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Fred: Hi, Sabriya. So tell me, in Oman do you guys have the same culture, the same traditions as we do? Do you celebrate New Year's?

Sabriya: Yes, we do. It's not one of the big events known in Oman but we do celebrate New Year and we follow the same calendar as you guys do.

Fred: Oh, is that right? So, as New Year's is almost coming soon, do you have any New Year's Resolution?

Sabriya: Well, for the past maybe three or four years I've been trying to have different resolutions but I never manage to stick to them or keep them. However, this year, I think I've made my mind up on a resolution which I plan to keep and that is to limit or actually lessen my phone bill.

Fred: Lessen your phone bill. Wow. I can't imagine how big the phone bill was before if you want to change it.

Sabriya: Oh, my goodness it was so big. I mean, you know, you know how much I love talking on the phone so, yes, it was quite big and I intend to, you know, discipline myself a lot more. So what about you Fred?

Fred: What about my New Year's Resolution?

Sabriya: Yes.

Fred: Wow! My New Year's resolution... I would say more my New Year's resolutions. I have many, but I think I have to focus on one or two of them to make it happen, so number one, I think as many people out there, I would like to quit smoking.

Sabriya: Good for you.

Fred: Thank you very much.

Sabriya: Good for you.

Fred: Will you support me?

Sabriya: Definitely. No doubt about it. I will personally support you.

Fred: Thank you very much for all your support. I think it's gonna be very good for me. Not only because this is bad for my health, but you know, it's just something that I think will give me a lot of confidence if I'm able to to do this, to quit. I will say I am strong and confident in myself and I can do this. Now, my other New Year's resolution would be... I love my grandmother so much, but as I don't live close to her anymore, I feel that I'm losing a bit in my relationship with her, and so I would like to call her every week.

Sabriya: That is very sweet. That is so cute. I think that's something we should all have.

Fred: Thank you very much.

Sabriya: To have grandmothers and mothers and call them all the time.



Found a really good show.





简介:在一个野外的夜晚,一个叫link的勇者孤独地望着,逝去的四英杰,和那个在城堡 孤独压制灾厄的公主……