



1. Where does the man want to go?

A. The History Museum. B. The Donghu Park. C. The City Library.

2. What is the man's problem?

A. He has to move to a new city.

B. He has to meet many people.

C. He has to leave his friends.

3. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A trip.     B. A place of interest.  C. A kind of food.

4. What is wrong with the man?

A. He has a fever.   B. He has a cough.   C. He has a headache.

5. What color dress will the woman buy?

A. Red.     B. White.     C. Purple.




6. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Experienced drivers.

B. A terrible car accident.

C. Safe driving on the road.

7. When does the woman feel nervous?

A. A car cuts in at will.

B. A car is close behind her car,

C. A car turns without turn signals.


8. Where does Amanda want to spend her summer holiday?

A. In Beijing.

B. In New York,

C. In London.

9. What does Amanda's mother want her to do?

A. Learn about Chinese culture.

B. Look after her grandmother.

C. Offer some help on the farm.

10. Who did the man plan to go to London with?

A. His friends.

B. His mother.

C. His grandmother.


11. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a car shop.

B. In a car company.

C.In a car race.

12. What kind of car is Schumacher driving?

A. Ferrari 248F1.

B. Ferrari 284F1.

C. Maserati 248F1.

13. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The man is a boss of a big car company.

B. The man's company only sells Ferrari sports cars.

C. The man has chances to meet famous racing drivers.


14. What does the woman want to do?

A. Go hiking.

B. Go shopping.

C. Watch TV.

15. What will the speakers probably do first at Golden Temple?

A. Ride horses.

B. Go hiking.

C. Have a picnic.

16. What is the man's favorite food?

A. Chicken salad.

B. Hot dog.

C. Fruit.


17. What does the speaker ask the audience to do?

A. Sit in their seats quickly.

B. Show their tickets to the staff.

C. Turn down the sound on their phones.

18. What is allowed to take into the theater?

A. Popcorn.

B. Water.

C. Food.

19. How long is the break?

A.5 minutes,

B.10 minutes.

C.15 minutes.

20. How will the audience know when the break is over?

A. A bell will ring,

B. It will end at three 0 clock.

C. People in red jackets will tell them.



Text 1

M: Excuse me. Does this bus go to the History Museum?

W: Yes. You can get off at the Donghu Park and walk straight until you see the City Library.The museum is just opposite the library.

Text 2

W: Why are you moving to New York City?

M:I've got a new job in an international trading company there.

W:How fascinating! You can meet people from all over the world.

M: Yeah, but just one problem. I'll have to leave my friends behind.

Text 3

M: How's your trip to Beijing?

W: Wonderful! There are so many places of interest. And I really love the roast duck.Text 4

M: Doctor, I've been coughing since yesterday.

W :Do you have any other problems, like a headache or a fever?

M: No.

W:Let me check. I'll give you some medicine.

Text 5

W:Do you have this dress in other colors?

M: Well, they come in white, red and purple. Will a purple one do?

W: Yeah. That'll be nice. I'll take one.

Text 6

M:The traffic was really terrible this morning.

W: Why? Did anything in particular happen?

M:The car in front of me turned left with no turn signal . which almost caused an accident.People should pay attention to their driving behavior on the road.

W :Some people never use their turn signals. So others don't know what they plan to do.M:And some cars cut in at will.

W : Yes, these are very irresponsible acts. Some people like to drive close behind my car , which really makes me nervous.

M: They need to learn to respect other drivers and make sure of safety on the road.

Text 7

M: What's your plan for the summer holiday , Amanda?

W:I want to spend a month on my uncle's farm in New York. But my mother wishes me to go to Beijing ,China.

M: Why does she want you to go to Beijing? Does she want to travel round the city with you?

W:No. My mother is from China. She wants to send me to Beijing to live with my grand-mother , hoping the holiday will teach me a lot about Chinese culture.

M: Well,do you want to go there?

W:No. It's usually very hot in summer there. I just want to spend a relaxing summer at my uncle's.

M:So what will you do?

W:1 guess I'll tell my mother that I'll go to Beijing in the fall. It's usually very comfortable in Beijing then.

M: That sounds like a good idea!

W :So what's your plan for the summer?

M:I planned to go to London with some friends. But they 're not available. So I'll just stay in Los Angeles and do some part-time work.

Text 8

W: What kind of racing car is Schumacher driving? It is too far to see it clearly!

M:It is Ferrari 248F1 ,Miss.

W: Thank you! You must be F1 fans , right?

M:More or less. I am in fact an employee at Ferrari and Maserati Motor International Trade(Shanghai)Co. Ltd.

W :So you are working here. You said your company is the local agent of Ferrari just now ,didn't you?

M: Yes,our company often provides Ferrari sports cars. Apart from that, we also provide all kinds of parts and accessories for Ferrari and Maserati, and some after-sale services and .technical support,

W :Oh, no wonder you know Ferrari so much! You often have chances to meet some famous racing drivers ·right?

M: Sometimes! Meeting them is really exciting!

Text 9

W :Sam. what a beautiful day for hiking!

M: Yes.good idea. I don't have to sit in the living room watching soap operas,

W:Let's go. I want to enjoy the sunshine. Can you recommend somewhere to go hiking?

M:I suggest Golden Temple. I often go there for hiking. There are nice picnic tables and beautiful flowers as well,W:Great! What else can we do there?

M: You can ride horses at the foot of the mountain,

W:That's good. I can have a try.

M:Let's bring some food,shall we?

W: We have hot dogs. which is your favorite. We also have chicken salad . fruit and vegetables.M: Why not go for it?

Text 10

M: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Our show will begin in ten minutes. Please find your seats as quickly as possible. The people wearing red jackets will be happy to help you find your seats. Kindly turn off your cell phones. We don't want anything to take away from the performance. Also, we don' 't allow any photography inside the theater, and all out-side food and drinks besides water are not allowed, either. However, you are welcome to buy something from our café. We' ve got a great selection of beer and wine, too! The performance will last two hours, and that includes a 15-minute break in the middle. During the break, we ask that you stay inside the main waiting area just outside the theater doors. You will hear a bell about five minutes before it's time to go back to your seats, but if you' re outside, you may not hear it. Well, it's almost three o'clock, so let's get started !

答案:1-5 ACABC 6-10 CBBAA  11- 15 САCAB  16- 20 BAВCA



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