Effortless English - Intro


Imagine the best new ideas and research from experts all over the world used in a totally new kind of English lesson. Wouldn’t that be exciting? Well, that is exactly what we did.

The System is totally different. The old study methods you used in the past are boring compared to this program.You have never used English lessons like these!



简介:Argue in archaeology, buzz in biology, chat over coffee, dream in divinity, explore economics, frolic in forensics, gambol in geology, hasten to health, investigate Iberia, jog in jurisprudence, kip in kinetics, linger in linguistics, mountaineer in mathematics, navigate neurology, orbit in ophthalmology, ponder in philosophy, quest in quotations, rave in revolutions, shelter in seismology, tango in technology, uncover universes, veg-out under volcanoes, walk on the wild side, yodel in yoga, zip through zoology...
