马云2017年多伦多Gateway17 演讲 (附带文稿)

2018-11-29 08:00:04 8236

前言:上周一,阿里巴巴在加拿大多伦多举办 Gateway' 17中小企业论坛,吸引了3000多加拿大及华人的中小企业前来参加。直到峰会前的2个星期,票已经全部卖光。据报道称,当天多伦多市中心的酒店都被预定光了。包括小编自己也是凌晨4点就踏上了飞奔去多伦多的路程。


Speaking from Toronto's Exhibition Placeat the Gateway 17 conference organized by his company, Mr. Ma was joined on stage by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in front of 3, 500 attendees for a simulated "fireside chat" hosted by Canadian entrepreneur and reality-TV personality Michele Romanow.

据 "多伦多国家展览厅" 也就是举办这场 "Gateway '17峰会"的组织透露, 这次的演讲是由马云和加拿大总理Justin Trudeau在3, 500人的面前的一次模拟的炉边对话. 是由加拿大财经实际主持人Michele Romanow主持的.

- Gateway: 通道, 连接, 途径. 这里指 "这次峰会意为连接加拿大与中国中小企业和消费群体"
小编在这里摘录了10段精彩语录, 与大家分享~

1. 坚信"失败"才最值得学习

The thing I feel most thankful is all the mistakes, all the refusesthat I got, coz without that, there will never be Alibaba. In the past 18 years, everyday we made mistakes. Everyday, we were rejected. I think being rejected, being refused by people, that is very natural. I encouraging all the young people, entrepreneurs to learn from the mistakes.

我感到最庆幸的一件事是, 所有犯过的错误, 所有的拒绝. 因为如果没有这些错误和拒绝, 就永远都不会有“阿里巴巴”. 在过去的18年里, 每一天我们都在犯错误. 每一天我们都会被拒绝. 我认为, 被拒绝是一件很正常的事情.我鼓励所有的年轻人, 企业家去学习. 从错误中学习.

2. 马云自认阿里巴巴是小公司, 因为阿里巴巴有的是:梦想

The difference between big company and small company, is not about revenue, it’s about the dream. The small companies have the dream. Most of the big companies, when they get to certain size, they only have KPI

大公司和小公司的区别不是关于收入, 而是关于梦想.小公司有的是梦想. 而对于大多数的大公司来说, 当他们增长到一定的规模的时候, 他们只有企业关键绩效指标.

3. 坚持你的梦想

You have to believe the future; you have to continue to the future; you have to stay focused. As I said to myself, early days, if there are 9 rabbits on the ground. If You wanna catch the rabbit, don’t change the rabbit, change yourself, stick toone rabbit. If you have a dream, stick to the dream. That is what I believe.

你必须得相信未来. 你必须持续相信未来. 你必须保持专注. 就像我对我自己说的, 就在前几天, 如果地上有9只兔子, 你想抓住一只. 不要去改变兔子, 改变你自己. 坚守住这一只兔子. 如果你有梦想, 坚持你的梦想. 这就是我所坚信的

4. 不抱怨

So, stay full! Stay foolish to your dream, and continue to fight! So, this is what we did as an entrepreneur. We never complain. When people complain, the opportunity comes. So, if you can solve the complains, that is your opportunity. So, when I talk to entrepreneurs, I feel excited. When I siting there, listen to entrepreneur talk, I feel inspired; I feel we are the same animal.

所以, 继续当你自己的傻瓜. 不要在乎别人的看法, 面对自己的梦想, 请继续做个傻瓜, 然后不要停止战斗. 所以说, 这是我们作为一个企业家应该做的. 我们从不抱怨. 当人们抱怨的时候, 几乎就来了. 所以,如果你能解决这些抱怨的话, 这就是你的机会. 所以说, 当我跟创业者们聊天的时候, 我感到非常激动. 但我坐在那里, 听创业者讲话的时候, 我觉得很受启发, 我觉得我们是一类人.

5. "Stay foolish to your dream"

You will learn the attitudes towards these mistakes, and never give up, fighting again. Of course it’s very painful way you are rejected or you are refused. I went down all around to look for money. Nobody gave us money. I also went all around for partnership. Nobody believed small business and e-commerce in China would work. I was very painful that days, and when I saw one movie called <>. I loved that movie, especially that sentence said “Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what’s gonna get next.” So, stay full! Stay foolish to your dream, and continue to fight!

那段时间的我非常难过, 知道我看了一部叫做<<阿甘正传>> 的电影. 你会学到如何面对这些失误的态度. 那就是, 永不放弃, 然后继续奋斗. 当然被拒绝, 被回绝是一条很痛苦的道路. 我到处去寻找资金. 没有人给我们资金. 我也到场去寻找合作. 没有人相信小公司, 电商在中国会发展起来能够运作起来. 我非常喜欢那部电影, 尤其是有一句说到“生活就像一盒巧克力, 你永远不会知道下一个拿到的是什么.” 所以, 继续当你自己的傻瓜. 不要在乎别人的看法, 面对自己的梦想, 请继续做个傻瓜, 然后不要停止战斗.

6. 淘宝初期的自我消费

We said, “If there’s no infrastructure, let’s build it. No credited system, let’s build it.” That’s is why we need entrepreneurs. I remember when we launched the Taobao, was funny, we thought we would gonna have a large company in about one month. But For the first 5 day, nobody came here, even shopping. So, the seven collage employees in my apartment, we had to buy ourselves. He sell, I buy. And the first month, somebody came to sell. No matter what you sell, we buy them. The seller was “Wow, these things really can be able to sell.” So more people came to sell, so bought a whole house of things that are garbage. There’s no use, but at least we build up the trust.

我们说, “如果没有基础设施, 那我们就建一个. 如果我们没有信用制度, 那我们就建一个.” 这就是为什么我们需要创业者. 我记得当我们创立淘宝的时候, 很有意思, 我们以为我们将会在一个月之内成为一家大公司. 在最开始的5天, 没有人来淘宝购物. 所以, 在我公寓里的7个同事, 我们不得不自我消费. 他卖了, 我买了. 第一个月, 有人来淘宝卖东西. 不管卖什么, 我们都买. 卖家就会想“哇~这些东西真的是可以卖的” 所以更多的人就会来淘宝卖东西. 所以我们也买了一整屋子没有用的东西.

7. 三次科技革命

The first technology revolutions, the second technology revolution. The first technology revolution release the human bodies. Right? So we know the machines were more powerful than human-beings. The second technology revolution release the human distance, the planes, the airplanes, the trains. But this technology revolution release the human brains.

第一次的科技革命, 第二次科技革命. 第一次的科技革命解放了人们的身体. 对吧? 所以我们知道了机器比人类更加强壮. 第二次的科技革命解放了人与人之间的距离, 比如说飞机, 火车. 但是, 这一次的科技革命, 它解放了人类的大脑

8. 科技革命的前20年, 后30年

This is what we believe. And also I would say: in every technology revolution takes by the 50 years. The first 20 years is about technology, and the last 30 year was about implication, application of all the technology. Electricity was not invented in America, was in Europe, but America made it big. Cars were not invented in the USA, but USA using cars to make their country on the wheels.

这就是我们所相信的. 我还想说, 每一个科技革命都需要经历50年. 前20年是关于科技本身的. 而之后的30年是关于如何应用所有的科技. 电不是在美国被发现的, 是在欧洲. 但是是美国人把它做大. 汽车也不是在美国被发明的, 但是美国运用汽车来使他们的国家变的更佳方便.

9. 小公司要抓住机会

So, the other thing is for these technologies comes. everybody be careful. It’s a challenge for big companies. It is the opportunities for small business. Because big companies, they’ve been there for like 15 20 years. very successful, they wanna protect. For us, small business, we have nothing to lose. So, we learn from scratches.

所以, 当这些科技技术到来的时候有一件事情要注意: 每一个人都要注意. 对大公司而言, 这会是挑战. 对于小公司而言, 这会是机遇. 因为大公司, 他们已经做了15,20年了. 非常成功, 所以他们最想做的是“保护”. 对于我们, 小型企业, 我们没有什么可以损失的. 所以, 我们要从挫折中学习

10. 我们, 中国人, 一直在学习

Never too late to learn to that. Internet is just the beginning. E-commerce is just a beginning. The good thing about young people is that. We always keep learning. One of the reason, people say “what’s the secret of China grow so fast”. One of the things that: We, Chinese, learn very fast in the past 30 years.

永远都不会太晚去学习. 互联网才只是一个开端而已. 电商也只是一个开端. 年轻人的一个优点就是. 我们永远都在学. 其中一个原因, 人们问, “中国发展这么迅速的原因是什么?” 其中一个原因是: 我们, 中国人, 在过去的30年里学习了很多

这次Gateway '17峰会可谓是吸引了许多加拿大中小企业, 以及媒体的眼光.

就连加拿大总理Justin Trudeau, 人称 "小土豆"在峰会期间, 都在Facebook上替马云打了广告:

At #Gateway17 with @BardishKW and Alibaba's Jack Ma takling about how Canadian small businesses can prosperin the Chinese market.

在Gateway '17峰会上, 跟Bardish KW 和阿里巴巴的马云聊怎样让加拿大中小型企业在中国市场上繁荣昌盛起来.

- prosper: 繁荣, 昌盛
"小土豆"在峰会上表示, 中国将会是一个巨大的市场.

"I think Canadian businesses have been very lucky for a long time to have a really big market directly to our south," Mr. Trudeau said. "We now need to look at being bolder, less modest, less quiet ... even though [China's ] further physically, what Alibaba means, what the internet means, is it's really not that far in terms of finding your customers."

我认为加拿大商业已经很幸运拥有直接来自我们南边邻居的市场. 特鲁多先生提到 "我们现在需要做的是大胆一点, 谦逊少一点, 内敛少一点. 阿里巴巴所表达的是, 互联网所表达的是: 对于找到你的销售群体这件事情上, 一点都不远."

- bold: 大胆

- modest: 谦虚

"The Globe and Mail"的著名记者 Shane Dingman在文章中是这么形容马云的演讲的:

Reeling offan arrayof statistics about the strong appetite for foreign products among the growing Chinese middle class -- some 350 million citizens now and potentially hitting 500 million after 2020 -Mr. Ma was stark about both the opportunity and the cost of missing out: "If you cannot do business with the Chinese, it will be difficult to do business with any other country."

我们给大家做一组数据来让大家感受一下中国的中产阶级对于海外产品的日益喜爱. -- 中国现在有3亿5千人的客户群体, 甚至到2020年有潜在的5亿客户群体 -- 马云非常确定这是我们可能会错过的机会: "如果你没办法跟中国人做生意, 那么你跟其他民族做生意会更难的."

- reel off: 流利的讲出

- array:数组


























Evan Tang丨加拿大多伦多地产

