04 The Marquis of Evremonde(2)

2015-04-30 22:40:22 5万

  'I can't understand, ' he said coldly, 'why you people cannot take care of yourselves and your children. I hope my horses are not hurt.' And he threw a gold coin to his driver. ' Give this to that man!'
  'Dead!'shouted the father of the child again.
  Another man came forward. 'Be brave, Gaspard. Your child has died quickly, and without pain. It is better to die like that than to go on living in these terrible times.'
  'You are a sensible man, ' said the Marquis from his coach.
  'What is your name'
  'They call me Defarge.'
  'This is for you, ' said the Marquis, and he threw Defarge another gold coin. 'Drive on, ' he called to his driver.
Just as the coach was leaving, a coin was thrown back in through the window. The Marquis looked angrily at the corner where Defarge had been standing. Defarge had gone. 
At the corner there now stood a large, dark-haired woman, knitting. She stared long and hard at the face of the Marquis, but he did not look at her, and drove on.




