark in separate telephone conversations with Burundian President Evariste Ndayishimiye and Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

While talking with Ndayishimiye, Xi hailed the high-level development of bilateral ties and said the two countries have built solid political trust with fruitful cooperation in various fields and close coordination in international affairs.

The China-Burundi relationship has been an example of South-South cooperation, he said, adding that their mutual support and assistance in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic have strengthened their friendship.

Both countries should strengthen solidarity and cooperation, uphold independence and self-reliance and oppose external interference, Xi said.

He called on the two countries to strengthen exchanges in governance experience and the synergy of their development strategies to realize higher-level, mutually beneficial cooperation and shared development.

China supports Burundi's socioeconomic development and remains committed to advancing cooperation in the fields of infrastructure and agriculture, he said.

Ndayishimiye expressed congratulations on the centenary of the Communist Party of China and highly commended the Party's achievements in fighting poverty and the pandemic.

Calling Burundi and China good friends and brothers, he said his country firmly supports China's position on the Taiwan question and the issues related to Xinjiang and the South China Sea, and supports China's top legislature in adopting the decision on improving the electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

During his conversation with his Sri Lankan counterpart, Xi said China considers relations with Sri Lanka greatly important and stands ready to work with it to produce good planning for the strategic direction of the countries' relationship.

The country is willing to steadily advance bilateral cooperation on key projects and promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation so as to provide momentum for Sri Lanka's economic recovery and sustainable development, Xi said.

The Sri Lankan president highly praised the historic achievements of the CPC and congratulated the Party on the centenary of its founding.

He thanked China for its valuable support of his country, and he said Sri Lanka remains committed to strengthening coordination with China and resolutely supporting each other's position on their core interests.

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播报:Andrew Pasek











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